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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Bombing Run
Date Added09-30-2004
File Version1.20
File Size16.53 mb
Player Count10 - 1
Map Descriptionan egypt lvl, with only user created meshes, standart form of br.

V1.1 has some Fixes add the tree meshes. Facke backdrop fix. And more fog added to improve frame rate. All is better than a bad gameplay

v1.2 more staic meshes fixes, replaced an ugly tree, zone fix, fog fix, light fix. unfortually day-night effect is not possible on this map (did on my test level)
Review Rating --
User Rating5.5
Overall Rating --


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Map Comments

10-02-2004 07:45 AM MDT
i have forgot to place a comment to this map, but i shall do it this way.
This is my first map created on this kind a engine, instead on the ut classic. I have started on the ut2003 game and finished it on 2004.
It is een simple form of br, so you would not lost your way. The sise of the dowload is because i did not use any standard meshes in the game. I have to edmid, mine arn't as good as the oridginals, but i did love making it.
I really love my map, but there is one thing what i hate the moast. that is the frame rate. Every body is propably going to camplain about it because it is running swappy. the map is running better on 2004 than on 2003 (i tryed many things, but still open for sugestions). Also the map is very dark. i like it because the light colours is more unreal. But i guess most people don't like dark places. if you do have probs with it, go to team red (team red has more light arround).
Well i could tell you more, but i guess you have to figure it out yourself. And as i have to rate it: Well it is far from a perfect level. It was more a tryout for me, and i would have given a 7,5 but because of the frame rate i give it a 6,5.
Still it remains lots of fun on a fast computer.
Good luck

not really 2003 and 2004 has the same basic engine. only so far i can see 2004 has some improvement. But i did not had to do anthing to run it in the 2004 editor (btw how do i get an extra reply)

Were do i find these commandlines. i do know ut2004 editor is very big, but i never have used the commandlines before, so i have really no idea what kind a commands could be used. But again, i did not had to to anything from editing 2003 to 2004. But since than i put textures in it from 2004, it is not playble anymore for 2003. But i gues it is better to play it on 2004 anyway. but if some one is interested i could e-mail the texture package, so it is also playble on 2003. or i have to reupload the map, with the texture inside.
BTW did you downloaded the map, and if you did how was the map to you.

To comment whisper.

First of all tnx for comment me.
Well i relese v1.1 soon. but first without lights. There some resons for it. On is there is quite heavy fog in the map to improve the frame rate. in v1.1 even more fog. when i light it up, it doesn't go well together with the fog. Unless i try make i big sandstorm of it. But i really want is that the changeses from day and night. but i don't know how to trigger lights like that.

Trust me i tryed all i can so far, yes there are antiportals. So far the fog is the first one what really helps. the map may look less nice, but it is better than having trouble hitting a mob because it is so swappy. I tryed ani portals, portals (but nearly impissible), simple box collision, and now fog.

tnx draco

to sandorski
Tnx, and yes it is. But i could let the map go on if it is right now, but i come with an update very soon, i hope tonight. the map is alreasy a lot better. the fog is gone now. i tryed to add day night effect. in my test map it worked perfect. but ones i added to the real map, it seemed the engine doesn't know anymore what to light up. Anyway try the map again ones it is v1.2(now i'm used to 1.2, 1.1 is very ugly)

Yeah why is br so rear, there are indead not so much maps to download compare with other game types.

08-18-2004 12:20 AM MDT
Was it alot to do to convert it to ut04?

well i read that the ucc.exe has a command line of convert

Like this ucc.exe /convert
you would have to go read about it though
and i do believe it makes em right for ut04

09-05-2004 05:50 PM MDT
Rating: 4 
You show that you have great skill modeling, which will serve you well for your future custom maps. However, the thing that really kills this map (and continues to beat it with a stick while it's twitching on the ground) is the nasty lighting.

From a players point of view, playing in the dark isn't fun. It doesn't really make the map look any better (the fact that the sunlight color is really more of a purple doesn't help either), so why not just make it a daylight map? People will actually be able to play, and you can show off your static meshes.

The red/blue coloring for the bases, in my opinion, doesn't look good either. Notice stock maps don't light the bases heavy red/blue, but mostly do blue/red decal textures to differentiate between bases. The red/blue coloring you have now is way too heavy, it's like pure red or pure blue. Ick.

Anyway, I wasn't really able to test out the gameplay because I couldn't see anything, but i give it a 4 for all the hard work that obviously went into it. Just try playing with the lighting a little bit, you may be surprised by how much better-looking you can make it with just a little effort.

EDIT: Dynamic lighting has pretty much been done away with in ut2004. It would be nigh impossible to create a decent night/day change effect, don't bother trying. As for the fog optimization technique, are you using antiportals? Those should be all over the place in your level. You shoulndn't need super heavy fog to help with the fps.

09-16-2004 06:08 PM MDT
Rating: 7 
Nice br map.

10-01-2004 11:40 PM MDT
Rating: 5 
I wish BR was more popular, it really is a great Gametype.

This Map is good, but has issues as already mentioned.

If you Love BR, you should Download this map

Kantham: You tease!! :| :D

10-01-2004 03:53 PM MDT
09-26-2004 05:52 PM EDT Rating: 5
I wish BR was more popular, it really is a great Gametype.

Dreams comme true , tomorow you will see BR-Luryx on this map siteĆ 

Edit : nha finally i decided to put it CTF

10-01-2004 12:33 PM MDT
Rating: 6 
Okay map, download it more because of the love of BR and the lack of maps for the gametype.

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