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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added11-14-2004
File Version1.00
File Size2.74 mb
Player CountUnknown
Map DescriptionThis tomb was imbued with magic to defy the laws of physics. The spell encasing the building seems to still be working, as the whole complex continues to baffle scientists around the globe.

For those nitpickers out there, (I know you exist) please don't bother me about the flickering when you pass from the floor to the cieling, its an unfixable glitch as I'm told. Also, there are a couple other errors that I've been made aware of. This won't be the final version of the map I think, so feel free to send me insite, but please don't go on and on about the same things.
Review Rating4.5
User Rating6.5
Overall Rating5.5


ReviewerArcadiaVincennesAwe Score: 1.0/3
Date12-03-2004Build Score: 2.0/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 1.5/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 5.5/10

DM-Dimentia (UT2004)

An exercise in teleporters/warp zones that is a mish-match of everything the game offers. Combining the Gen-Mo-Kai and Egyptians themes, the author has created a map that invites you to play on the floor and ceiling. A creative idea somewhat poorly implemented, it suffers from a traditional warpzone flaw as well as questionable design.

AWE: 1.0

The theme is consistent but somewhat disjointed. Combining meshes from Tokara Forest (Gen-Mo-Kai) and from the Egyptian packages creates a theme that is discordant yet collaborative. The architecture consists largely of the ||008 trap of room-corridor-room but the author has mixed this up a little with basic recesses and a sparse variety of static meshes. The rooms and corridors are largely square/rectangular with some challenging BSP work scattered around. They’re mostly broken up by the meshes which are drawn from the two themes and kind of work together and kind of don’t. It’s difficult to explain why they do and don’t at the same time. You really just have to see it to understand.
The texturing on the cubic BSP is sometimes well-chosen and sometimes not. Alignment is hit and miss with the misses largely dependant on what was chosen as a texture. Sadly, there is almost no trim anywhere which really would have helped the room and door junctions as well as the recess joins. On the other hand, these details are hard to see because of the spotty lighting.
The lighting, like the texture work, is hit and miss. Where it’s used it’s fairly well done with little to no over-saturation, and decent colors and radii. On the other hand, the brightness and placement leaves a bit to be desired because there are many places where the darkness overcomes the walls and ceilings leaving your path a little in doubt.
The emitter work for the torches and jumppads is good and there’s nothing really to complain about there.
The music is a custom track and was overenergetic for the map. An intense, high tempo track that carries good DM energy but not for this map.
An odd theme combination, off and on lighting, hit and miss texture work, and a music track that doesn’t really work all render this too much of a mix to be any good. It’s not too bad either, just not good.

Build: 2.0

The BSP is put together well with decent cuts and where the author challenged himself, it worked well and the complicated BSP is nicely done. Based on the map’s goal, the BSP is placed well with no real challenges whether the gravity is down or, um, other down.
The static meshes are placed well, and this was especially challenging considering the goal of the map, but there is one mesh severely out of place that actually get in one’s way when playing. A few other mesh downsides is that the walkways the author constructed out of the Arborea Hardware package end abruptly at points leaving a gap between the mesh and the wall/doorway. Combined with the darkness that is consistently present at the end of these walkways, the mesh truncation becomes dangerous always leading to a death drop.
The warpzones/teleporters worked well and there’s nothing to complain about here. When you go up, you fall down as you’re supposed to and I was, fortunately, never stuck in the middle.
Sadly, the author neglected to place any ambient sound in the map which really detracts from the themes.
Overall it’s competently constructed but the lack of ambient sound and the catwalk end pieces in darkness leave much to be desired.

CAST: 1.5

This category is somewhat of a challenge to rate for this map. The hook to the map is that one gets to play on the floor AND the ceiling. Through creative use of warpzones and jumppads, one can be propelled up to the ceiling area which quickly becomes the floor. Thus expanding the gameplay area to what could be considered the ultimate z-axis. However, a major problem with this is that the warpzones don’t transmit hitscan weapon fire. So if you’re fighting an opponent on the ceiling, your assault rifle and minigun have no effect. I’m not sure if the lightning gun works. So it opens up the gameplay but limits it as well. However, this is not the author’s fault as it’s how Epic coded the warpzones transfers. Still it was fun launching rockets, grenades, and flak at the ceiling. Although watch out – those grenades can easily bounce back into your zone.
As for how the bots handle this, sometimes they seemed oblivious to me below/above them and sometimes they ran away. But they never fired at me directly. Perhaps the running away wasn’t a reaction to me either. I also never saw one actually use a warpzone jumppad so I’m not really sure how they handle this in general. So far, it seems like they don’t handle it well and restrict their energy to those in the same zone they’re in.
There were a few other problems with the gameplay on the map. The bots really like the flak room. So much so that they tended to stay there once they got there.
And as for z-axis, there really wasn’t much besides the warpzone z-axis. A few stairs/platform jumps provide almost all there is.
Adding to the lack of z-axis is the spotty lighting. Difficult to tell where not to go and where the sharp drops are lead to not very fun gameplay.
The bots’ ignorance of the warpzones, fairly level gameplay planes, and suspect lighting don’t make this very fun.

A very inconsistent map with a very intriguing gimmick that could add a lot of gameplay but doesn’t. I recommend the download so you can see the potential in the gameplay but if it did not have the warpzones, it wouldn’t be worth it.

Map Comments

11-14-2004 11:56 PM MST
Rating: 7 
I got to give it to you man! That is a great idea, very few people have pulled this off, I might even give it a try one day. Visuals may not be the best, but imho I think the gamplay is very fun.

12-05-2004 03:28 PM MST
Rating: 9 
Great, Great Map!! It's hard to create an egyptian themed map without using lots of static meshes, but you did it well. The concept is a very original idea! Very fun indeed. Too bad hitscan weps can't go through warpzones, but that's not your problem, it's Epics. The visuals could use a little upgrade, but it is very fun to play and you don't get too confused with the layout (except for the fact that half of the level is played on the ceiling).

"The lighting is bad, the lighting bad!" cried the NaliCity masses. Hey, did you guys ever think thet your gamma setting is too low? What's wrong with the warpzones? They make the map what it is! If you guys who drug this maps good score down think you can do better, do so. I believe this map took alot of hard work. Warp zones are a bitch to work with. Hell, the editor itself is a bitch to work with! I don't understand why people go about flaming and giving rating ABOUT LIGHTING!!!

[EDIT 2]
SickoTeddy and redfist, he's not yelling at you, he's yelling at Blaaguu, Ma!ice, and Morphias. They each gave him unfair scores because they do that sorta thing. Blaaguu dosen't seem to like Xiphon anyway as he rated other maps of X's really low.

[EDIT 3]
What's even more rediculous is when someone gives a map a 1 because he can's see a wall that he can't pass through, even though the map is located in a dark sealed off tomb...

11-17-2004 05:05 PM MST
Rating: 4.5 
interesting to see somoene playing aroudn with the portals liek that... but while it is ratehr interesting, it isnt very fun. the visuals int he map are alright, with decent use of static meshes... the lighting is quite lacking. A bit too much fo a "room-corridore" layout, and pickups were badly placed.

my god, people. Do you not want to hear peoples opinions of your map? dont post your maps on public sites if you dotn want to hear criticism! and jsut because someone elses view of a map is different than yours, it doesnt make it "unfair". i dont complain abotu you giving high scores to maps i find lacking. when i make comments on maps, i try to give constructive critisism, so the mapper can take the comments, and improve their mappign skills. while its nice to see people like yoru maps and give them high ratings... if all you hear form people is "great map" then you have no reason to improve, and so you probably never will improve yoru skills. so even when i do find a map i really like, i will nitpick and find as many flaws as i can, because flaws are helpful to mappers. try being constructive... stop complainign abotu otehr peoples opinions.

11-16-2004 02:04 AM MST
Rating: 1 
Gee, another dark map.

Please but your gamma settings back to default and try again.

The warp zone is real pain, would have been better left out.

11-16-2004 10:23 AM MST
Rating: 2.5 
It is quite an interesting concept, but unfortunately doesn't work all that great, difficult to play. The lighting though is the worst, total black textures all over the place because they arn't lit at all.

Sicko Teddy
02-27-2005 03:20 PM MST
Rating: 8 
I am givin you a complement that you went on doing this, and i am giving you some advice that might help
improving it. I did not say anything about light.
So what are you screaming about??
I even gave you a descent score! You don't like it? I'll change it then!

i am a mapper, and I love those crazy effects that are hard to do in UED. i am 90% sure that you got inspired with that Idea from Serious Sam. They have alot of those upside down effects.
The flicker is very ennoying. The UNREAL ENGINE creators should make more attention on THOSE physics to make them more dynamic, rather than more useless details.
For your map, I might suggest to use not just One 90degree warp zone but to break it down into at least 4545 degree passages. This should improve it.
But don't listen too much about the gameplay winers. this kind of map is very fragile in terms of ENGINE use, so just take a chance and try experimenting to omit bugs, and than consentrate on light and other blah blah.
Good Luck!
I am givin you a complement that you went on doing this, and i am giving you some advice that might help
improving it. I did not say anything about light.
So what are you screaming about??
I even gave you a descent score! You don't like it? I'll change it then!
well then you better mention names or say thnkings to those who vere positive, otherwise it sounds like you are talking to everyone..
As I said before- I always like those kind of maps, where mapper give the ability to break the laws of physics! I like extrahazards and traps and tricks.

HEY People, play that map a little longer before you yep about light and stuff! that map looks great and the floor-ceiling effect is super!

12-09-2004 12:56 PM MST
The gama is at default. It actually looks better this way, I've tried making it bright. And there's a technical reason for it anyway. Its because the lighting doesn't go through the warp zones. If i put the lighting up, than it looks even worse. And it would look really terrible if it was well lit everywhere but along the warp zone. It's like that for a reason.

Also, the warp zone itself. If there was no warpzone, and no ability to walk on the roof, than what would be the point? why would it even be called Dimentia? or why would the discription say this building defies the laws of physics if it didn't? the Warpzone effect is the reason I made this map.

[More edits again]
This is getting extremely sickening. Please, one of you point out where I'm yelling and throwing a fit, instead of just getting all defensive. What exactly did I do? Did I come to your house and steal your computer? no. I'm pointing out that your all giving me crap for something (which, by the way i said not to because I was already aware of it) that involves UnrealEd, and not my mapping skills. And than you all go and comment about the same stupid things, (which, again, said not to because I already knew about it). I'm not even using exclamation points for crying out loud. (and please, If you review the map, don't review this comment, this comment is not the map. If you thought it sucked, fine, but at least try to give a constructive review. If you can't do that, than you shouldn't review. tell you the truth, if I think something sucks, I don't gripe about it, in fact, I don't even review most of the time if it sucked that bad.)
Your all starting to remind me of some sort of bully. You all go around and beat up people's maps, but THE moment somebody turns around and ses that you need to step back and take a look at the facts, you freak out and act like they just punched you. I've seen it happening in other places besides this map, and It's really making me mad. Follow this map around to other sites and take a look, (except for UT2003HQ, all they can say is that they love my map but won't tell me anything else) and you'll see what a constructive review is. Levels4you is probably the best I've seen, and they have givin me low scores, so don't start thinking that i like them because they give me higher marks.
You all should take a lesson from the official reviewers around here, because they are the only ones who seem to know what they are doing. Look at the review for this map for example. It's totally unbiased, gives the most information possible, and points out several important things. All of you just keep bickering over simple little things and get mad. There's a reason there's not to many good mappers, and it's because you all keep shooting them down, wether or not they have skill. So listen, drop the "Stop hurting me because I'm the innocent here" attidue, and get out there and reveiw correctly.

(Don't do what UT2003HQ does either. they just say they love it all the time...)

11-16-2004 08:07 PM MST
Hey Author,lighten up,man geez these dudes are just telling you,at least they tried it AND commented.I have to re install ut04,but i'll check it out.

11-17-2004 10:14 PM MST
Rating: 10 
WOW! i, as an mapper myself, have never been able to succefuly pull off a good-looking warp-zone effect, once again, good job! original layout, too. wow. and whoever screems about lighting being bad needs to wake up and realize-the level NEEDS this to pulloff the warpzone effect. good job!

edit] hey, i couldnt help noticing; the commentsystem on maps seems to becoming a battleground of opinions and arguements, and i thought it was just my maps that had this problem! dont let the pesimests discourage u, xiphon, keep up the good work!

12-05-2004 01:29 PM MST
the reason is becomes a battleground is because of people giving ridiculous scores,

for a example, a person giving the map a 10 simply because it has warpzones :P

12-05-2004 10:51 PM MST
for a example, a person giving the map a 10 simply because it has warpzones :P

indeed , this is true

12-07-2004 02:20 AM MST
i liked the idea but it had lots os lightingflaws

12-08-2004 09:25 AM MST
Im not even going to comment on this map since the author doesnt know how to take advice, critics and comment.

he should work on that before he ever releases a new map, becouse if it looks like this one, more zero's and low grades will be fired at him.

oops.. now I did comment :)

12-09-2004 05:38 AM MST
Rating: 10 
great map again xiphon make me laff when people moan about lighting or something as silly as that do they not relise this is two levels in 1? lol anyways man great map cant wait to see your new 1 :) keep the great mapping up :D

12-09-2004 05:26 PM MST
Rating: 6 
I feel very stupid for getting myself mixed in the conversation here, but here goes. People make maps. Those people put the maps on public sites like NC, UP, MR, Atari etc. Then, those people wait until other people download their maps and give feedback. People that give feedback know that the person that made the map probably worked very hard to create something cool. Using warpzones in a way Dimentia does is a cool feature. People like this feature, and praise it. People dislike the feature due to Epic's coding, people give constructive feedback.
People give unconstructive feedback, people haze the map (I'm not taking this map as an example). Person who made the map reads all feedback and wants to set things straight about his map and the mentioned errors or bugs. People that gave feedback read this and freak out because they gave their honest opinions without nuancing it. This goes on and on and on and on until an administrator decides it's gone far enough and deletes the comments or even the map.
What is wrong with giving carefully considered and constructive feedback? Some people can give feedback without hazing their fellow mapper/player. Giving feedback like 'your map sucked ass and I wouldn't wipe my ass with it if it were toiletpaper' doesn't help ANYONE, not the mapper, who expects to develop skill, not the one who gave such a remark because people will dislike him. So why don't we all just think about what you want to say/post and then post it using a nice tone of voice. Even if a map is bad you can still comment on it without giving anyone a hard time.
I completely sympathise with Xiphon. I played the map, the warpzones are very well thought of, it's a shame Epic hasn't coded it properly for hitscan weapons to work. The use of Egyptian/Gen'Mokai themes doesn't go too well together IMHO, it seems a bit inconsistent. The warpzones with walking on the ceiling make the map's flow a little bit confusing as well. Nonetheless I enjoyed myself just fine in that map and it really inspired me to do something with this kind of thing myself. Keep the maps coming Xiphon, you'll get better with each map you make.

12-28-2004 04:31 PM MST
Rating: 8 
Nice idea ...

02-02-2005 11:18 AM MST
Rating: 6.5 
Very odd map.......I was walking around an suddenly looked up as I saw something walked on the ceiling which seemed to be an opponent.
Couldnt stop laughing after that, but that was enough for me to give this map a 6 at least :P

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