CTF-ValleyOfTheW00ts | | Map Info |
| | File Name | ctf-valleyofthew00ts.zip | Author | Ironblayde | Gametype | UT Capture the Flag | Date Added | 04-25-2006 | File Version | 1.00 | File Size | 2.68 mb | Player Count | 8-12 | Map Description | This is my second entry in SabbathCat's Extreme w00t Mapping Challenge. You must have Bonus Pack 4 installed to run this map. If you have the Game of the Year edition, you should be good to go. Most people with the original version of the game should also have this pack installed, but if you don't, you can find it under Official Downloads at download.beyondunreal.com.
I've never done anything with terrain before (aside from a very simple brush in the skybox of one map), so I started playing around with it more or less at random. A couple hours later, I had a vaguely canyon-shaped object and realized I could make a w00t map out of it. Unfortunately the deadline for Sabby's contest was just around the corner, so I hammered this out in four days. If you find any errors or just think it sucks, now you know the reason!
Still, I think it came out quite well. In deference to the rules of the contest I've left the center area rather open and required that players pass through it on a flag run, but this map still has a lot more cover and indoor routes than is typical for a w00t map, so give it a chance even if you hate w00tabulous. :) | Review Rating | -- | User Rating | -- | Overall Rating | -- |
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| | Map Comments |
| Kantham 04-27-2006 10:42 PM MDT | | looking great 'I', going to give it a go.