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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Deathmatch
Date Added07-17-2004
File Version1.00
File Size435 kb
Player Count2-3
Map DescriptionThis map is rather small but it was my first attempt and I didnt want to overwhelm myself. It probably will be expanded once I get some feedback on things that need to be changed or added.
Review Rating --
User Rating3.5
Overall Rating --


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Map Comments

07-21-2004 02:10 PM MDT
Rating: 1.5 
wow just got off playing it spam fest
But this map has possibilties
You need to use different textures in different areas,cielings,so you have a sense of wich way your going.
The lighting is way too much like a light radius needs to be lowered through out the map.
Add another area so you can stop and smoke a cig or somthing,to get away from fighting a little bit more (too small)

Ya reduce the global lighting ,and mabye decrease the radius of them and put like each one by a (light source) some kinda lamp to see like mabye a radius of 24 or less by each wall deco thing in there, or 12, and make light brighter, small lit areas,then add a global light around to not drown out the smaller brighter ones.

I had 4 bots ,was killin left and right and i dont see the harshness but i also didnt read anything about first map, my fault and yes the boxxyness,just make a ,,good,, boxy map for now,work on the fancy stuff later if my rating seems harsh ,i judge maps way better maps as low ,only a few i call good,one is dm-goose2k4 i gave that map a 10,it is what i think is good DM map.

i'll be checkin..............

07-21-2004 11:56 AM MDT
Thanks for your comments, but I'm confused about one thing. With the lighting do you mean its to bright? As for additions I'm currently working on adding a larger outdoor area to this map.

I really appreciate the comments guys, and yeah I didnt add the players and description till after redfist reviewed it because thats when I woke up. As far as changes I've redone my pathing and changed up the textures a bit. I'll work on lighting next and add some more areas to blast people. This is a much better response than I expected for my first map, thanks. Oh and about the spam fest thing, I like quick twitch splattery action. But I'll adjust my players to a little lower and people like me can play with more if they want that.

Just a quick update on this map, I've redone lighting and am working on adding a large entrance like room to open up the action. Some other things I want to do is expand the hallways to give the players some breathing room.

07-17-2004 05:08 PM MDT
Rating: 5.5 
to Redfist: You're being way too harsh, this is his first map give him a break. Lol Did you actually play the map with the recommended number of players?

First off I'll like to tell you that this map is better than most of the first timer's map out there.

-You have sources for the lights, a mistake that most first timers make.
-Pretty good layout.
-The visuals aren't half-bad.
-Bot supported.
-Map has good potential.

-Lighting need editing, in the center room the lights are too bright b/c the light radiuses are colliding thus making a bright flare like effect. In the tomb room where is the lighting? Isn't the tomb room suppose to be important/sacred, why does it lack lighting?
-Over abuse of the light static mesh, there's no need to put a light every couple of footsteps away especially if they're not lit.
-Tight corridors which leaves little to no room for dodging.
-You were WAY off in the recommended number of players. 6-10? This map is WAY too small to contain anything above 2 or 3. I played this map as a 1v1 map it's pretty good. If you play this map with 6 players that equals a total spamfest like Redfist mentioned.
-(I shouldn't be saying this myself but) The map is too blocky/boxy. you're going from square rooms to more square rooms, it gets trite after awhile.
-Too quiet... No ambient sounds or music.

Good start, GL on this map and future ones.

07-19-2004 12:33 AM MDT
Rating: 3.5 
Too bare, but has ok layout.

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