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NaliCity Mothership




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Map Info

GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added11-20-2004
File Version1.00
File Size3.2 mb
Player Count4-6
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating --
User Rating8.5
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Map Comments

11-20-2004 10:35 PM MST
Rating: 10 

Great map!!! Even better than the first version !! Excellent graphics! Lots of little details made the place seem very real. The different decks and the various ways to get to them made things interesting. Good replay value there! Good ambient sounds. Playing against bots, the action was so fast and furious that I didn't notice the lack of music. Probably couldn't have heard it above all the weapons fire anyway! The choke point at the shield belt was an especially nice touch. The transporters made gameplay unpredictable, although it was a little hard to tell when they were working. Perhaps a flashing indicator light might help that. The bots seemed very well pathed and had no trouble getting around or finding anything. Even on the average setting, they gave me a real run. In fact they played so hard that they seemed downright vicious! Few maps have been this fun!! Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to more maps from you.

11-21-2004 06:08 AM MST
No music? thats bad.
transporters? some of them not working? thats really really bad.

also personally i dont like it that i have to put the texpack in my ut tex folder if im going to delete the map 10 minutes later.

Lighting is very bland, try to create more atmosphere by leaving shadows in the map, try to crate contrast trough a combination of colors, shadows and light. for some good tuts. smore. and some more.

Also i think you forgot to add detail textures on your textures.

i have to say that this is a very cute ut space station,
layout is ok-ish but fun, and the spacestation feels quite solid though low detailed (even for ut)
thats about it :)

personally id like to see people map for the newer engines, thouh the old ut is still fun.

good luck on your next map :)

11-22-2004 03:08 AM MST

Thanks for the comments.

As for the criticism of CursedSoul1:

1. Mo music -- I am sorry about that. I personally never have the music on while playing, but I can see that some people may miss it. I will include music in my next map.

2. Transporters not working -- all functional transporters are distinguished by bright bases and a greenish glow around them. You just have to look at them, and know immediately which are working and which are not. You should not expect that in a real space station all the transporters are working all the time.

3. Lighting is bland -- I think 'smooth' is the word you are looking for :-) There are shadows and dark places, except the constrast is less pronounced, more like in a natural situation. After all, it is not a sunny garden but an artificial place with diffuse lighting. Maybe you turned up brightness too much.

4. Have to copy & delete textures -- If everybody used the same stock textures (which do not have to be copied into your texture directory), mapping would become fairly boring after a while. Come on, it is only a click or two with the mouse.

5. More details (also in textures) -- You may have a point here. However, this is a matter of personal style. I prefer less detail because it distracts you less during gameplay. Too much graphical detail is the very reason why I don't play UT2003 or UT2004 and stick to classic UT.

6. Thanks for the pointers to tutorials, I will certainly check them out.


Thanks for the explanation, now it has become clear to me what CursedSoul1 was talking about! I was not aware of the existence of texture details (you see, I'm a beginner in the field of UT map editing). Next time I will pay attention to this matter. BTW, I would give my horse for a decent Unrealed manual :-)

10-23-2005 12:48 AM MDT
Still good mapping-mapper,but what about "detail" is when your up close to a wall it has a texture not fuzzy or pixles.
In the texture properties look in there and youl see "detail texture" goto "detail.utx" and add one of your pick from there.
For me it matters because I use opengl with the compressed textures,and it rounds out a map real nice. more thing,is make your texture the same size as the ones in "detail.utx" I don't remember if they are 256 or 128 ,but it will keep the scale looking right,it's implanted ontop of your texture so wood grain or others wont look funky.In ut2004 you can scale it the size you want like a 256 texture and a 512 detail you can set it like .5 or 1.5 or 2 etc etc but in UT keep the size the same.

speaker makes good maps,very neat mapper,and good solid levels.

10-22-2005 02:34 PM MDT
Rating: 7.5 
It is a good map, but it should be more developped. It is a classic concept which should be better. Try to give more free space.

10-23-2005 08:41 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
I love the layout and theme of this map- tired of the "just flow and show" maps. Few things in my opinion that hurt it just a little. (1) Lighting- If the screenshots need to be brightened up a bit then might be a sign that it's a little too dark. Not that I dont like dark maps, but maybe some areas could have been a little lighter. (2) Skybox- I dont know, something about it could have been better- maybe its just me... (3) The Damage powerup would have been better placed on the inside of the teleported instead of 2 ammo packs. I know, I know... you get it AFTER you teleport but still...(4)Lights- Some lens flairs and light effects would have really been a great touch. With so many panels and lights, you would think the ship would look more "alive". Maybe animated lights at the teleporters would have helped (like a pulse effect or something). Other than that GREAT map! The detail is nice and I can imagine you put some effort into creating it. PS- Don't forget to add your music- I don't really care if there is music or not, but it's always good to have for the peeps that do! =)

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