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Map Info

File Namedm-edge][.zip
GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added11-11-2000
File Version1.00
File Size4.9 mb
Player Count2-8
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating7
User Rating8
Overall Rating7
NC2 map imported without screenshot.

ReviewerKainOverall Score: 7/10
DateNC2 11-13-2000

So, Faceless has proved he can do nice DM levels by creating 2 of the best maps of all time. Now he wants to wow us with completely stunning visuals. Well I've got no problem with that - all these uber-hardcore maps that everyone seems to have been making recently are getting old. DM-Edge][ is a quite a beast to play, and is full of many completely original cool details, but too much detail is sometimes a bad thing.

To anyone trying to recognise Quake 2's The Edge from the screenshots, just don't. It has been given more of a makeover than Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen gives the average room. The layout is (very) faintly familiar, but at the same time contains many areas that couldn't even be imagined in the Quake2 version. It is reasonably easy to learn and allows for many different routes to get from one place to the next. Bot support is, in general, good, they use the jumppads and teleporters. I saw a couple get stuck bouncing up and down continually shooting at where they last saw you in the large circular room though, which was a bit of a distraction. I have been warned that one of the teleporters is slightly buggy, in that it sometimes just drops you back where you started, and maybe this should have been fixed but it's not so big a deal when you realise how unbelievably cool those teleporters are. There is also a lift that rotates quickly when you step on it - this can be quite disorientating and annoying when trying to navigate the level.

This map has, more than anything else, style. It looks better than the most impressive Quake3 levels. Faceless has used something I have never seen used before so effectively: meshes. As anyone familiar with the Unreal engine will know, meshes are lit better and smoother, they can have a far higher poly count, and have less of a frame rate hit than the actual geometry of the level. The beautifully rendered crouching skaarj statues that look down upon the arena with green piercing eyes are created with meshes, and the overall effect is stunning. Blood pools ripple as dark-red liquid falls from the ledges above; winged torches roar as you approach them. I just wish I could post more than 2 screenshots in this review. Architecture and lighting is excellent - the level is absolutely saturated with colour, mostly red, but with small areas of deep blue which actually aids navigation around the level. Poly counts rise to just over 200 in the main two rooms, but the biggest problem is elsewhere, in a room with a heart on the floor, where flickering candles light the floor, ie dynamic lighting + high poly count = low frame rate. The extensive use of meshes in the two main rooms, combined with the reasonably high poly count and powerful lighting, means your eyes and your system are put under a lot of pressure and frame rate suffers.

DM-Edge][ is good, and if you can see past the detail and your system can handle it, may you have happy days fragging under the glare of the skaarj. Despite the score I gave to Q1DM4 in a recent review, I like this map better. Even if you do not like the gameplay, DM-Edge][ is worth the 5 meg download just to see the results that Faceless has produced with UnrealEd.

Map Comments

SirFraggedalot Rating: 8 
Great looking, and not just another straight conversion. Not quite Edge-ish for me, but way better than DM-Q1DM4 conversionwise. Plays a bit slowish.

[--x--]LurkerBot Rating: 7 
a classact map. to any users rating the bathroom tv-store, or bedroom maps as "9"s - here is a map that doesn't suck. newbies. :p

BangOut_[EH] Rating: 8 
Looks great. Runs like ass. Good all around :P

Asis Rating: 4 
Although it plays okay, it looks far too overdone as far as the visuals are concerned. Not the usual good flow and dynamic, flowing architecture I've come to expect from Faceless.

Nick 'Kruel' Herres Rating: 9 
Definately a classic. DM-Edge][ has quickly become my favorite UT map. Great looking and fun to play.

fragswill Rating: 8 
playability 5? let's compare that to some other maps!

Kain Rating: 8 
you mean Q1DM4 fragswill? yeah, I've already said my (excellent ;)) reviewing system got a bit b0rked for that map, but Edge][ does have a lower fps in more places

BuLLsOnParade Rating: 10 
This is the best map I've ever downloaded. I did see the bouncing-bot bug, but no teleporter problems. The visuals are awesome and it ran smooth as ever!

crazy_roger Rating: 8 
Very nice design !!! It's very beautiful ! But it make my computer slow dowwwnn !! :( argh ! I hope I can have a new one ! :)

Bubb05 Rating: 9 
The best looking map I've seen. Luckily i have a fast computer so not much slowdown!

saturn_v Rating: 9.5 
faceless shows once again that he's the boss.. runs a bit slide-showy in places on my 'puter though (PII 333,256mb ram ATI rage fury 32mb vid)oh, and the teleport is a little temperamental i'm eager to see what this guy comes up with next (hurry up, face!)

valiant2 Rating: 9 
I have no idea how this guy keeps churning out great maps. He can't just do this for a hobby! If so.....we're not worthy, we're not worthy. If you've got the horses to run this bad boy, it's a blast! Great Job Face.

q3 Rating: 9 
This is the way ID themselves has stated to remake a map of theirs. Faceless you rule! The map flows great and then all of a sudden Ill be reminded of Q2's the edge just a little. Very tastefull. Slowdown what slowdown time to upgrade folks start savin your lunch money. It's not Faceless's fault you need to upgrade right. All of my favorite elements of Q2's are here. This is a great team Dm map everyone.Item placement is good. One small critique is that the water here isnt water and I loved the area you went to for the rail in Q2;s edge but there is no a reminesant are to this in the map. Faceless rocks next map please!!!!!

TwoHardCore Rating: 9 
This map flows really well and provides great visuals. The bots do get stuck in the main courtyard on a staircase, but other than that, they are pretty fierce. Definitely worth D/L'ing if you want a cool DM map. Good job Faceless.

Shock6822 Rating: 9 
Theres no lag, but that damn teleporter is buggy, and the bots bounced once or twice on the jumpers

BarfLung Rating: 9 
I like. *Teleporters ARE bugged which stops it getting a 10!* (Q3A textures rock!) Have not tried bots yet, but 1-on-1 with SonicSam kept us going for hours! Faceless, who is Amanda in the piccy???

The_Nemmesis Rating: 9 
Faceless surprises me as always... I just can't figure out how that guy keeps makin' those ass-kickin' maps for nothin'... That guy should be hired by epic games... :)

Akuma Rating: 8 
I found the skaarj 'statues' & stuff overdone, they detracted from the map's style but overall it's great stuff.

VT|CreepingDeath Rating: 7 
hehe 7 on the looks alone.. 1 thing. If u want a map that looks slightly more like The Edge (a lot more!) go download 'Q2DM1' by me. (also available - Tokays towers and The Warehouse, Q2DM2 and Q2DM8 - Working on Q2DM3 The fragpipe now) Unfortunately my one runs a bit slow too, but only in the central area. If ya want the original, feel and all, its for u :) Otherwise, this one is good

bartman Rating: 7 
Too bloody slow, especially when you're going through the portals Visuals are nice but the flow seems to be lacking somewhat.

UT_Centurion Rating: 8 
My big get-outs were the misplaced shock rifle on the upper story, the funky warp zone, and the jump pads. The bots just were funky there

Devil Eyes Rating: 8.5 
I think I have played all of Faceless's maps that he has released. They are are professional quality for the most part. Another good map from Faceless.

Deathwing Rating: 7 
If it wasn't for that damn lag...

sparky14 Rating: 4 
Good bot play, way too visual / slow. Rather play Livingroomse.

TaQ_Atax Rating: 10 
This is, by far, the best deathmatch map I have played. And its a perfect convesion over from it's quake 2 counter part. Anyone who rates this under 6 has something wrong with them, and it wouldn't hurt them to up grade there pc ether.

Ammo Rating: 1.5 
way too slow. sucks trying to play with so much lag. deleted it after 5 minutes.

kommando Rating: 10 
amazing! ive finally found a map that shows some chuggyness on my p3 667 Geforce256! incredible! i am speechless. no competition, this is THE BEST map i have ever seen bar none (well maybe Facelesses upcoming works). this guy shouldnt apply to Epic, epic should beg him to come work. the slight slowdown and teleporter bug (this is fixed by JUMPING into the teleporter, gives you hight to get over the other sides' lip) brings it down 0.005. the meshes absolutely rock! especially the hanging nali with arrows in him. Alt-tabing back to The_edge][ now.

DanePain Rating: 10 
The greatest map I've ever seen on UT. This thing is awesome. Faceless has done a great job. Gets a little slow in a couple of spots but not too bad. The teleporters have only rarely given me problems, but man, are they cool or what?

Mike3894 Rating: 0 
5MB?! Too big of a file to download, for me... :D

NoBoDyNoPrOoF Rating: 10 
faceless as usually has rocked the mappers with another great map

Blooddog_sweden Rating: 9.5 
Very good map. Love it!!!! Plays bad on some places but MOST DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frostblood Rating: 8.5 
Not quite as good as some people's not as good as hyperboreal ot seraphim for example...but still great!

Winged_Nazgul Rating: 9 eyes are bleeding!!!!!!!!!!! Simply beautiful. Runs fine on my machine. :-P Just when you think you've seen it all, Faceless throws another curve at ya. Keep 'em coming please!

Starkling Rating: 10 
Pure fabulous eye candy. In no way resembles the Q2 version. Too bad my processor can't really handle it.

MediocreTangerine Rating: 8.5 
gorgeous gorgeous map... very nice. it's too laggy for anything other than sight-seeing though.

03-01-2003 11:31 AM MST
Rating: 9 
Not very original, not extremely playable, not the most Unreal. You can move around the empty map spectating for hours and you will still be staring. As weird as it may sound, this masterpiece of mapping is the best when empty and quiet...that's when it's true soul reveals to you. I just love such maps.

08-06-2004 11:39 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
Wow nice looking map for UT Q3 ish for sure.

11-20-2004 06:44 PM MST
Rating: 8.5 
I agree with Frostblood - it's not Faceless' best map, but it's still a great map.

Sergeant Todd
11-21-2004 10:05 AM MST
Rating: 8.5 
Agree with Smeerkat. Great map.

Now bring on UNLD2...

Todd out

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