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Map Info

GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added06-02-2005
File Version1.00
File Size866 kb
Player Count3-8
Map Description >My second UT map. You will need SGTech1.utx to play the map but most of you should already have it as so many maps have been made with it. There is a texture that was being wierd in the editor and I couldn't fix it. Oh and BTW if anyone didn't notice, I don't know how to do colored lighting:(
Review Rating5
User Rating6
Overall Rating6.0


ReviewerArcadiaVincennesAwe Score: 1.5/3
Date06-28-2005Build Score: 2.0/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 1.5/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 6.0/10

DM-SpareParts (UT99)

A storage facility for pieces of other arenas in Liandri's vast collection of real-estate. This implies that the player will see an eclectic mix of various map styles. What we get is a mildly eclectic mix of industrial map themes.

AWE: 1.5

The texture work was fairly hap-hazard with a cinder-block dominance pervading the map in general. Different industrial-themed textures are dotted around the map forming several distinct areas that are different in terms of texturing but little else. Joining these together are mostly tight corridors carrying the cinder-block theme through the map. In some areas the wall texture is also used on the floor and ceiling. Although there are exceptions, as a rule of thumb, this technique is generally frowned upon as it removes form distinction from the architecture. There were a fair number of misalignments but the author did make some effort to minimize these. Also the texture changes didn’t really reflect architectural changes so although the map is landmarked texture-wise, there really isn’t any change in form to back it up.
The lighting was probably the worst part of the AWE section. First, the author admits he does not know how to implement colored lighting so everything is bathed in white. Also, the brightnesses and radii, although varied a little, were all set too high, thus creating a mostly ambient lit, almost overbright feel in most of the areas. Although a fair start with lighting, the author needs to put more time and effort into light experimentation and perhaps a few more tutorials. The author did do a good job with the flickering light at the flak area.
The architecture was fairly blocky overall. There were some nice touches – for example I liked the supports for the catwalks in the main room and how they were implemented in general. I also liked the set up for the flak area, although the forms were extremely simple. Most of the map is a series of rectangles with little architectural support features for ceiling areas. The author did experiment with some curved hallways and cylinder forms but they didn’t really seem to fit in with the overall forms very well – perhaps because so much of the rest of the map was so very rectilinear. I’d also like to advise the author against forming acute angles with BSP as corners as they generally don’t look very good.
From the texturing, to the lighting, to the architecture, the author has most of the basics down to create a solid looking level with lighting needing the most work. Architecture and texturing also need further exploration of technique. The awe here isn’t that great overall. But it demonstrates the rudimentary concepts that could lead to better, more beautiful things in the author’s next endeavor.

BUILD: 2.0

Like the AWE, the author has the basics down. The BSP is fairly well done. There are a few more complicated shapes that are not aligned to the grid, and it seems like some of the brushwork was done at a scale of 1. Both not recommended and kudos to the author for not having any BSP holes as a result. The map is zoned although the zoning for the main room could have been ‘shrunk’ down a little bit. Some interesting triggers were used and they work fine. The movers all work as well but not all had sounds attatched. The ambient sound was fairly well done. Some map areas were silent, and sometimes, based on volume and radii, there were some gaps between sounds but overall a nice variety was presented. I think the only sound-related aspect missing was the lack of triggered sounds.
In general, the author knows how to use the editor and does it fairly well. Some better grid use, zoning planning, and sound implementation and I think he’d be about set.

CAST: 1.5

The gameplay here isn’t exactly bad, nor is it very good. The z-axis sometimes seems good, sometimes seems like it’s desultory. Same with the layout in general – it seems like a series of fairly decent ideas connected badly. The main room has the best z-axis but this is reduced by its overall size which is a tad too big IMO. Also, the floor is completely flat, so if you’re not fighting on the catwalks above, then you’re fighting on the flat. The different, non-corridor, areas do have their own distinctness but bot in form and in architecture they’re all very similar which leads to an overall impression of homogeneity of gameplay wherever one goes in the map. The map’s flow overall was satisfactory. The bots went pretty much everywhere but tended to concentrate from time to time in the center room – however, this was more rare than in other map’s I’ve seen. The weapon layout was relatively well designed although the author felt it necessary to fill a spatial weapon gap by filling it with a second Ripper. One big gameplay downside was the method to grab the invisibility. The button and floorpanel worked just fine, but it was unnecessarily difficult to get out of the water. So I never saw a bot go for it, nor did I ever see a bot go for the shield belt.
In general the gameplay was there – just a bit lackluster.

So, for a budding author this isn't all that bad. Some more tutorial research and technique implementation, as well as some improved layout planning, and I think we'll see interesting things coming from this author. This map is definately not a must-download, but if you want to see someone's relatively successful first steps in the editor, you might be interested in checking this one out.

Map Comments

06-03-2005 05:18 AM MDT
... for colored lighting you have to open the light actor properties. There, there's options to choose color and channels for saturation and so, and even some effects. Read some tutotials...

06-05-2005 04:36 PM MDT
yo defeat, if you want add me on msn,
if you need help/advice just ask.

email = wat_jij_wilt83@

have fun mapping

06-29-2005 06:54 PM MDT
>Sorry it took awhile to answer. Iv'e read a tut for the lighting but i havn't been able to find a lot, could you show me where some good one's are? Also, thanks CursedSoul1, I don't have msn but i'll email you for help, thanks:)
>Yeah, I thought the same things after I was done. The thing is abit oversized, and the lighting is pretty bright. Thanks for the rating and comment though.
>Oh crap, I was playing my map and I noticed that there is no glass texture where the windows are in the room where the pipe with the sludge coming out is. I'll prolly do an update once I try and put better lighting in.
>I thought that this map deserved a 4.5 at the most. Thanks for teh review ArcadiaVincennes I agree with you one all teh pionts too. I didn't really know how to botpath the invisiblity and the shieldbelt sorry:(

06-08-2005 05:25 AM MDT
Rating: 6 
i think this is probably your best only its a bit to bright,
and a other this is
THE HALLS are a BIT to big for DM
but this is your 1st succesfull map, i give it a 6

06-29-2005 03:21 AM MDT
Rating: 4 
not too bad,for a fighting map,ya i have things set bright here,and wheeeew i need sunglasses.
A few dead ends,didnt check bot pathing.or bots.

06-29-2005 08:05 AM MDT
Rating: 6.5 
I like the layout of thid map..nice for your second map.
For the lighting i recommend this tut:

06-29-2005 10:30 AM MDT
Rating: 5 
what I see here is a map with an ok layout for larger numbers of players, but the construction is mostly blocks, lighting is bland, but worst of all the texturing is just horrible, overall tho its a playable map with an ok layout, work on texture choices IE. walls are walls floors are floors cielings are cielings and work out the lighting better and youll make some decent looking fun to play maps.

Vatcilli zeitchef
07-17-2005 05:48 AM MDT
Rating: 8 
I think the layout is allright, A bit large but nice.
The lighting is a bit high but then again my Map was too dark. I really appreciate your comment on my map (Did not rate it to spare me the rating drop huh?)
As for the lighting a bit darker would work but I don't know if I have the right light brightness.
Keep it on. And for that n00b mapper part in your personal discription, You can remove that.
For colored lighting you can right click your light go to Light properties Make sure to open the + at LightColor then click on the bar of lightcolor itself and a Color button will appear, Click it and choose your favorite color (black is dark red) The rest is self Explaining, Please mail me
( [email protected] ) Or if you have Messenger (probably not) [email protected]

07-17-2005 11:42 AM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
hi defeat

i can see you have improved much since your last map
i like this one espcaially the layout
the lighting is a little bad,but for the rest its quite nice
i have improved too,since i uploaded my latest map here,
this is my msn [email protected]
i think we can learn from each other,

keep up the good work

its hard to get out of the pool with invisibility

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