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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added01-09-2006
File Version1.00
File Size2.39 mb
Player Count2 - 6
Map DescriptionWell this may be my last map for UT2004, I forgot to put a map description in the map.The fire extingiusher will bounce and move around, but not online. I am tired of trying to figure stuff out from secondhand "tutorials" online.

Tried to make a ripper useing a slightly modified flak skin.
Also put in my low smoke sniper with slightly faster refire rate.

I didn't totaly test this online so lets hope nothing major is wrong.
Just got that F.E.A.R game, but am keeping old UT, it plays better.

Before people tell me it is so un-decorated, again just like my quake1 redos I wanted this to look very close to the UT version,I should of added more, I know.
Thanks to whomever uses map for thier server and or checking it out.

(feel free to use the modified weapons, just copy and paste in your map, mainly the sniper, and you need to also cut and paste the ammo for them to work)

In UT2004, you MUST set bots to "adept" for bots to use lift jumps.
I allways test my maps on skilled, they wouldn't do it.Then I looked in the code and has "extracost=10000000" if skill less than 4.

One more thing, this map has a total of 631 polys.But just for fun I used some antiportals and 5 zones.I find by optimizing a map wich really didn't need it, the FPS stay rock solid, not fast or slow but allways the same.
Review Rating --
User Rating7
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Map Comments

Wesley "Boreas" van Dijk
01-10-2006 03:32 PM MST
Some poins of advise for future mapping:

- Use more detail. A map should feel like the UT version, but not look like it.
- Use lights for every area in your map, including the ceiling.
- Get away from the basic layout stuff. Stairs are plain, many corners are 90 degrees etc.
- Don't overload a map with pickups such as health and shield. Weapons are well placed except for the redeemer.
- Be a bit more original with texture usage.

Plus, the sniper is completely overpowered.
I can't really rate this...

EDIT: No, that secondary isn't very pretty, but whatever. Neither is the "ripper" but the primary is just what I would like to see. About the sniper: Perhaps you could make it like this but with a lower amount of damage? That would probably balance it a bit... something like 40 damage and 100 on head shot...

02-24-2006 11:19 PM MST
Thanks for the comment Wes. be nice to know about that ripper mod gun. I know the secondary fire might be laughable but I just left it that way, and it's really hard to make it feel like the ripper from UT (primary fire).As well as the sniper, I feel the stock sniper is just terrible, but again, trying to modify it and keep a balance between total kill or to whimpy is hard to do.
Also how the bots are doing,good ,bad, killer for this map.
And if someone could test this fully for online play to make sure it's all working right.If not I will remove this map and have to reinstall ut04 to fix it.
(it should work right though)

The only things I changed on the sniper was the smoke puff (firstperson), the ammo for it, and the refire rate.The refire rate is not all that fast, and I even trimmed it down from the 3pole map.(ut04 ver).
The ammount of damage is the same as the stock ut04 sniper rifle.

Thanx Hawk....ya redeemer and the basement I added, and fixxed up the windows and lifts. I would set gamespeed to 120 or so for this map and ut04 to be like UT.

INDY, Ya UT stayed heavy rock solid on my hard drive, ut04 was so floaty it did a double jump,now it's gone.

Thanking Indyskyz for the other 2 screenshots.

Still curious about some opinions, don't worry about what you say just gimmie whatcha think, score no score, no matter.
Two things if you do, please set gamespeed to 110 or 120. set the bots must be set to adept because of the ut04 code won't let bots do a lot of stuff until it's set to "adept".
Oh, I have it set to 4 players, 6 may be fine.or online 1on1 should be good.

01-21-2006 03:39 PM MST
Rating: 6.5 
from the pics, it looks more "light and shade' intense.
i don't really mind simple geometry, if it works.(ctf-blockeh)
i loved trench dog ut, except for the sniper rifle being up high with mega health and lots of ammo close by. it plays into what i like in ut, but not much fun for other people.(you goo gun people, "head shot, head shot, head shot")
the karma is nice, but functionally useless.
the trenches are exellent, so concentrate on that

edit: that lower level and lift are great equalizers. the bots never miss the perfect double jump, argh!
the sniper is still strong, but with the side walls and bots poping up from below, it really is a more even match.
nice update

ut to ut2003(+) should not be so straight forward.
i think of ctf-scandinavium. the lower boot room used to be just for our team, but now, any fool can go there to pick up the boots of jumping, without fear of the auto turret equalizer, so the whole point gets lost in the translation

01-11-2006 05:46 PM MST
Can't rate this one as I do not play 2k4(notice I do not put UT infront of it as the game is not UT to me)anyway back to the map, if it is anything like the UT version then I'd say it has got to be good from a players stand point. The UT version is a great map to play and it allows you to do just that, no endless searching around for someone to kill, just a great layout for fast paced fun fragging. From the looks of it this 2k4 version does the same job.

03-03-2006 02:18 AM MST
Rating: 7 
It's a decent enough map which tries to keep the theme simple and basic, much like you would see in a real building. In my opinion the lighting could have been more atmospheric....

Not bad.

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