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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added02-18-2005
File Version2.00
File Size1.62 mb
Player CountUnknown
Map DescriptionI think it has a kind of desert canyon at night feel to it. It is a large scale map so great for many players. It fully supports bots. There will be a ctf version to follow soon. Haven't taught myself that yet... This is an updated version of the origional "tutorial" I added terrain and liquids. It's my A.D.D. lean as you go program ;)
Review Rating --
User Rating4.5
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Map Comments

02-17-2005 03:02 PM MST
No screenie and no description = no download

EDIT: I'm perfectly calm, I just noted that I won't d/l the map if there's no screenie or description, makes sense right?

02-17-2005 11:31 AM MST
Calm down , i hate when ppl say this.
Just be patient , or esle don't dl it at all.

What would you say if you worked around 4 month on a map , + You have the screenies in the map , and then , after you uploaded it up , there is no screenies at all , like atm here.

I know you won't like it at all.

02-18-2005 03:11 PM MST
well your a needy little fella arent ya? So there is your picture. This represents my second only attempt at a map so it is what it is. I sincerly appreciate any input anyone might have.. (however) be creative... dont come back with obvious opinions like "the map is to big" or "its a sniper fest" I know how big the map is I made it.I know it has good sniper points.. I put em there... On a side note depending on which version is downloadable there might be a problem with one of the teleporters on the high cliff... It has been repaired and re submitted it just slipped through the cracks. There was an issue at the build process in the edititor. A problem with the editor?! huh who would have thunk such a thunk!


oh ya Kantham thanks for the kind defense but I only have about 48 hours into this map ;) I know this because my wife reminded me of each and every one.....;)

EDIT: no it doesnt make sense (soulwhatever) live a little would ya take a risk or two... not all books that look worth reading are... with an attitude like that It saddens me to think of all the opportunitues you have and will pass up in life... I would be willing to bet that a lot of us in this community including yourself have been prejudged based on what we look like... and not what we are... you could be a really decent and cool person but if I judge you only by what I have read I might think you are a complete tool... then again I don't know you personally so I dont judge... but hey thats just a random thought... and I speak only for myself

EDIT 2/18/05 Wedtham: Do you know what the static mesh you are refering to is called? In regards to the trees... I would much prefer to have it that way

02-17-2005 08:08 PM MST
Rating: 4 
I've played this Map before, though I don't recall what it was called. The Map is basically made from the Artichtonic(sp) Tutorial Map, though it extends from it significantly. Overall not too bad, but has a lot of room for improvement:

1) Terrain Textures need Scaled or more Layers added to cut down on Tiling. When on the Terrain the Tiling isn't noticeable, but get on the walkway or cliff and it's very noticeable

2) IMO, the Map is too Big/Open for DM. Making it smaller or adding more variation(height/size) in the Terrain would help. This is especially important due to the height of the walkay which towers over the Terrain and covers such a large part of the Map. Scaling the Map down or changing it to another Gametype would make the size more reasonable.

3) Use of Weapon Bases. I don't like Weapon Bases in DM Maps, using Weapons and Ammo spread throughout the Map helps to make it more challenging and also helps Bot Pathing.

4) Weapon placement. Linkguns at the bottom of the water doesn't seem worth the risk. Flak cannons, Rocket Launcher, Sheild, or something else of greater desire would be better. The Redeemer lacks any risk at all and is probably the safest Weapon to go for, it should be the riskiest.

5) Theme doesn't really exist, though theme isn't necessarily a high priority for DM Maps. It sorta looks like a Mining Camp or Military Mountain Base, but adding some kind of Detail as to what it is always adds to the ambience of the Map.

6) Misc comments. Water Surfaces are good and fit the Map. Some kind of Sky(stars, moon, and/or clouds) would add much. The Walkway could use legs, braces, cables to make it look attached/held up in some fashion. The area of the original rooms(from the Tut Map) could use some SMeshes on the cliff faces, as that area is too blocky and clean-cut looking.

I know that's a lot of stuff to digest, just keep them in mind for future Maps and increasingly add more detail touches into your future Maps. Eventually it will all become second nature. ;)

02-18-2005 07:45 AM MST
Rating: 5 
i did enjoy playing this map, its particularly good in Last Man Standing mode as the chaos unfolds around you. the various lumps and bumps in the terrain provide good cover, and i dont have any problems with the theme. The idea of the "green areas" provides releif from the hard rocky canyon walls though watch out for the trees collision., (i beleive there is a static mesh pack with the leaves and branches as seperate meshes, so you can walk through the leaves but be stopped by the trunk.) the night feel is emphisised by the pitch black sky and erie silence. i might argue that a few stars may have conveyed a better night image, but thats not terribly important. all in all, good long distant action but maybe a tad on the large size, keep practicing and mapping ;o)

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