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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added08-02-2005
File Version1.00
File Size6.18 mb
Player Count2 - 4
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating --
User Rating7.5
Overall Rating --


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Map Comments

08-02-2005 05:42 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
Good gameplay revisited....

08-04-2005 07:10 PM MDT
Rating: 7 
I really like this map for a lot of reasons:
Good reasons:
1. It has really good lighting, the lighting is very important in maps.
2.Very good optimization! It went fast, and that says alot because my video card sucks!
3.The bot I fought was very aggressive at first, and he was only a Skilled dificulty.
4.I like the space base theme, it makes it feel bigger than it is.
5. The name is also cool too.

Some of the Downsides:
1. You scared me a bit when I saw the Assault Rifle on a pickupbase. Then I noticed that it's actually not such a bad idea because it gives you another rifle!
2. Some of the weapon placements were strange to me, like the Sniper Rifle for example. 1st you shouldn't put a Sniper Rifle in unless you have a place to snipe from. (It's kinda dumb to just run around with a slow firing sniper rifle.) 2nd, you shouldn't have it in unless the map was DM, not 1on1. Why you might ask? Well, first off, I think I speak for all of us here at NC when i saw that we don't wanna stand there and only shoot 1 bot or whatever over and over just sitting there waiting. If the map had more players and a place to snipe from, that it would be better.
3. I also noticed that that you could have added more blocking volumes in, like by the grates and stuff, but that's not that important.
4.The map seemed a little big for 1on1, maybe 2 bots instead.
5. The last thing I want to add is that the places you cant go are a little empty, like outside where the Human Space Fighters are. That's not that important much either, but I'm in the mood to type obviously. I'm writing as much as a reviewer would!

Anyways, please check out my weirdo jungle map DOM-Anasazi and DM-Anasazi.

I'm talkin about the grating decorations, but nevermind, they're just fine. Also the outside doesn't need much detail, the map would go slower if it did (unless you used just staic to decorate it with).

08-05-2005 05:00 AM MDT
Rating: 8 
The best map in the map pack imho, and surely one of the best DM I've seen for 2k4.

@goldfenix : the weapon placement respects the original, so no weapon has moved (I guess...), and the Assault Rifle replaces the Ripper.

Anyway, great map but I think it's a little too 'brown' compared too the original. :)

08-04-2005 02:38 PM MDT
thanks you all for your comments.

goldfix the weapon layout is from the original, assault rifle replaces the ripper. the sniper can be used form various points such as the R/L & over looking the flak, with such open spaces the rifle is a asset to the map and a hardcore 1on1 player. The map does player well with 1on1, but i prefer 4 players myself. the outside areas didn't have much point adding any deco as it would hinder performance and not many people would see it all. These grills you speak of, where are they? the only things i can think of is the glass panels etc.

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