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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added10-28-2004
File Version1.00
File Size11.93 mb
Player Count2 - 6
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating7.5
User Rating8
Overall Rating7.5


ReviewerTwrecksAwe Score: 2.5/3
Date04-08-2005Build Score: 3.0/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 2.0/3
User Point: 0
Overall Score: 7.5/10

Soviet Rocket Ship with noxious exhaust seeks remote planet where capitalist lemmings can frag eachother in symmetrical arena.

Launchpad SE is a great looking map. The windows in the outer galleries look out on an zero atmosphere planet, and inside is a retro looking space ship ready for launch. Everything fits together nicely and the light sourcing is excellent. Using some custom textures, including the skybox, and a pallet of retail textures Launchpad looks the part. I liked the music selection, which helped mask the lack of Audio FX.
I was a little annoyed at the abundance of computer consols all displaying the same trite message and the lack of blast doors for the larger central rooms opening into the launch bay, however the theme remains unbroken and the game must go on.

Initially you'll like the use of stock meshes, only they aren't, they're custom. Over 150 of them. Nearly 90% of the map utilizes custom static meshes. They tend to be on the space grey side of the spectrum, but hey, they work for the theme very well. The meshes I was most impressed with were the light fixtures, blending layers of alpha mapped (translucent) sheets to create the glass and bulbs coupled with well placed coronas really drive home the realism. Zoning was also very well done. A few lifts accelerate verticle access and a lonely radio dish mover compliments the outdoor (outer-space?) visuals. The terrain could have been reduced or clipped/invisibled yet it doesn't detract from the quality of build you will find looking at the map from the editor.

Yes it's a deathmatch arena. As such, arenas tend to be symmetrical affairs with minor item placement variation... and Launchpad adheres to that norm. Z-action is broken up in a two split levels that can give upto four levels of interaction. Item placement is on the abundant side, but I'm glad not to see the U-Damage or a Redeemer present in such a small map. There's not a lot of risk incentive available, only the outer room with the big fuel tank holds any ability to lay on some special moves to grab the armor shield. Weapons are always close at hand and their respective ammo is not near by, not to worry as the learning curve as to what's where is very shallow requiring you only to remember your right from your left. The specified numer of players (2-6) felt good with 4 being optimum with higher skills. Not really a 1-on-1 map, Launchpad can fill the role, except weapon hording will likely occur before you can find a foe.

In conclusion, DM-Launchpad-SE (second edition) is one of the better custom static mesh maps available for download. The playability is good and the difficulty is low to average. You won't feel slighted for the large download, and even if you have a cruddy rig, FPS should not be a problem.

Map Comments

horned demon
10-28-2004 02:50 PM MDT
Rating: 7 
good map, runs smooth although i dident see much in the way of eye candy to slow it down(outside of the space ship being there)also the same textures kinda got old, but i doubt it NASA has very colorful luanch either,and thats where i take it you got your insperation from. that and a sc-fi movie.

10-28-2004 05:02 PM MDT
Rating: 10 
Excellent map!

10-28-2004 09:33 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
really nice map.good content,excellent curved walls and hallways. good view of the "outside". item placement is great, with a lot of skill jumps and risks. some of the textures could have been better chosen (nice curved wall with repeating, white marks on mustard colored pattern)
fine job

10-28-2004 10:46 PM MDT
Rating: 7 
Nice, solid map, both in visuals and gameplay.

The only gripes I have after playing it for a few rounds is that it all looks the same in the hallways around the outside - those white, smooth walls. I wish there was something a bit more to distinguish location other than the outdoor environment (great job on that btw!)

A very nice map though, I like it - great for 1v1 or 2v2 :)

10-29-2004 10:58 AM MDT
Rating: 8.5 
great map really liked the visuals at some places im gonna save this on my hard drive

10-29-2004 12:49 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
Very good, the map has amazing visuals and sticks to the same theme throughout the map. The map is just the right size, a recommended download.

Fuzzy Logic
10-29-2004 01:48 PM MDT
Rating: 8.5 
Excellent map. Plenty of flow and the action is frantic. Nice consistent theme too. Great stuff.

10-30-2004 12:52 AM MDT
Rating: 8 
wonderful map! i love the flow, and the visual theme. a couple halls were a bit boring (visual ang gameplay-wise)... but still awsome.

10-30-2004 06:48 AM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
Wow where did this come from. Looks great, has consistently good visuals throughout and has a pretty cool theme.

10-30-2004 06:09 PM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
The map plays pretty good, the only problem I have is that the 'block' the ship leans against (1st pic) tends to white out from different angles. Sometimes just the trim, sometimes the whole thing.

Despite that little problem (probably my vid card), its a map I'll be playing for awhile yet. I like the build and style of play.

11-05-2004 10:10 AM MST
Thanks to all for comments and ratings :)
More comments are welcome.

Edited 11/05/2004

I requested a review recently (to "any").

And some links

You can see more pics on

You can also post your comment here

And it was something... The news about the map on BeyondUnreal

10-30-2004 09:57 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
oh yeah , nice map and nice theme:D

10-31-2004 05:02 PM MST
Rating: 7.5 
nice map

11-01-2004 02:11 AM MST
Rating: 7.5 
Well thought out map for gameplay. Excellant thematic content and good construction...

11-01-2004 01:16 PM MST
desperado#2 reccomended this map and there is an BU news post as well. This must be soimething very special. I'll d/l it as soon as the copy of 2k4 I bought off ebay comes

11-03-2004 08:36 AM MST
Rating: 8.5 
Good work Chuzhoi my only complaint would be how steep the stairs are, but that's being very picky because it plays great and looks marvelous.

Thanks for making it.

11-05-2004 12:49 PM MST
Rating: 4.5 
Well,I really really like this map,BUT,it seems to be somthing off with gameplay,it feels like this map should be in a single player mode like a cool place end up after shooting your way through some gorky planet surface.
Oh,and as you can see on this map like all the other ut2004 maps has all ths gray stuff,textures etc etc.
But,this is the best example of a level that uses alot of gray but it doesn't look that way at all.
Excelenet job on map
not diggin it for DM
a 9 for map
a 1 for playability

Oh one laat thing,the doors for the spaceship to launch may have been better 3d looking if they were partialy open.

11-04-2004 04:51 AM MST
Rating: 7.5 
This is one that adheres to form over function.
Very tidy meshes and texture work.
The whole map is well lit - and nothing stands out too much. The statics have been carefully modelled and textured too.
My gripe would have to be with the flow of the whole level. For starters this is a 1on1 map - any more players and it's just random death madness ;)
That said, when playing 1on1, it can often be a while before you spot another player for some reason...
In all, qa very good looking map - which plays fairly well.

11-05-2004 02:23 PM MST
Rating: 7.5 
1 for playability? This isn't a quake remake refist, this is an actual unreal tournament level :P

11-06-2004 06:43 AM MST
Rating: 7 
Looks great and plays pretty well, it's just a shame it's symmetrical.

It's still a nice map, though.

04-09-2005 04:54 AM MDT
Rating: 10 
YES is a great eyes vision
but for old PC is hard create a fluid game

for me the solution is only 1
don't stop the beautifull creation for a old PC
Change this old f*** PC & go to game FAST

or go to game to PACMAN !!!

04-09-2005 09:58 AM MDT
Rating: 7 
I played this map once some time ago. I did not enjoy the gameplay at all... but I can't give it less than 7, it has a extremely good visual work...
- Some meshes did't look well with my Geforce4 MX

04-09-2005 03:08 PM MDT
Rating: 10 
Cool , it finally had a review :)

This map is very great at visual , but it's true that the gameplay is not so good , looking at it in the editor ,the meshes and the textures have so much work in it

Some one might use them to make a good map with it,


05-10-2005 04:21 PM MDT
Rating: 9 
Awesome custom meshes!
Good work!

05-11-2005 04:10 PM MDT
Rating: 9 
omfg!!!! Good job!!

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