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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added06-11-2005
File Version1.00
File Size271 kb
Player Count8
Map Description1st Map.
Box map with two (upper & lower) recessed walkways - two ramps connecting these. Open center with jumppad connected free floating platforms. Lava volume at bottom. Not the worlds greatest, but functioning skybox. Well pathed - the bots dig it.
Review Rating --
User Rating2
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Map Comments

06-11-2005 02:00 PM MDT
The lacking screenshots, the 271 kb filesize and the title 'deathbox' suggest me somehow that I shouldn't give it a try...

Sicko Teddy
06-12-2005 11:41 PM MDT
Rating: 3.5 
I smell something here..
Hey, Earny, do you smell what I smell?

ANOTHER BOX MAP (even without a screenshot)
Sorry Buddy, but I submited only my 20th map. all others were left on my HD and the other half were destined to go into trash bin.

EDIT- HAHAH! looks funky on screenies.(not that bad if compared to other BOX maps that are dumb and unlit.)
about meshes-
I make mine in 3Dmax and make my textures in Photoshop. I prefer 3D max because it is easy to work with and easy to experiment, while in MAYA you get lost quick.
anyway, I think you should practice using static meshes from the UT packages. after you do SATISFACVTORY at that< then move on to your own ones.

otherwise it will be a bold move to start srtaight with yours.

06-12-2005 03:09 PM MDT
Mappers Rules:

1. Never ever submit your first maps

2. Design a layout that provides flow and tactical depht

3. Align textures

4. Light your map with nice contrasts (like blue-ornage)

5. Never ever submit your first maps

6. Never ever submit your first maps

06-13-2005 01:26 AM MDT
It's a box.

....OF DEATH!!!

EDIT: I use Maya, but pp tell me Maya is lame. I don't think so, but then again I've been very lazy about releasing my UT2K4 map...

06-12-2005 07:24 PM MDT
what you say!?

06-12-2005 07:58 PM MDT

Thanks guys. I'm a glutton for punishment ;-)


1. All except one of you who commented up to this point have maps associated with your accounts. In those maps there's a high degree of static mesh usage. Do you create the meshes yourselves or use 3rd party stuff?

2. If yes, do you prefer Max or Maya or what to do that?

3. If no, where (outside of what comes with the DVD version of UT) do you get them?

06-12-2005 08:09 PM MDT
I'd ask permission to people that make custom maps containing custom meshes that are the author's creations. Usually the author would agree to usage, given that they're credited for it in the eventual readme you include with a finished map. A fine example of an author creating excellent custom meshes himself is NC's Hourences :)

06-12-2005 11:43 PM MDT
that looks kinda big from the sreenies. Please , make your level smaller next time.

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