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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added04-21-2006
File Version1.00
File Size9.5 mb
Player Count4 - 8
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating --
User Rating7
Overall Rating --


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Map Comments

04-21-2006 09:47 PM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
Ran like a charm for me. Lots of wide open spaces, but with enough areas in which to hide from the hitscan crowd. Don't have much too say really about it, other than it looks nice and is fun too play. Nice sky. I haven't seen it on-line but with bots it seemed to work well. The bots seem to get the shields with no problem and go just about everywhere. I didn't see any bots go for the damage amp up top though. Just my two cents for what it is worth.

04-22-2006 02:45 AM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
The lighting appears to be a bit harsher than in the beta version and coronas seem to be more pronounced. Player load is perfect for the map size. Given the layout it would suit a CTF version.

In my opinion it was pretty good. O.k. in fact....

....definitely worth taking a look at.

04-22-2006 12:46 PM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
I really enjoy playing larger DM maps like this, and had a lot of fun in here. Bots did seem to favor the central area so I guess hitscan weapons could dominate offline play but I think this would be great fun online. Only the flak placement in the center seemed strange to me, but then I didn't spend enough time down there to utilise that pickup.

04-22-2006 11:58 AM MDT
Rating: 6.5 
i like the theme of this map and the skybox is really nice. like was said before it's pretty hitscan dominant due to the large open areas. these did also result in some really low fps on my computer. sometimes it would even go < 50 fps without any bots.
but imo this map looks pretty promising on the whole.
so next time maybe do something that doesn't have so many opena areas

@djsilt: nice to hear that :) i'll definitely have an eye out for it ;)

04-22-2006 08:24 AM MDT
thanx for the comments :)
@Nelson : the layout was a sort of improvisation. This was very hard to optimize and that's why the FPS are a little low. For my next map i will try to make something easier to optimize :)

Fuzzy Logic
04-23-2006 06:46 AM MDT
Rating: 6.5 
The map is ok, I just find the architecture a little bland for my taste. Plays well enough.

04-23-2006 12:25 PM MDT
Rating: 6.5 
It's nice to see a map like this, but I reall found the lighting to be way too bright/bland, espcially when you look at the skybox, I think that subtle use of blue and a less harsh brightness would've done good for the looks. The layout does indeed favour CTF play though, maybe something to try?

04-24-2006 02:22 AM MDT
Map looks really cool, don't get me wrong, but the gameplay is way off for me. Symmetrical arena-style layout + all the powerups up high + shock and lightning up high + severe promotion of camping + doing anything other than camping made worthless + low FPS = deleted from my harddrive. The map could play quite a bit better with some major changes to the powerup and weapon placement, but as Sjosz said, this map's layout would be much better for CTF. Also, you might want to look into making the water below look less static. I think there's a good effect for this in AngelMapper's CannonFodder2.

04-24-2006 04:13 PM MDT
Reminds me a Quake 3 Map :)

Looks very cool

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