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NaliCity Mothership




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Map Info

GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added08-11-2004
File Version1.00
File Size1.77 mb
Player Count2-4
Map DescriptionFor more screenshots:
Review Rating --
User Rating7.5
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Map Comments

08-11-2004 12:29 PM MDT
The lighting is a bit better, but he tried to improve the gameplay mostly and that's not totally my catagory.

For whom is interested, what the read-me states

Changes: Gameplay:
+ Thighpad hall pulled closer to rest of map - faster
to get to and through
+ Two more shortcuts added: one from minigun to central;
One from central to flak bridge - increased connectivity
+ Central "drop-down" adjusted and another added at
opposite corner
+ See-through grate added directly above armor in central
+ RL switched with PG - more balanced, more useful
+ Extra Enforcer pickup added to central
+ Weapon pads adjusted / moved inward - another effort to speed things up.

+ Entirely revamped lighting, plus coronas - started
over from scratch
+ Another sky-light grate added on ceiling of central
which lets light in from the sky

Notes: The initial idea for the map was to make a rolling floorplan where each area flows into the next with short increments of wide steps.

Due to the openess of the map I excluded the sniper and shock rifles because they were too dominant and made the other weapons obselete.

08-14-2004 11:50 AM MDT
im no expert but, i would like to see the lighting in this map totally scrapped and re-built.
i see the current lighting as the maps worst feature,
playability wise this map owns i think it flows
freely like a mountain spring!


08-11-2004 03:30 PM MDT
Rating: 8.5 
I,m gonna give this a high score,this place gives you the feeling of solid walls very solid walls.But it's a little hard to see.
Do This,add 255 radius 255 brightness "omnibumpmap" light like 4 of them around map or above map openings(this will light meshes and skins only).also bump up the skylights (ones obove the holes in cieling)a little more mabye 10 or 30 more max.
Also make a small brush that resembles your lights on the curved beams and add one to each place the lights are now ,I see you did that on other ones.I see the brushses under weapons raise thme up a tad.
Annd one more thing to top it off ,make a zone brush cube but fit it up top all accross the openings then inside place a "cloudzone" this will make it so the rockets won't hit the sky and those zones also kill all
(if you don't want them to get above your map to).I would put one close the the very top maby 128 units high you dont need a thick zone .
I mabye wish map was a tad smaller,and a barrel or two so you know ware you are better or some kind of deco not alot.I am looking in editor right now,what you should do is open detail.utx first, then goto your texture browser and right click your texture-properties-,goto bottom and find"detail texture" ,then in the browser goto the detail one you opend and pick one ,then the walls won't look flat upclose,you MUST resave your file after you changed them all.(i allways change the "quality" area to true ,i dont know if it does anything though.but wth.
I like this level,built real good,zoned good.nice curvy walls ,cool dm mappage.

08-11-2004 04:01 PM MDT
Rating: 6 
I don't really like it.

The architecture is nice, very nice. But there's also some "misfits" in it, but those come inevitably with that kind of architecture. The lighting is still very bland, and the use of the coronas isn't really apparent since you almost can't see them.

The flow is very nice, but the level is very flat, and constricts itself to the middle of the map (too much imho). I can see the trouble in expanding the lay-out on this kind of brushwork though.

All in all, a good first impression, and a solid map, it just has some flaws in it which dampen the fun a bit.

08-11-2004 05:00 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
Good Improvements, though Lighting isn't that good yet... but it has definitly more style than the old version.

08-11-2004 07:37 PM MDT
Rating: 7 
not bad :)

03-31-2006 02:57 PM MST
Rating: 7.5 
Slightly improved from the first version.

Fast gameplay! Maybe the hitscan could have been included, just witout any ammpo packs. But it flows like this too.

The polycounts are above average, but there isn't that many details. And I would prefer a more crampy environment.

Still its a very flowing 1on1 map, definitely worth checking out!

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