DaZ 05-01-2004 11:05 PM MDT | Rating: 9 | |
An excellent remake! Size is right, detailing is superb, and it plays just as good as ever :)
Not sure what else to say really, its taken you over a year to make this thing, and it shows! GG.
sandorski 05-02-2004 03:52 AM MDT | Rating: 9 | |
Yes awesome remake. Better than the original!
Toothpick 05-02-2004 04:01 AM MDT | Rating: 9 | |
Fantastic remake!
D-7 05-02-2004 04:27 AM MDT | Rating: 9 | |
Relly great. I esp. like the new additions. 9 points!
Toothpick: how did you get that 9.4? =)
Manticore 05-02-2004 05:23 AM MDT | Rating: 8 | |
Played a beta version I downloaded somewhere but the visual addtions and the "finish" on this map are much better....
Good job.....
kupoartist 05-02-2004 05:50 AM MDT | Rating: 7 | |
A Legend Returns... I'm quite happy to hold this alongside the original Coret in terms of greatness, but I'm not totally convinced...
Gameplay wise, it's pretty hard to fault - it expertly combines the convincing layout of the old Coret with the scale required of a UT2004 map. It's the visuals I'm not mad about... They're Ok, but I just don't "get" the style. It just looks like too many different Meshes from different sources have been dropped in, making it all seem a bit non-consistent to me. The lighting doesn't drive we wild either, and that centre cylinder thing looks pretty tacky. Overall, it's a great attempt at updating Coret's graphics, but it just doesn't go that extra mile for me. Certain effects were nice, like the semi-transparent glass/grate floors, but they're nothing new. Others, like the Rocket Launcher room felt too familiar.
And bugs... I noticed 3 niggly ones. 1. a steam emmiter several gameworld units away from the pipes it would be coming from, 2. A recommended bot-count that means that teams are unbalanced if a human player joins (5 vs 4) and 3. Something wrong with the skybox on my PC - one face of it was white and causing my Graphics Card some ammount of grief. Its a shame to find these, because it makes CoretClassic look unpolished - but because it's worthy to be played online, and you're not going to be looking at steam or sky in full gameplay, it's one of the better remakes seen already.
hampel 05-02-2004 11:31 AM MDT | Rating: 7 | |
played beta3 version before... didn't like the performance in that! the final version seems much better now!
Prometheus NGI 05-02-2004 01:21 PM MDT | Rating: 8 | |
I always comment good maps. This one is very good.
Hourences 05-02-2004 04:25 PM MDT | |
pretty solid map and as a conversion its pretty nice but some things could have been little better base area is solid but once you reach the middle it suddenly goes from a solid thing in to a weak "a room with -things- randomly placed in" it was also quite damn heavy on my memory due to the fact that just about every single mesh in the game is used in the map :) something that doesnt exactly help the coherency in the map either still way better as most conversions tho :)
Dermion 05-03-2004 04:53 PM MDT | Rating: 8 | |
Good remake, though i must admit i liked the original even more. Runs kind a hard on my machine (2400+/512MB/9700), it did not become a keeper for me (although it looks very good)
xanadu 05-04-2004 02:41 AM MDT | Rating: 9 | |
This is a great map, coret was among my favorites in ut99, and now it will be a favorite again in ut2k4, the only complaint i have, is that one shield pack only gives you +25.... i know that ut99 had a thigh pad that gave you +50, but +25?? anyways its a great map, good job!
Doctor Nick 05-04-2004 09:07 AM MDT | Rating: 7 | |
Nice remake, but really needs some optimisation, as nearly every texture and mesh from the game is used at least somewhere in this map, making it jittery as hell.
Still it holds up well as a remake.
Theseus314 05-04-2004 06:53 PM MDT | Rating: 8 | |
Very good remake. It's visually very well crafted.
I had some stuttery framerate issues in places, but I'm only running a ti4200 and the map still playable.
SealClubber 05-05-2004 12:50 AM MDT | Rating: 8 | |
Hopefully, fps will be good enough for online play! Becuase aside from the frames per second, this map is solid!
biditm 06-10-2004 02:30 PM MDT | Rating: 5 | |
The game freezes all over the map.
Draco 10-28-2004 03:42 PM MDT | Rating: 8 | |
Great remake.
Ripperjack 11-01-2004 11:36 AM MST | Rating: 7.5 | |
Definitely the best Coret remake I've seen yet and just as fun to play. The only things that bugged me about it was the flag bases were missing something I just couldn't put my finger on... they just seemed bland or something and the middle 'maze' area didn't seem as paranoid-causing as the original. Although that may be good since even in the original, that area seemed to be just thrown in without much thought.
Edit: Meant to give a 7.5 and didn't look at what was actually clicked. ;)
rbrohammer 11-25-2004 10:01 AM MST | Rating: 9 | |
kaosdotrox 09-02-2005 05:22 PM MDT | Rating: 10 | |
God I love this map. Too bad 40% of the .rox clan doesn't like flak levels. Just as fun as the original UT99. Screw the .rox clan, I'm voting my personal opinion on this one. 10.
spiritje 09-03-2005 02:23 AM MDT | |
I hate Coret and I hate 2k4
[Admin: And I hate stupid comments. Score removed.]
Wesley "Boreas" van Dijk 01-04-2006 04:46 PM MST | Rating: 9.5 | |
And I love to see people submit great work like this.
SDVenom 04-01-2006 06:03 AM MST | Rating: 9 | |
Pretty work.
Rokhead 04-03-2006 09:37 AM MDT | Rating: 9.5 | |
I thought i was playing the old coret til the ut 2k4 menu came up! lol. Sweet remake ;)