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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added09-18-2005
File Version2.00
File Size7.41 mb
Player Count2 - 4
Map DescriptionDue to the immense number of mass graves in the closer area, scientists believe that ritual killings took place in these temple halls built into a hill. Young warriors were forced to kill each other at the end of the rainy season to praise the gods.
Review Rating --
User Rating8
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Map Comments

09-18-2005 10:40 AM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
Excellent map! The archy and the lighting own (the rankinish lights feel a bit out of place :D), and the caves are very well done (though there could have been more lights and stuff inside them). However, what I don't like at all of this map is the scale, too big IMO. No, I don't like cramped maps, but this is really too open, and has quite a lot of empty space (I'm not talking about visuals). Moving through the map is slower than I expected, and hitscan weapons become a bit too overpowered. Also, I think all the great z-action the map offers would be more useful if the walkways and floors were a bit more narrow. That kind of teleporter-jumpad gives a unique touch to the map and I would have liked to see another one of those. Liftjumps could have made interesting action, too. The placement is pretty good, but I'm not with the shield place, and I miss another weapon in the cave.
Other than that it's a great map that will stay in my hard drive. I will play it more times and am likely to rise my score a bit... A scaled-down version would be appreciated though. :)

09-18-2005 01:22 PM MDT
Rating: 7 
The map is some what unique though you can still tell its com static and textures Mainly. That being said it does feel different oddly enough, I mean in a good way. The size of the map is a bit over my personal taste, but pretty much every thing else G.Lester said I agree with.

I look forward to your next work, you have talent I can tell that much.

Fuzzy Logic
09-18-2005 01:57 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
Excellent map. Needs a few more than 3 in there to fill it out though. No complaints about placement or bot performance, everything was just about right.

Really good looking maps with decent gameplay don't come along too often. This is one of them...

09-18-2005 05:04 PM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
I was gladly surprised when I saw this map. FPS is surprisingly high (no static meshes?) and the layout is quite good. Arcthitecture and textures are both very well done. Maybe a bit simple, but works well.

Now there are some downsides too. First of all - as the map is so open, the hitscan weapons (Lightning Gun and Shock rifle) are too powerful here. You should make a new version in which a) the map is scaled down or b) the LG and chock ammo is made really scarce and scattered from the wepaons, while the number of other weapons is increased. In the latter methid there should be only one ammo box per a hiscan weapon, and it should be far away from that weapon.

Also there could be more trick jumps and Z-axis. Furthermore, I couldn't find Bio rifle there. All weapons should be present at all times.

Even though the map has some flaws, it is still extremely playable. I recommend it!

09-19-2005 04:02 AM MDT
version 2: fixed pathes

First of all i want to thank you for giving feedback.
I know that the map is slightly overscaled but in most places all that space is needed for good movement.
I tried to keep the fps up and to do so i actually did use static meshes, nearly all done by myself.
As most of you pointed out hitscan weapons are quite powerfull. The BioRifle could not have been that usefull in this map and I do not think that there should have been one more weapon. The itemplacement is one of the few points i am actually happy with.

I do not know if this layout is really worth a complete rebuild. I like the theme and I would like to improve the architecture and other details, but I think you understand that I want to try around with other themes first.

09-19-2005 04:58 AM MDT
Rating: 8 
I agree with all of the above. The map has a decent look and good gameplay. Speaking of pathing perhaps the player load could have been higher by one but it's a fun map to play......

The only thing I can add is that, as the mapper has stated, framerates were managed as well as possible. I'd have to agree that the map performs well.

Obviously this is a mapper who know what the word "optimisation" means and how to go about getting the best performance out of the environment they create.

Good job....

09-20-2005 02:36 PM MDT
Rating: 8.5 
One of the best maps I've seen here in a long time. Great fun. Nice details...

09-21-2005 12:50 AM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
I aint buying it dude,First I turned off the projectors in the game,then I see your texter has a simple texture overlay lke clouds moving back and fourth,take that out,be better,and delete all the projectors unless a good spot for one.

Map IS really cool,very refreshing color,a map I would love to play as a singleplayer map.
Should be smaller and or less of area,right now map is gonna NEED 16 players mabye 12 min.
VERY NICE map man,looks very acceptable from over a lot of ut04 maps.
I would score about a 3.5 gaming
about a 9.5 for coolness

09-21-2005 01:17 PM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
As i am atm working on an ancient map, i do like this map.
gameplay is not to bad, i like the weapon and item layout.

the tree's are kinda ugly though, and with all the textures the map feels kinda repetative, all the rooms feel about the same. (so basically a cave feel, and an ancient room feel becouse most rooms look the same, and the caves look the same)

i do like the detail, the atmoshphere and the gameplay so :)

good job :)

09-21-2005 06:27 PM MDT
Rating: 7 
like CS1 said, trees look kinda ugly. you also missing blocking volume in one area,and you can get stuck in few places. otherwise looks good :)

02-23-2006 12:22 AM MST
Rating: 8.5 
Very nice! Although it had quite a few common sense things you somehow overlooked. For one, you can see floating grass from a certain platform. Also, the trees tend to dissapear when you look at them in a certain angle. Maybe you have antiportals in front of them so they dissapear or something... Also, the lift went toooo fast, and its sound was slow to stop. i was very pleased with the map overall, because of its ripe visuals, ones that I haven't seem for quite a while, and because I love maps that take place in Ancient ruins. Like my map, Anasazi. Another dissapointment was that cave that launches the players... it would be better if you could just freely stroll in there and not get launched out... It adds an unorthadox feel to the map. Speaking of unorthadox, while is there lights and electricity in the map? Did the scientists leave it behind? Redfist was right about the projectors. Even though they are cool looking in there, it doesn't really flow... Now, about the blocking volume... You did a good job for some parts using that volume, except for the holes in the walls that housed torches. There really shouldn't be blocking volume there. And on some of the static meshes, you made it so that projectiles can pass through them, then right above them was bsp surfaces marked as "fake backdrop." The best thing to do when it comes to sky boundaries, AKA an area that you can shoot into and it looks like your projectiles fly to all the way to the sky, is to make a giant cube or rectangle that covers the entire grid, and is 120000 on the Z axis. mark it has fake backdrop and unlit. Thats how to make a kick ass sky boundaries, that work well and are real. I use that affect for every last map of mine that has a sky or backdrop. Well, I am really looking forward to seeing your next map! maybe you will use my advice and not make the same mistakes again.

I have a question on how to export a maya mesh and getting the vertex colors to work. Like your cave that uses 2 texture slots that have the 2 shaders. I export my mesh and painted it with the vertex color paint tool, but I cant get my coordinate sources to work. Is there a certain way that you must export it?

09-25-2005 10:24 AM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
Very Nice map SamRo. Did you play with gravity at all? Because I float around this map like a feather. :)

09-27-2005 08:08 AM MDT
Rating: 9 
I very much enjoyed this map. I was surprised to hear the other comments about the 'roominess' of the map, as I found it exhilirating to play through it.
The coloration and textures were great as well, and I also got good fps. I always comment on those maps that I find more enjoyable than the orignal maps that came with UT04. Thanks again!

09-27-2005 09:33 AM MDT
Rating: 8 
Well, as already said, its a little bit overscaled and needs more players. But it has great visuals and an own style.
Very well done.

Wesley "Boreas" van Dijk
02-23-2006 08:35 AM MST
Rating: 8.5 
Man, that sure was one load of atmosphere... :D

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