
DM-Agony{DSRemix} | | Map Info |
| | File Name | dm-agony-dsremix.zip | Author | Dark Pulse | Gametype | UT2k4 Deathmatch | Date Added | 07-28-2004 | File Version | 1.00 | File Size | 3.22 mb | Player Count | 2-10 | Map Description | DM-Agony(DSRemix} is a Remake of the original UT Map, DM-Agony, but with enhanced Graphics and play to bring it into UT2004. | Review Rating | -- | User Rating | 6.5 | Overall Rating | -- |
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| | Map Comments |
| Cypher Bane 07-28-2004 06:01 AM MDT | Rating: 8 | | Brilliant Remake of a classic. Well built with good use of brushes as the base and Stactic Meshes as the deatail. Item placement same as the original but good anyway, map plays the same as used to. The Bots move round very well. Only minor problems I had was lighting didn't quite fell right bit too orange not overlit just I thought it would have worked better as a cold blue map but hey I didn't make it. All in all good map well worth the download.
| Manticore 07-28-2004 06:27 AM MDT | Rating: 7 | | Excellent remake. Worth the download....
| sandorski 07-28-2004 07:09 AM MDT | Rating: 7.5 | | Yup, very good remake. I don't recall the original too clearly, but the Layout of this Map seems about right, though I think some of the scaling might be off here and there. The Textures are certainly different and though they are good, I prefer the Original Maps' textures.
Anyway, certainly a worthy Download for those who love the Classics
| redfist 07-28-2004 02:52 PM MDT | Rating: 5.5 | | Pretty good,it didnt feel like ut03 with the fov all screwed up like that dm-peak redo. The redeemer shelf area not there or redeemer?(wich is rediculas for this level anyway) My biggest complaint is I wish you would have used a more different texture for all the doorways for better "3Dness" otherwise all is very close to ut. And I know there is a way to stop the "shoot the sky" problem but the rockets hit the sky. nice job LoL,it's just somthing I want to figure out,all this new engine coolness should not have the "shoot the sky" prob.Ultamatly you need a mesh that conforms to the walls,with bottom missing,and set a collision property in there someware(zero extent or somthing) then bullets will not "hit".Your level would be fairley easy to do i'd think(to make the meshes)and stash in "mylevel".
| Dark Pulse 07-29-2004 04:43 AM MDT | | Well the Redeemer wasn't placed because it kind of tended to imbalance the map; lots of times when the original was played on 99 it would come with the No Superweapon mute so I decided to scrap it. (Also because It would mean less detail on that wall. :P)
I could also expand those skies a bit, but you really shouldn't be watching the rockets hit the box, now should you? ;)
)Hidra( : What's wrong with that? If you don't like the map because of how it is, fine, but don't rate it low just because you didn't like the original either. :P
| )Hidra( 07-29-2004 12:03 AM MDT | Rating: 4.5 | | its agony =(
| flippya 07-29-2004 07:48 AM MDT | Rating: 6 | | Nice remake (altho the stained glass textures are no longer there)
Hwr, the original Agony was one of the weaker bonus pack maps..technically it's good, but gameplay wise it isn't.
