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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added08-18-2005
File Version2.00
File Size7.45 mb
Player Count2
Map DescriptionDescription:
The second edition of DM-1on1-Orphanage (Hotlist ^_^).The title was too long, so I decided to change it a bit. The new version of map distinguishes from the older one by the totally changed lighting and colour spectrum. Also I have added a couple of new rooms.

Icy tears are falling from the skies, washing away the dust from ancient walls, but nothing can wash away the blood of the lost children. Much time has passed but the souls of the dead are immortal and only the people have forfeited the memory of the years when cruelty and lust prevailed. Much is hidden in the ancient orphanage once enveloped in gossips and now entangled by cobwebs. Do not cry when you find some little graves in the yard - better take care of those who reside now in a dark house, just across the road.
Review Rating --
User Rating8.5
Overall Rating --


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Map Comments

08-18-2005 06:45 AM MDT
Ohhhh! D/L-ing!

08-18-2005 08:54 AM MDT
Rating: 10 
If you ask me, this is another quality stuff. It looks and play very well, the frame rates are not the best but still, alot of work from the author. Which is (i must admit) one of the most decent mapper i know here on nc3

PS: love the skybox.

08-18-2005 12:01 PM MDT
Rating: 9.5 
Well, what can I say? :)
To begin with, this map impressed me much more than Orphanage. Its gameflow has improved a lot, as well as visuals and sound FX. New colours save a previous atmosphere but add some new feelings.
Addition of a new space was definetely a good idea. But in this new area I have found strange steps with "bubbles" (a default texture). Maybe it is only my problem, we'll see ;)
I liked a lonely flower in a corner - it looks very cool there. The fireplace also looks (and sounds) well, except the sharp stone edges. In my mind, stone cannot have sharp parts at all. But this is a kind of fault-finding %)
FPS seems to be at least as high as in Orphanage. Or even higher.

So, map is brilliant and surely worth downloading. The best VoodariuS' work as yet.

08-18-2005 02:15 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
I downloaded it thinking it was a new map using the Orphanage theme...
It looks a bit like Addien, but the atmosphere is great (although the rankinish lamps and the over-grey lighting hold it down), and gameplay is better now. I did not get stuck in this one and the new zones and placement have been a good change. There are still a lot of ornaments that could affect the gameplay though.
I thought for a moment the fire emitter was a teleporter... :D

08-20-2005 02:20 AM MDT
Rating: 9 
In all seriousness, this is a very worthwhile improvement to an already outstanding map. Many issues in the original have been addressed, with excellent results. I won't say too much, as I hope you have already played Orphanage, and this update adds more color, balance, and scope to the project. My favorite aspect, the haunting theme, remains intact, and is enhanced especially by the very creepy flower growing out of the rubble. Take it as symbolism, if you will...

Point is, my original score is going up 1.5 points. This is a masterpiece of atmosphere that also encorporates great gameplay that manages to flow smoothly depite appearing detailed and rough. Only criticism: The ray-of-light mesh shines though one hole in the ceiling. Cool, but what about the other holes right next to it that don't have light shining through?

You know that if THAT is my worst criticism, we have something great here. Download, my comrades!

08-19-2005 06:07 AM MDT
Rating: 7 
Nice construction but gameplay is not good, and lights is very dark.

08-19-2005 08:57 PM MDT
Rating: 9 
The previous version was more atmospheric, all these flowers, candles etc. look too optimistic for the chosen theme imho :)

08-20-2005 10:59 AM MDT
Rating: 9.5 
This map rocks. I was blown away by orghanage and this is better. The improvements are noticeable right off. The sheild is way tougher to get to and the overall weapon layout is improved. I like the extra space, it's no longer so cramped and these bots are still freaking vicious. Yeah, it seems to have lost a bit of the atmosphere, it's not as grungy as it was which is a bit of a loss because Orphanage was just plain scary. I can dig the flowers cause that's a clear statement but the candles didn't work for me. I gave the original map an 8 and said that with a few changes this one would deserve to be MOTM. I still think so.

D/L now. hurry.

08-20-2005 07:13 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
It's a good map for gameplay. The only problem I had with it is that the metal trim on the outdoor stairs must be using a hardware render which isn't supported by my (crappy) graphics card. If there was a fallback material on that it would have made the map perfect.

Nice layout............

Wesley "Boreas" van Dijk
09-17-2005 11:15 AM MDT
Rating: 9 
Dude... I'm like... blown away by this. Best atmosphere in any DM map I have seen so far, combined with excellent gameplay. Only two things slightly bother me in this map: the rocket launcher seems a bit too dominant, and dark skinned players have a huge advantage. Doesn't keep my score from being high though :D

09-17-2005 04:48 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
yea me likes :)

09-18-2005 04:08 PM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
Definite improvement from Orphanage, but the map is still to small, and not all weapons are present. If you don't like LG or Link - fine, but you should still include them for other players. And yes, even lightning gun would be useful here.

09-18-2005 08:09 PM MDT
You have to play the level as it is delivered. If this means no link or LG, than so be it - A player should be able to win with or without his favorite weapon.

A level isn't sub-par just because it doesn't have all weapons in it, neither should that cost it points, just because some people miss their fav weapons.

09-18-2005 11:22 PM MDT
Rating: 10 
Excellent atmosphere! Nice gameplay. Worth to download.

09-27-2005 08:18 AM MDT
Rating: 9 
This one really made me feel like I was playing a next gen game, i.e. Q4 and/or UT07, especially with the brightness down a bit. Turning the brightness up showed off some of the detail flaws of the UT engine in general (still looked great though), but lowering it down a bit put all the hard edges into the shadows, and really showed off the spectacular lighting and detail. Thanks!

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