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Map Info

GametypeUT2k4 Capture The Flag
Date Added03-24-2004
File Version2.00
File Size324 kb
Player Count2-12
Map DescriptionI added better lighting, a sky box, more static meshes, more details, sounds, music. Tell me what you think now?
Review Rating2
User Rating3.5
Overall Rating3.0


ReviewerIronblaydeAwe Score: 0.5/3
Date05-31-2004Build Score: 1.0/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 0.5/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 3.0/10

AWE: 0.5

It may have been released for UT2004, but this looks like a UT99 map. The playing field is composed of seven axis-aligned boxes, and the rest of the geometry serves only to decorate those boxes to a minimal extent. None of it alters the overall appearance or layout enough to make the map anything more significant than a single room. There are a few Egyptian statues sitting around, and sconces mounted on the walls that burn with orange flames that give off differently colored light depending on where they are in the map. The rest of the map, BSP and meshes alike, is nothing that a reasonably competent mapper couldn't reproduce in UnrealEd 2 (for UT99) in five minutes.

To the author: spend some time walking through some UT2004 maps, or even UT99 maps, simply taking note of how shapes other than boxes are used to make architecture look more interesting. Take note of how lighting is used to enhance the appearance of a map, instead of just preventing it from being invisible. Try DavidM's old advice, to find something you like and then try to recreate it yourself. You'll get more comfortable with the editor and eventually be able to generate those ideas on your own instead of needing to look to other maps.

BUILD: 1.0

There's really very little to say here. The author's brushwork and mesh alignment aren't very good, not that it matters too much given the simplicity of the map. The bot pathing works, but then, all they need to do is run across a single room that's completely open. Anything beyond that – you need to translocate to get a couple pickups – is left out. I'm willing to give it a point because as simple as it is, most of it still looks all right from a technical standpoint, and at least the author thought to include the emitters for the torches.

CAST: 0.5

There isn't much attraction here as far as gameplay is concerned, either. Like the countless versions of CTF-Thorns and CTF-andACTION that have gone before it, this map is nothing but a single room, with a few pillars thrown in as if that could provide some bit of strategy. If you've played one map like this, you've played them all, and chances are that you don't need yet another one. Also, the author apparently holds to the belief that no map is too tiny for a Redeemer. I'm never crazy about seeing the big gun in a map where its blast radius can cover half the playing field. I'm exaggerating a little there, but not too much. Please don't feel obligated to include a pickup if it doesn't fit the map.


If you look for any kind of engaging gameplay in Capture the Flag maps, I suggest passing this one by. However, if you're one of those people who can't get enough versions of the one-room map, I suppose you could give it a shot, although you could still do better. There must be a one-room map out there that at least has something to look at while you're fragging.

Map Comments

03-22-2004 01:29 AM MST
Rating: 3 
Very simplistic and 2 dimensional in design. Could use some negative brushes along the walls. Some might complain about the lack of static meshes but I don't care for them anyway. Seems more or less like the basis for a beginner tutorial map.

03-22-2004 06:16 AM MST
Rating: 1 
Sorry this map sucks :(

03-22-2004 12:11 PM MST
Rating: 4 
Wanna be the first with an UT2004-CTF Map?? :(

03-22-2004 12:25 PM MST
Rating: 3 
i don't see any light sources in the pics!
no download for me, sorry...

03-22-2004 01:07 PM MST
Blueyes, there are two lightsources: those electric ceiling lights giving off that oddly saturated blue glow in thew second pic.

To the author: Keep working at it!

03-22-2004 01:45 PM MST
no like i said this was my first map ever, so i didnt expect it to be great, i just wanted some feed back. I am fixing it up making it look better, ive added a great night sky box, and im adding in more static meshes. Just curious though how does it play?

03-22-2004 02:33 PM MST
Rating: 3 
Maybe a nice idea for lay-out, but executed very poorly, sorry but this map is so very ugly, it didn't deserve more than those 5 minutes on my harddrive. Try and spice things up a bit, place some static meshes that go with a certain theme you want to make it and read some tutorials and learn how to do the harder stuff like skybox and stuff. Next time you release a map, make sure it plays well AND looks nice too, for us eye-candy lovers. Keep at it, you're bound to improve your skills....

Sicko Teddy
03-22-2004 08:48 PM MST
From constructive side-
+Never ever ever ever use bsp cylinder for simple stuff like pillares. It's an old school stuff= it was used in UT1, but in that case you are welcome to use all the power of the almighty UT2003-2004 engines!
Save Bsp brush for more basic stuff like walls.
+another thing-
the roof texture isn't the right one, it feels like players can walk upside down,but they can't . visually those are hevy tiles hanging above our heads? how they attached then?
+I see you were concerned about texture alignment..+good+
+you said you will be putting Static meshes? I can't say anythinfg about it, because I don't know how you will execute it. One thing, remember- "the more doen't mean the better."
Don't rush.
erm.... what else .......what else..
well that's it from me.
don't rush, OH! I said it already!

PS- thanks to developers of that web for freeing us from being forced to put rating, which isn't always necessary, and sometimes hurt mapper's feeling from some simple reason. THX again!

[Admin: Your welcome. ]

04-05-2004 05:52 AM MDT
Rating: 4 
1on1 maybe, but a little to simplistic for more.

10-23-2005 06:04 AM MDT
Rating: 6.5 
Dont looks so nice but it is great fun to play online :)

10-23-2005 06:48 PM MDT
Rating: 2.5 
BAD texture selection... could use more decorations. Need to put more time into it, more effort. Has no zones, worst name for a zone I've heard... "fraggin." Sucky fluid surface, the weaponbases have the messed up skins. Horrific map altogether!!

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