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Map Info

AuthorCypher Bane
GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added02-07-2003
File Version1.00
File Size252 kb
Player Count3-6
Map DescriptionFirst Level: Egyption Temple
Review Rating2
User Rating5
Overall Rating3.0


ReviewerNahandAwe Score: 0.5/3
Date12-26-2003Build Score: 1.0/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 0.5/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 3.0/10

AWE: 0.5
Absolutely first of all, this is the author's first map for
UT, acording to the README.

Now, what we have here is a sort of Egyptian temple in the middle of the desert. As you all know, egyptian temples were often constructed underground, exception made to big important places of mass people
deslocation, like Thebes, for example.
That said, this isn't a fancy themed map set in a piramid or anything, but actually an underground temple, being the entrance at the base of a big sand dune, at night time. The work the author had in giving it a more or less "realistic" feel doesn't make it a good UT map.
The textures are used right with the theme, but they are lacking in giving the place a more strong sense of UT arena. All seems bland, repetitive, and without lush decoration, like seen in other great egyptian maps.
There isn't much to be said about architecture. Simple most of the time, there's some nice 2D Shape Editor-made "cracks" in the ceiling at the pool after
the entrance with debris at the bottom.

Lighting work could use huge improvement (just like anything else). The green at the pool is nice, but all the rest inside is basic torches yellow-ish, here
and there (BTW, with coronas nicely done) and overuse of "dynamic" torch weaving effect. The map's preview image (shown at this page too) is the most elaborate
light/shadow work to be found, and overlit in my opinion, just like all other lights.

Everything is mostly basic shapes, with the ccasional 2D Shape Editor use.
Soundtrack is a default Egypt-themed (no surprise here), and some ambient sounds where included for torches and water.

CAST: 0.5
This map, due to his simple build work, ran smooth. FPS were always 59fps.
Unfortunately, the major issue about this map is the layout, that just buries the flow. Done are a few rooms with some pillars and altar, connected to other
room similarly "decorated". There's also a net of tunnels that run under the shieldbelt room, whose only purpose is for you to spawn and get lost.
Add to that some quick dead-ends and an inexisting deco or texture work to guide you to exit. The entrance part is saved from dead-end -iness (o_0) with
the inclusion of a simple teleporter, and this is where that minigun ammo error is set, giving you Sniper ammo boxes instead of bullets (other type).
The rest of the weapons are more or less properly placed, with 2 ammo crates

The BOTs did fine, but i guess even for them, this map was easy cake, though they didn't get the Shieldbelt - this one needed a Impact jump to get to.

Though this is the 1rst map by author, it clearly seems to show some degree of mapping skills that other don't have, no matter 12 maps they released.
To the author i can only say: keep going. You're in a good path, but not there yet ;)

Map Comments

Cypher Bane
03-07-2003 04:13 PM MST
Would like to ask for some critism(positive) .I really know this map needs work but I'd like to see how much work people think and eventually redo (alot better). Enjoy!
Thanks for the ideas storm and the rest of you. Im going to start work on the next version soon (I hope).
Iknow my lighting needs work (I rushed it in one afternoon) I have plans for more elaborate texturin and interesting coridors.

note:Didn't ever realise it was sniper ammo!

03-05-2003 03:07 AM MST
Rating: 4 
well for a beginner you should be very proud of yourself you have placed the weaponry and ammo well
and the health packages in that respect youve got what it takes and i think youve considered where it would be good to place the gear
about the actual map well on a profecianal scale it isnt too hot but yet again for a begginer its good
game flow isnt too bad but the pillers on the normal floor dont flow to well the bottom floor goes quite well tho
your lighting textures kinda suck not so much where they were placed but the dark patches were very clearly
so u might wont to improve on that too as for theme
youve got yourself a good theme somemore textures for it and it would be awsome i think you should sit down
and have a six player bot match on adept level and take a look at how the bots respond to your map
thats how you could adjust the map for gameplay so that it runs smootherand once again just improve on the light
id like to hear what you think on my points on your map
so post another comment

03-05-2003 12:31 PM MST
Rating: 4 
Nice map for a first try... ( better than my first map ).
the textures on this map are a bit plain and boring... but that can easily be sorted.
ilike the theme the map has. also that is one of the best skyboxes i have seen. overall item placement was good. apart from one small thing that annoys me . Why the hell did you put Sniper Rifle Ammo next to the Minigun in the outside area !?, lol

03-05-2003 02:11 PM MST
Rating: 7 
first map!! good try..i like the spaces for dm..has some nice bits, but most of it is corridors (too samey) cant tell where your at. add some textures in the tunnels. I love the pool area great!!! really nice effect looking thro hole to moon..nice job m8y

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