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Map Info

GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added12-22-2004
File Version1.00
File Size1.68 mb
Player Count2-6
Map DescriptionMy 1st release!

Would like some scores and constructive thoughts so i can make better maps plz.
Review Rating --
User Rating3.5
Overall Rating --


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Map Comments

12-22-2004 06:51 PM MST
I don't get it...

12-22-2004 07:43 PM MST
The map is not bad. Lights look good, the weapon pads are a nice touch and the textures were aligned well. The game flow suffers because the map layout has a linear design (would have been better if it was circular). Also the redeemer was a bit overkill IMO.

12-22-2004 09:44 PM MST
Rating: 5.5 
really not bad for your first map ...better than mine ( my first map: just some corridor connected with one texture with a lot of light randomly set)

Next time try to
- Set your weapons better ; i mean there have too lot of weapons for your map's lenght. Just set it more distant and remove some fo it.
-Try to diversify your light type.(colour , skin , brightness)
-Find a theme for your futur map (*important tips* dont put deck16's or facing's modification) but i see that you dont make a modification on a map that already exist and you dont send it to nalicity and say that its your first map...nice!
-Check the layout

Hey really not bad ...I like the gameplay, and the effort that you put on them (for your first map)...
*** That tips is only my opinion ***
continu your work , and i waiting your next creation ;)

12-23-2004 01:55 PM MST
Cheers for the comments - the next map tho will be a long way away (this one took yonks to make, and i have to juggle school betweeen this aswell.)

12-27-2004 11:07 PM MST
Rating: 1.5 
Well this map is more like a test map,not worth playing.The lighting is waaaay to bright,reduce the radius of the lights please.The little nubs you have for the lights you could make them "unlit" surface.
From the screenshot I was very hyped to try it because it looked so clean looking ,but after I did I should of left well enough alone.

Map is too small,has no room for stratedgy,or gaming,the outside is all to plain.
It could be the begining of a good map,but work on the lighting and don't upload somthing so small,it's a test map.It could improve greatly the way it is just by using the lights to give you that "3D ness",then add another side like the sniper side and start from there.

01-02-2005 01:31 PM MST
well, sorry for writing this, but map is just ugly... screenshots look like they have been taken from a '95 game, not UT99... fix the lighting, try to replace the textures, make it a lot different than it actually looks, then upload it here as v2 or as new map (I suggest the 1st option) and it will be better. Make maps, learn and make:)

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