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DM-Scream v1.1 
Map Info

GametypeUT2k3 Deathmatch
Date Added02-28-2003
File Version1.10
File Size1.72 mb
Player Count2-6
Map DescriptionA dynamic apocalyptic factory-or-something for those who can digest orange(even the med-packs are orange!). Suitable for 2vs2, 3vs3 or 6 players. This is the less orange version 1.1.
Review Rating6
User Rating7
Overall Rating7.0


ReviewerQualthwarAwe Score: 1.5/3
Date04-08-2003Build Score: 2.5/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 2.0/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 7.0/10

Here’s a good map that could be so much better with some improved lighting techniques. The geometry is busy, and I like that. The flow is a little rusty, but parts of the map are challenging and varied fighting tactics can be used, including the proverbial z-axis. The item placement works pretty well, so do the bots, but you might want to play with a few more than the recommended 4 or so. The gameplay was a little slow for me until I put about 8 bots on the floor.

For the author: One technique used in art could be used in your lighting. Contrast between light and darkness is a powerful tool for making something dynamic; it can bring things out, and hide others. The colors you’ve picked for your lighting could be toned down (less saturation), maybe vary it a little (like the red you have mixed with the orange), but above all, get some higher contrast in shadowing effects by taking the brightness out of some of the lights. The lighting really is harsh on the eyes and it makes it harder to focus on an enemy. Perhaps a lot of it is your monitor. Maybe it looks a lot different on your PC than mine.

Map Comments

02-23-2003 03:41 PM MST
Rating: 8 
I said before and I'll say it again - I really like this map.

And i love its orange-ness. :D

02-24-2003 12:36 AM MST
Rating: 7 
Nice map!
I especially like the wires hanging from the ceiling.THe orange lighting suits the industrial theme and overall it plays pretty well.
Shame about the fps though (and on a picky note that spikey jump-pad looks a little out of place).

02-24-2003 02:31 PM MST
Rating: 8 
Excellant map, love the structure and size seems just about spot on. The orangey colour suits it, but I wouldn't mind seeing good old plain white light in some areas - a change is as good as a rest? Keep em' coming

07-19-2003 11:00 AM MDT
This is 1.1(thanks to MassChaos)"patch" with higher saturation and no jumppad(you can restore it though in the editor). Changes:
-no jumppad
-1 nicer lift
-more antiportals and zones(=works better)
-minor visual changes(lightning and some textures)
-improved bot pathing

Download it and play...

03-03-2003 01:53 PM MST
Rating: 7 
Great flow map. I particularly like the side-by-side elevators idea.

A few things :
- the orangeness would gain by using more variety. Maybe make some places with paler orange (the upper levels for instance)
- There is a dead end at the flak cannon. Maybe you could put a teleporter there.

I haven't found any secret area. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but a secret area always make a map a little more interesting. (Put the damage amp or big keg into it)

04-10-2003 02:24 AM MDT
Rating: 5 
Not a bad map. I see some z-axis potential for interesting fights. The layout works, and jumptricks can be used to some extend.
I agree with your item placements, but I think there's a little too many healthpacks, and those at the base are all quite close to each other, which will not encourage players to move around more. The flak room is ok, because it is a very powerful and spammy weapon so it's recommended to keep it at the sides. There's a teleporter leading to it as well, which is good, but I think the teleporter can use a better indicator.

Lightings need work. It's too reddish and consitent and hence it makes your layout look flat and confusing. It took me a while to figure out which area lead to which. Light orange lights and some 145/145 lightings will be nice to indicate corridors and pathways, and make it less harsh to the eyes. You can use some landmarks, ambriant sounds to give each area their own individual distinction. I can't play this map for long, my head hurts. =P which is a shame because the fun factor is there.

good work.

04-16-2003 04:21 AM MDT
Rating: 6 
Actually it's a 6.5, but I don't consider it being a 7.

I've already contacted [morpheus] about the details, so I won't write essays here. Decent playability, somewhat boring archi and missing minigun.

04-18-2003 09:28 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
Awesome map. We will keep this in rotation for a LONG LONG TIME! Map makers have to follow this for flow and z-axis, because it rocks!

04-16-2004 07:24 PM MDT
Rating: 8 
0wnage! luv this map ;)

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