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Map Info

GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added12-26-2000
File Version1.00
File Size691 kb
Player Count3-10
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating6.5
User Rating7
Overall Rating6.5
NC2 map imported without screenshot.

ReviewerTwrecksOverall Score: 6.5/10
DateNC2 03-25-2001

Polys schmally, git a better rig

DM-Brock started its life as a spanish villa according to the readme, it ends up being one mean poly hog and with the right horse power, fun to play.

What we have here is a multitiered ancient structure with lots of broken tile and missing bricks (hmm... maybe a source for extra polys eh?). Connectivity is very good, better than the texture transistions and lighting combined. Bots do admirably and a well chosen sound track offsets the littered item placement and sporatic exicution of theme.

Map Comments

N0body Rating: 3 
looks like a pile of p00

Shock6822 Rating: 10 
Would give it like a 7, but the fake fake DavidM is a turd llama

Ebola Rating: 8 
Fun to play, but the polys are pretty nasty in some spots. I reviewed (by request of the author) over at Unreal Core shortly after it was released, and at that time it was getting MOTW awards and 90-somethings from Nexus files and Headshot! I think T was too harsh, but by the same token I think some other reviews were too generous. A good map if you have a beefy 'puter.

Scorpio_911 Rating: 7 
Rates low on the fun scale over here.

fragswill Rating: 4.5 
We downloaded and played this just to see what the headshot MoTW was like. They layout is ..ok.. but the pit with healthvials and invisible poo, and the hundreds of loose bricks were the highlights of the map. Also, this is one of those rare maps that manages to be both boxy, and have a terrible framerate. Better luck next time!

I didnt think the theme & architecture was all that bad, its not meant to look like a spanish villa that was just an idea where it sprouted from. I agree its got a fat amount of polys in some areas and the textures are a bit...brown. What are these invisible turds though you speak of fragswill?

GodFather Rating: 9 
I dont understand the negative reaction to this map. The layout is great. The feeling of open area is a welcome change and it feels just right with enough variation on ways to attack your opponent. I say d/l this and play it on the net. Great stuff

11-04-2002 01:15 PM MST
Rating: 10 
I love this map. It has a great layout, simple yet loaded with strategy. The weapons are all well placed though the flak should have been put in a more risky spot.The frames are smooth and it has a nice sunny feel. Bots are GREAT in this map.

08-15-2004 01:43 AM MDT
Rating: 9 
Fuckin' A! all right!

08-15-2004 07:21 AM MDT
What's with the friggin short review? That's an offence to the quality reviews nalicity does normally.....

08-15-2004 08:26 AM MDT
... well, the review standards have risen up a bit since 2001...

08-15-2004 11:22 AM MDT
Rating: 6 
Go to Insite to read my thoughts on this map.

08-15-2004 01:02 PM MDT
Rating: 5 

a nameless entity
12-16-2005 11:58 PM MST
Rating: 8.5 
I've always found that this map works well in redeemer arena.

12-21-2005 09:10 PM MST
Rating: 6.5 
Don't know about redeemers, but this level is cool to play, the lighting is too bright and some other things kinda funky.
One map that won't dissappear.

ADD, raising score a tad because this maps been around the block, for quite a while.

Khefu Knut
12-18-2005 02:57 PM MST
Rating: 7.5 
Simple but effective layout, realistic looks, hell lotta fun to play. Brock rocks.

12-20-2005 08:01 PM MST
Rating: 8 
bad lighting? hmm
its an arena open to the sky. looks great!
played 3 full games , and my heart is still pounding!
now thats what i call a ut level.
all kinds of class A visual effects, and perfect weapon layout/placement.
not a 1-1 map, but for 4-6 players, i cann't think of anything more fun.

well, 38 out of 50 from the master:
close, but i don't take off so much for music and sounds

12-21-2005 06:37 PM MST
Rating: 6 
Fun to play, but i've seen much more interesting designs - some parts of this map look unfinished ( textures unaligned, bad lighting etc).

04-04-2008 08:47 AM MDT
Rating: 8 
Intense! Action is constantly fast and brutal. Gameplay is definitely the feature here. Bots play well here.

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