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Map Info

GametypeUT Domination
Date Added11-20-2004
File Version1.00
File Size3.21 mb
Player Count8-14
Map DescriptionNot Just a Update . I rebuild 50 % of the map . a lot of littles problems are fixed :
- fps on slow pc
- better lightning
- better botpathing
- some new rooms
- better connectivity between points with the help of teleporter .
- new music
- some new texture
- Lava pit rebuilded
- better skybox
enjoy !!!
Review Rating6.5
User Rating8
Overall Rating7.5


ReviewerArcadiaVincennesAwe Score: 2.0/3
Date12-17-2004Build Score: 2.5/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 2.0/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 7.5/10

DOM-Hellfire2 (UT)

The map takes its name more from only one section rather than the gestalt of it with fire/lava being concentrated in two areas. However don't let that stop you from taking a look at this one becasue, although it has its issues, it's a good play for a DOM map.

AWE: 2.0

The lighting in hellfire is a little bland/ambiant overall. Most of the lighting is decently done with some areas that area little too dark but there aren't many of these. The lighting does vary a bit, which is nice to see, but, paticularly in the rounded corridors, is too even to be very interesting.
The textures are well-implemented with a nice varitey yet keeping with the overall theme. The rounded areas seemed a little too different from the true 'HellFire' areas but they did still fit together enough to be plausible. They are pretty well aligned with decent trim. The weapon bases and teleporters have custom effects which are a nice change. The weapon bases have a nice emitter effect on them and the teleporters look very different. I don't think the yellow in them matches the map very well but the movement and particles do. There is also a custom music track which is okay but doesn't really move me.
The architecture here is really nice with interesting curved, circular areas with extruded beams/supports that extend 360° around the side, floors, and ceilings of the coridors yet do not hinder movement. Well done. Some of the other architecture is the mostly rusted metal theme which is all too common with UT but it's used largely in one DOM area so it doesn't overpower the map with consistant blandness. Then there's the hellfire areas with good lava spew effects and a decent looking lava.
Overall the theme is a little rough but it does work together well enough. A little more distinct lighting, a little better sewing together of theme/areas, and a revision of the rusty metal textures would really have made this pop more visually.

BUILD: 2.5

The build is very competantly assembled with well executed complicated BSP work. The lift is well triggered although the drop is such that I don't think the ascend trigger for the top is necessary. In fact it made me wait for the lift and it's a good thinig that the top is a dead-end otherwise I would have been faced with the threat of standing still waiting for the lift while open to being attacked. The teleporters worked fine and actually had a custom sound attached to it which, in my opinion, didn't really fit very well with the theme. It was a little more, um, electronic? than it should have been. The lava had a nice fire sound attached to it and the main room at the center DOM point under the open sky had a nice wind sound in the area. The round curved corridors could really have used some ambiant sound. layering the ambiant sounds more would have helped the ambiance a lot.
Altogether, the map is very well constructed with just some sound issues holding back the score.

CAST: 2.0

The gameplay here is quite nice. There's some nice z-axis in a few areas, particularly the center DOM point which is raised above the floor on a pedastal? accessible only by a ramp and/or a jump from the high ramps overlooking the central area. The curved corridors lead gently up from the center area to the access point for another DOM point which is enclosed in a small windowed room accessible only by a lift. Overtaking even a single defender at this DOM point can be quite difficult sometimes. But I like a challenge. Finally, on the opposite side of the central area, ramps take you down to the lava and then a narrow series of ramps ascend the map against the wall, around the room, and up to one of the other DOM points access point. This point is stationed on a platform above more lava with another exit leading away towards a corridor that leads back tot he center DOM point. Each of these DOM points were fun to attack/defend. The central one is completely open but is a challenge to reach due to it's position on the pedastal. The DOM point in the small room is a challenege because, well, it's in a single entrance/exit room with only a lift for access. And the other DOM point is a challenge because a mis-step can lead to a firey death. Getting from point to point is a little more work than I'm used to however because there are muliple layers and routes everywhere. Sometimes, getting used to the layout, I made a very ciruitous route to get to the DOM point I wanted to get to so it takes a little effort to learn what will lead where.
The bots go pretty much everywhere but tend to concentrate in the central area, the curved corridors, and the lower lava area.
The weapon layout is pretty good overall. The shieldbelt is placed on narrow beams/floor overhanging the lower lava area and is a good risk/reward. I think it would have been better placed all the way against the wall rather than halfway to it, but I'm not complaining too much. The redeemer and keg of health were not so creatively placed, however. They are both in back of the two teleporters on custom pickup bases and the only risk reward is taking a few extra seconds to gather them but there's no threat. Finally, the Damage Amp is located high up above the shield belt in the rafters/columns surrounding the upper part of the lower lava area. This is placed too close to the shield belt, I never saw the bots go fter it, and I couldn't get it myself except by impact hammer jumping.
Good gameplay is never far away in this map. There are some downsides in terms of items location and sometimes limited access points but overall this map satisfies.

In conclusion, a creative DOM level wih fun DOM points. Texturing and lighting may be a little bland in some areas but overall they work well together. Some dubious pickup locations mar the gameplay but only slightly. Better ambiant sound work would have rounded out the map nicely. A good map to have for the DOM lovers and worth a visit for the rest of us. It may not stay on some people's hard drive long but they'll have fun with it while it's there.

Map Comments

Sergeant Todd
11-21-2004 09:59 AM MST
Rating: 9 
Polished, smooth and extremely playable. Very nice.

11-21-2004 04:39 PM MST
Rating: 8 
Brilliant still one of the best DOM maps I have played recently. Nice tweaks and i like the new skybox, its purdy! I am also glad you got rid of that horrible lift in favor of those ramps.

11-22-2004 10:08 PM MST
Rating: 7.5 
Looks like pretty nice

Drunken Peamole
12-17-2004 08:43 PM MST
Rating: 7.5 
Good map!
TWO Questions.

Where is DA friggen the HELL?
And where is DA friggen FIRE?

DOM maps are full of action but can get boring after an extended period of time.


12-18-2004 12:27 AM MST
Hellfire is the name of planet where the maps is .
thanks for your comments guys !
OMG ! big thanks to Arcadia for the good review !!

04-24-2005 11:22 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
Nice Dom map. Not too big, not too small. Very playable. I like the larger maps because I agree Dom can get old quicker then DM. Exploring helpes keep them interesting.

The architecture and design are sweet.

Nice, very nice, keep up the UT maps.

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