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Map Info

AuthorTonnberry, DavidM, Mame, Ictus, Strogg and Dr. Pest
GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added07-30-2001
File Version1.00
File Size4.5 mb
Player CountUnknown
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating6.5
User Rating8.5
Overall Rating7.5
NC2 map imported without screenshot.

ReviewerMister_ProphetAwe Score: 2.0/3
Date04-08-2003Build Score: 2.5/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 2.0/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 7.5/10

The 1 on 1 map pack stands a landmark in 1 on 1 collaborative mapping. No other group of small sized, “Man to Man” type packs is this solid. Period. For the life of my balls, I cannot fathom why this pack has not been reviewed here yet. The maps I am about to present to you are of similar themes, most of them, and almost every map achieves above average to “leet” gameplay. The authors themselves are well known in the mapping community, including such mappers like David M, Tonnberry, Ictus Brucks, Strogg, Dr.Pest, and Mame. I will break each map down in a mild overview, score it according to NC schema, and then average the tally. Here are the maps in the order they appear on the maplist.

DM-1 on 1-DavidM:

The first and one of the best-played maps in the map, David M’s first map in the pack (he made two) is a shining example of this dude’s dedication to tech mapping. Those familiar with David’s previous maps (and they should at this point) will recognize his style. This map kicks off the Generic tech theme that populates the majority of this pack. However, unlike the continuing trend that follows throughout the pack, this map is the peak genre tech map. This map is often hailed as the pack’s best map and some even dare to call it the pinnacle of David’s work. I disagree with this notion, and although I found the map well constructed and most importantly fun, it was not my favorite. The map uses enough looks to make the map look good, yet keep it enjoyably playable. You’ll see bricks, and lots of them. You’ll see red lights and ‘leet’ shadow detail, as well as adequate lighting (even as the usual blue and orange). This is probably one of the best looking tech maps out there, although the feeling of ‘generic’ still screams out at you from the shadows. But the gameplay really makes you forget all that, the map is riddled with ramps, holes, lifts that lift jump you, and powerful pickups that reside in risky places. There is risky 1 on 1 strategy at play here, you can literally get jumped at any moment at any angle. This frantic nature is what 1 on 1 is all about. All in all, this one of the better maps to appear in this pack and probably the one that will be most played (I think I see this one the most on servers for this pack). Visually satisfying with just enough solidity to make it above average in the awe department. I would have given it an average 1.5 for looks, but since so few tech maps pull off the crisp appeal to this one, I have to rate it a bit higher. Gameplay itself is good and fast. There is enough fluid fun for any player, and more than enough juice to quench the average 1 on 1 player’s thirst.

Awe: 2
Build: 2.5
Cast: 2

DM-1 on 1-DavidM2:

The second map from David doesn’t quite have the impact of his previous. The tech theme is less developed here and we end up with an open brick complex with numerous up/down ramps and some average grass terrain in one segment. The theme settles for a more elementary David M styled map, so it comes off rather average. The gameplay matches the feel of the map, and while I was disappointed that the second map by David didn’t leave the same taste in my mouth (shut up you gay-joke people, I meant taste in my mouth as in overall enjoyment and impression), the map was still a strong addition to the pack. Gameplay isn’t as dead bang as 1 on 1-DavidM and relies on a more branched out environment, which is tightened to a more confined structure on the edges (certain rooms, corners, alcoves, ect). I felt the layout was a tad unbalanced and was left feeling somewhat amused by the gameplay. Not the stronger David M map, but not the worst in the pack (I dare say worst, since none of the maps are bad). I get the feeling that David gave his most effort to the other map, and squeezed this one in just to make another addition. And the addition is welcomed, despite its inferiority to the first map.

Awe: 1.5
Build: 2
Cast: 1.5

DM-1 on 1-DrPest:

Pest’s map takes a more precise attempt at the tech map theme and presents a look that everyone will recognize. I think this was his intention, while David tried to make his map seem like an ‘executive’ tech theme through deceiving gimmicks (the shadows, reflective water, abundance of curved stuff), Pest kicks us right in the nuts with your typical UT brick ‘n crate setup. Though the result is a map that looks average in all aspects, I respect the fact the fact that Pest didn’t try to make the map look like something it wasn’t and wind up throwing it off balance. The map plays well, I had some fun playing this one. My only gripe was that it gets repetitive fast, especially with bots. There isn’t such a big diverse nature to the gameplay and you end up repeating the same tactics after while. I think this map is best played with small frag limits and online rather than against bots. That should help keep the originality to the play, but I felt the map could grow boring after it was being played for too long a time. The power-ups are arranged so routinely that there really is maybe 1 major approach to grabbing them, and the key to surviving 1 on 1 maps is being the first to nab all the power-ups. Even with this flaw in gameplay, the map can be fun if certain settings are applied to it. But the bottom line is, a good 1 on 1 should offer solid gameplay right off the bat.

Awe: 1.5
Build: 2
Cast: 1.5

DM-1 on 1-Ictus:

Ictus’s contribution to the pack is the most notable. Being the only map in the pack that isn’t thematically cliché and since it has a clever layout that keeps gameplay frantic and suspenseful, DM-1on1-Ictus is hands down the Prophet’s favorite pick from this map-pack. Right off the bat I noticed something that the other maps lacked, something I could feel in the environment the moment I spawned; atmosphere. This map bleeds atmosphere at every weathered crack and tear on the rough surfaces of this old-style gothic building. How is this different than such other Gothic UT maps? Play DM-Gothic and then this and ask me that again. This place has it’s own identity. The lighting itself, while limited to the casual cool blue and nurturing rust-orange, feels thick and absorbing. This is the kind of map that gets my blood sizzling, a map that delivers fun and smart gameplay and an environment that screams of uniqueness and is an overall cool place to frag. Yes, I feel proud to die in this map. Some people will say that the theme is typical, standard, “been there done that”, but believe the Prophet when I say that those people suck. I don’t care if there have been similar themes, 1on1-Ictus has more depth, heart, and soul in it’s theme then 90% of the maps I see on a daily basis (and still see). And where would atmosphere be without a fun map to surround itself in? This map is not only enjoyable, but it is challenging. Even bots are badass, playing with yourself is rarely this fun (if you don’t believe me, ask your local priest). The power-ups are not only placed in risky locations but they also allow for multiple attack ‘n snatch tactics. Power-ups are even placed so precisely that they can instantly aid you in grabbing the next power-up in mere moments, assuming you aren’t being ambushed already. Some people have told me that this map is a little too large for 1 on 1, but I disagree. If you haven’t seen your opponent in the first 10 seconds, prepare for a swift and merciless ambush since your probably being hunted. If you do encounter an enemy as well equipped as you are, prepare to fight around pillars, up stairways, around walkways, up floors, down floors, through water, and off ledges. Nothing stands still in this map for long, and a good 1 on 1 map keeps players moving the whole way through. Oh, did I mention? This map runs like a dream. If for nothing else, download the pack for this map.

Awe: 2.5
Build: 2.5
Cast: 3

DM-1 on 1-Mame:

Mame’s map seems a lot like Pest’s at times, only a lot less sound in the technical sense, with noticeable texture alignment errors, and a horrible lighting scheme. In fact, this is probably the least interesting map in the pack as far as visuals are concerned. While the majority of the maps in this map indulge themselves in a nice stereotypical look and feel, 1on1-Mame feels a little too generic. Out of place generic. Luckily, the gameplay is nice and lucid and makes the map pretty fun. The layout isn’t as intense as some of the other maps and can be a bit too tight, but it is a little more original at times. All the other maps share some similarities in gameplay, and while Mame’s map borrows from them in certain aspects, it’s approach has it’s own personality. I didn’t really feel that the map fit with the others. It is still a good map, average and fun with some fast paced surprises here and there.

Awe: 1.5
Build: 1.5
Cast: 1.5

DM-1 on 1-Strogg:

Strogg’s addition to the pack attempts to do what Ictus’s map does, but falls short. Strogg stays away from the generic tech theme, but this seemingly refreshing decision crashes when we end up with a generic old brick theme. 1on1-Strogg basically traded in the tech theme for the old-fashioned look but without Ictus’s sense of pride. In the Prophet’s rules of mappage, generic is generic. Nothing is out of the ordinary here, nothing astonishingly landmark-ish, just a killing environment. The gameplay is neat and shares the rhythm set up by the other maps, but feels a shade clunky at times. The flow isn’t as good here, the other maps are very ‘backwards-flee ‘n shoot’ friendly but there are places that you can get hung up on in this one. For instance, a huge useless space is underneath an outdoor balcony and can serve as a lethal firetrap. Considering the map’s array of weapons, this snagging can become irritating. Nothing sucks more than taking fire while snagged in a map, then taking fire while snagged in a map when that fire is from a flak cannon or rocket launcher. I felt Strogg’s map looked a little more decent then Mame’s, but Mame was a tad more balanced. While the map remains average in every way, it won’t cramp your style too much. But a little flow goes a long way sometimes.

Awe: 1.5
Build: 1.5
Cast: 1.5


This is my second favorite from the pack. Tonnberry is better known for his DM-Alpu maps (for UT and UT2K3) and while those maps display his better gameplay-orientated works, I think this one is often overlooked. The map is rather generic, but no more than the others. The looks are reminiscent of the better UT stock maps. Imagine if DM-Turbine, DM-Curse, and DM-Codex got in a serious car accident and the doctor saved their lives by surgically connecting the surviving matter into one being. You’d get something not unlike DM-1on1-Tonnberry. This map, simply put, is fun as all hell. While the visuals could be better (it’s all the same throughout), the gameplay is quite intense. Enemies are constantly in your face, attacking from above, below, behind, and from the sides. I don’t recall a single game where I stopped moving, this is raw 1 on 1 action at it’s most basic, and it’s most brutal. A 1 on 1 map can’t be truly great without ambushes and this map is all about ambushing. The weapons and items are scattered in such a way that you’ll have to keep up your pace if you want to live long. There really is no better way to describe this map other than a casual environment that sports one of the most blood curdling 1 on 1 battle grounds the “1on1” community has seen. The only thing this map is missing is some tidying up in the flavor department so it could rival 1on1-Ictus. This and Ictus are the two best maps in the pack.

Awe: 1.5
Build: 2
Cast: 3

The Prophet’s Verdict: This is the best 1on1 collaboration pack that I have seen. Some of the maps in here are true gems. For anyone who likes this style of play, this is a must have.

DM-1on1-DavidM: 6.5
DM-1on1-DavidM2: 5
DM-1on1-DrPest: 5
DM-1on1-Ictus: 8
DM-1on1-Mame: 4.5
DM-1on1-Strogg: 4.5
DM-1on1-Tonnberry: 6.5

average score is 6 or so, but Ill round it to 6.5 just since it is the best 1on1 experience to date.

Map Comments

04-09-2003 12:50 AM MDT
Rating: 8 
My goodness, I can't believe no one has ever commented on this map pack before. This pack rocks the house! It's got some great stuff to offer, and it's hard to decide which one I like best, even though there's a 2-to-7 ratio on DavidM's maps. I, personally, loved just about every one in the pack, but the ones that stuck out more to me were DavidM (#1), Ictus and Tonnberry! But they were all nice. All in all, it's a great pack! Get it if you haven't done so already!

03-28-2003 05:11 PM MST
Rating: 9 
Yeah, it's a very strong pack. All the maps play very well, although some are less entertaining than others. DM-1on1-DavidM and DM-1on1-DrPest are the ones that really stand out to me.
Although many of the maps are of the standard UT factory theme, Ictus and Strogg's maps try to be a little more adventurous with the theme, to good effect.

03-28-2003 08:23 PM MST
Rating: 10 
Yes, this mappack contains a disproportionate number of the BEST 1on1 maps out there. As stated, DavidM, Pest and I'd add Tonnberry are the best of the pack and of any 1on1 maps I've played. The others are all 8-rating or better as well.

Fodder McFly
03-28-2003 10:17 PM MST
Rating: 10 
These are the best set of 1 on 1 maps that I have ever seen. What a great compilation of maps and authors. Great job on the levels, they are now part of my DM rotation.

04-01-2003 04:24 AM MST
Rating: 7 
David M1 10 - one of the best maps I´ve seen
David M2 6 - layout too simple
Tonberry 8 - good gameplay, too repetitive
Strogg 6 - unbalanced
Dr. Pest 5 - the weakest in the set
Mame 6 - too tight
Ictus 9 - great athmo, great map!
50:7 makes a 7 for me

04-08-2003 05:27 AM MDT
Rating: 7 
The pack is flawed due to a few rather dull maps, but maps like 1on1-Ictus and DavidM1 make sure it's definitely worth the download.

04-09-2003 02:45 AM MDT
Rating: 7 
Oh yeah!

04-09-2003 03:34 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
This is a really nice pack of 1 on 1s. I enjoyed it. A few errors and glitches in every map but, they are nice.

04-10-2003 03:22 AM MDT
Rating: 9 
Oh, the nostalgia... One such pack for UT2k3 is what we need right now...

04-12-2003 04:33 PM MDT
Rating: 10 
Nice map I Love IT!

'Desperado #2', 'Goldabar', 'Lord Heisher' and 'Stuman'
04-15-2003 08:39 AM MDT
Rating: 8 
Nice work on the maps.

We saw this 1on1 pack at NC, so we thought we'd do a similar thing and get a little 1on1 overdose going, and uploaded the 1on1-ORM-Mappack too :)

04-16-2003 07:59 AM MDT
Rating: 7 

Can't believe almost 2 years passed since we made this pack.
Time is running.

04-17-2003 09:09 AM MDT
Rating: 10 
mapping, with a touch of perfection..awesome stuff

04-17-2003 04:03 PM MDT
Rating: 7 
DavidM best map..Liked the layouts and gameplay possiblities

Nice stuff ;)

04-24-2003 07:00 PM MDT
Rating: 8 

this has been on the review que for 2 years? i dont even think any of us requested it. funny, this is the last thing i expected to see at NC today

04-25-2003 04:34 AM MDT
Rating: 7 
hey i requested it about 2 months ago!!!

04-25-2003 03:21 PM MDT
Rating: 9 
The rating system on Nalicity sucks. 6.5 sounds crap, but these are the best duelling maps you can download for UT.

Cyrss's Female Dog
04-25-2003 03:38 PM MDT
Rating: 7 
Maps were alright Guys.

08-27-2004 11:22 AM MDT
Rating: 9 
yeah! really really great!
like it was said before - the best dueling maps one can get for ut.
you must say it's... perfect. if you're a gamer go grab this pack and find excellent 1on1 maps here to frag your friends. and if you're mapper, load these maps up in unrealEd and learn what it takes to create high quality maps (that's advice for me as well, yeah).

enough said, goin' back to fragging ;)

10-03-2004 02:44 PM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
A group of really solid DM-1on1 maps which all have great gameplay but with varying architecture and technical finess. Worthy of a download (quite a small size compared to other map packs -brilliant). The ORM pack is superior though.

10-11-2004 02:37 PM MDT
Rating: 8.5 
Actually Mame is one of my favorites on this one. It'd have to be a tie between that and DavidM2. And all these sweet dm's come in like a 4mb download. Oy vey. If you don't have this you haven't lived.

01-11-2005 06:52 PM MST
Rating: 8 
Ictus , You are my god !! DavidM ,definatly apart style , but i don't like them ! others maps are nice but all in tech theme or standard ways !!
I'm tired of all tech themed maps all around !!
To all authors , do something different themed maps like -Croon- or this one of Ictus !

05-27-2005 03:54 AM MDT
Rating: 8 
I put this map pack on my server for the sole purpose of 1v1 sniper arena, and I cant say Im disappointed. None of the maps suck, they are of varying quality all playable and fun, to me though, DavidM and Drpest stick out as the better ones. I never get tired of putting these in the cycle. The flow of all the maps seem to be well thought out, and DavidM almost always puts an extra degree of thought in his maps that lets the more strategic player have the advantage, as a good UT DM map should. Im going to rate the pack as a whole which is going to be higher than a couple of the maps would get individually, but I think the overall fun playability and fun of the map pack deserves the rating. I would give DavidM and DrPest at least 9 individually.

05-27-2005 10:28 PM MDT
Rating: 9 

06-23-2005 12:06 AM MDT
Rating: 9 
I know that this is very old and all the author are very old too... But I can't keep it for myself...This Pack is surely one of the greatest mappack i've ever seen... The Gameplay here is totally Awesome!!!
The quality is very good , not perfect but very nice !
I enjoy every games i play in this map!!!

05-15-2006 07:00 PM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
I favor DavidM1, Ictus,& Tonnberry's maps from this pack. The rest seem clunky in comparison.

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