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DM-Gintzu V1.1 
Map Info

GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added12-05-2003
File Version1.00
File Size1.04 mb
Player Count2-3
Map DescriptionUpdated Version of DM-Gintzu. Some smaller things were corrected. For all who haven't seen the old version:
This map is hold in castle style and is designed for 3 players.
Review Rating7.5
User Rating8
Overall Rating7.5


ReviewerAMmayhemAwe Score: 2.5/3
Date01-20-2004Build Score: 2.5/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 2.5/3
User Point: 0
Overall Score: 7.5/10

AWE: 2.5
Now here's one of the nicest small I have seen. Small enough for 1-on-1, but still good enough for no more than 5-6 players, though it would be a bit packed. While strolling through the map, it feels like some kind of old Skaarj castle built back when they were more humble. Great arched doorways, trimmed off appropriately; as with ledges and other places. Not many ceilings here, as most of it is open to the sky, or is a giant skylight, but the few ceilings have small pockets or supports around to keep them from being flat.

Texturing is that of a dark castle, dark brick walls and trim, there's some wooden supports. Although it doesn't appear too dark, as the lighting adds great color variation. Didn't see any mis-alignments amongst the textures, and none were chopped off, just resized to fit the surface as they should be.

Lighting really good, although just once I'd like to see a castle that's lit with torches, flames, and the sky, and not electrical lights. Anyways, the lighting is mostly a dark blue/purple color, with plenty of red and yellow lights around to keep your eyes from becoming bored.

BUILD: 2.5
The waterfall dominates most of the sounds in the map, while there is some wind and some other creature constantly chirping, there's not much else for sounds. No problems with brush-work. One spot of trouble for the bots is by a box with armor on it, there's a jumpspot positioned by it, but the bots just keep walking and jumping into the box, never getting high enough to get on top. The skybox is great, very faint clouds with a couple green rocks in the sky, (reminiscent of the one in Operation Na Pali), which adds a slight alien or oddness to it.

CAST: 2.5
Gameplay is pretty exciting, it has a good fast pace to it, but you can still pause to listen where others are. Bots know the map, no real problems other than the that jump issue. The flow is real smooth, nothing is too awkward, or anything that forces you to stop and look where to go while fighting. Item placement is as far apart and even as you can place them in the map.

SCORE: 7.5
A really great map, with some fast action, though it still seems to lack something. Bah, well, still certainly worth a download, you won't be displeased.

Map Comments

12-11-2003 12:01 PM MST
Rating: 8 
As mentioned earlier, this map has some nice flow and pretty cool visuals. Skybox looks ok, but kinda sucks with the meteors though. Those belong in a space sky. But this is a good little map. 7.5.

01-22-2004 10:50 AM MST
Rating: 6 
I don't know where you found this so called "nice flow"

01-25-2004 09:29 AM MST
Rating: 9 
I really like this map, especially when playing 1 on 1!

01-26-2004 08:50 PM MST
Rating: 7 
sweet map!

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