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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added03-06-2006
File Version1.00
File Size14.1 mb
Player Count2 - 6
Map DescriptionDM-Giero

A giant fuel processing facility on the edge of a cold desert. Lots of new static meshes and custom content to have fun with. Gameplay is very experimental, I wanted to create a map that was more interesting than just a traditional layout, it's definitely not a "pro" kind of map, but it’s a lot of fun ( atleast to me it is :P )

Full Description:
Sitting on the edge of a vast desert, against a high cliff, the massive Giero processing facility rumbles with the sounds of machinery. Everything in this ancient structure is washed in blue light, the temperature regulated, kept cool to prevent damage to the ancient equipment still used here. Slowly gases buried beneath the deserts surface are pumped through the facilities tanks: cleaned, mixed, blended, then transformed into useable fuel. The Giero stations only connection to the outside world are it’s power lines, long cables running from pylon to pylon across the desert. With no one ever arriving to repair the damaged machines, the facility is gradually breaking down, a process which will continue for decades.

The map is optimized for detail settings for those that don't have great computers (I know mine isn't). Setting world detail to low will knock off the uneeded meshes / particles.

Have Fun :)
Review Rating --
User Rating7.5
Overall Rating --


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Map Comments

Wesley "Boreas" van Dijk
03-07-2006 01:58 AM MST
Rating: 6.5 
Man, this sure looks like a lot of work went into it... but a few things just really bug me.

- I get the feeling you really went over the top with the whole Z-axis thingy. One well placed rocket and you find yourself falling towards a certain end.
- Lighting is not what it should be. Everything is clear and bright, but that makes every area look like the others, and takes away some of the atmosphere. Looks as if you just used zonelight.
- Mesh overload. I have no trouble playing any map at max settings, but framerates on this one tended to get low in a few areas. It also distracted me while looking for enemies.
- Glass usage. Sometimes a wanted to jump through a floor or window, only to take a closer look and see it has glass in it. Maybe colored glass usage could clear things up here.

Overal: It's probably worth taking a look, but it's not what I would look for in a really good DM map.

03-06-2006 07:48 PM MST
Rating: 8 
woot! this is friggin cool! crazy visuals. so much movement and weird stuff. i like it i like it =)

03-07-2006 02:56 AM MST
Rating: 8 
Interesting visuals. Decent flow. Good optimisation. Good for larger player loads...

03-07-2006 04:05 AM MST
Rating: 6.5 
i like the layout though it might be a little high in some places.
it played pretty nice - apart from the fps drops which make it hard to play at all in some areas.

most of the meshes looked nice but as was said before there might be just too many of them.
and the colors! i guess this map would be a whole lot better if it wasn't this colorful.
but it is indeed unusual

03-07-2006 01:10 PM MST
Rating: 8.5 
Some say its to high, some say colour overload. I say F**KING SWEET MAN...

Nice job.

03-07-2006 02:38 PM MST
Rating: 8 
Nice looking map and played well on my pc sli 6800gts, But do to the low frame count in some areas I can not place it on are server some players would indeed have a bad frame count.

03-07-2006 11:41 PM MST
Rating: 7.5 
Looks too fruity, not really a place on the edge of a desert. Lots of meshes that were custom made though. But it some annoying errors that were probably so easy to do that you and lots of others overlooked.
These are 2 common errors or mistakes authors do.
1. They forget to remove skins from the NewWeapon Base. I see that you used the old ut2k3 weapon bases, so it was not an issue.
2. Authors tend to forget (especially for maps designed specifically for DM) to change the default game type from Last man Standing to DeathMatch.
You didn't change the default game type, so it begun as Last Man Standing. I mind because if you want to explore in lastman standing, you win the game, because when you use the console command killbots, it wins you the game; hence, no exploration.

Framerates also lagged in large rooms, which obviously was mainly caused by overdraw of meshes. I am assuming you didn't put antiportals in, but please, no more slow maps.
I also didn't like the collsions that were used on glass areas. Projectiles and ZeroExtent stuff went through the blocking volumes, on glass surfaces...

03-07-2006 08:40 PM MST
Rating: 8 
not bad.

the overuse of colors is definetely something i like.

too many maps out there are good in layout, but very, very boring in visuals. glad that the autor tried something different. :)

like said above, the gameplay is ok, but not top. i don't have problems with my framerates, but the whole z-axis thing bothers me a bit.

03-08-2006 04:30 AM MST
I cant find back much of the fuel processing plant in a cold desert nor the atmosphere such situation would create. The map doesnt really has a theme, it feels very generic and lacks atmosphere for various reasons, for one because the lighting needs stronger sourcing and contrasts and because the player cant identify the theme and type of place he's in.
The map does has a style however, the 5000 pastel colors give the map a weird and unique feel altho it does feel random, I cant see if it was the intention to get this type of color combination or if it was accidential..Altho the style makes it stand out and special it might have been better if it looked a bit more normal or used less colors, if you had put the same effort in to another style the result could have been better
All the moving meshes were nice ofcourse. Map feels like a lot of work has been put in to it and its nice, its surely not bad but some things could have been better

03-08-2006 07:58 PM MST
Rating: 8 
I give it an 8 but that's a little bit high since my main comment was going to be that it could have used a little more BETA testing. I hang around a few BETA forums and this week was the first I'd seen or heard of this map.

Where did you BETA?

At least one of the player start is too far from a weapon base, a map this size will have SPAWN raping and item wh*ring/camping on line so having to go a too far for a weapon is bad. For a map this size it can afford more than one of the same weapon. It's huge and only seems to have one of each weapon. The flow and layout is good and solid, I like it, but the items are what take people to the remote corners of the map and that movement is what makes for more skirmishes breaking out all over the place not in one central location.

The main reason I gave it an 8 was because of the work I can see went into it's creation and the thought that went into the theme. Dump some of that effort into game play next time and you'll be solid gold. The theme is very Sci-Fi looking and cool. The jump pad emitters are awesome, where'd you get'em?

03-09-2006 04:09 PM MST
Rating: 5.5 
Nice map, however it could use more optimization. I was getting FPS around 25, and in the high teens during battles.

Also the lighting was very washed out, tweaking the lighting to give the map more mood would go a long way.

Also the default game type for your map is set to LMS, so you may want to change that to DM.

All and all, nice map due to the detail implemented, but wasn't too fun to play.

03-11-2006 03:18 PM MST
- From a mappers' point of view, I pull my hat off to you, for such a good work. The attention to detail here is amazing, you can find a cool static mesh at every corner and a custom cave static mesh is behind every window, instead of relying on a skybox. The moving stuff and emitters look great and bring the life the map needs.
The weak spot on the visuals is the lighting, IMO. More light should have come through the windows and there are very few meshes that could look like lightsources. I can assume you didn't want to hide in shadows such cool stuff, though...
- From a gamer's point of view, I sadly must say I did not enjoy to play the map. There's not a real logic in the layout/placement that would make the map easy to learn, the z-axis scale feels too big in many cases, and the over-reliance on jumpads is way too annoying. Jumpads work greatly when they are the alternative way to move, they offer cool z-movement... but when they are the way to move through a map, they are not a good thing, at all. Too many pads also make difficult predicting the enemy next move...
The framerates were too low, even though the map was playable in low world detail. My graphics card is not brilliant so I don't emphatize that so much...

To sum up, a nice map that is showing a great talent, but unfortunately will go out of my computer because of its gameplay and low framerates. The try is well worth, though, and no one should stop downloading it!

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