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Map Info

GametypeUT2k3 Bombing Run
Date Added11-02-2002
File Version1.00
File Size2.44 mb
Player CountUnknown
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating2
User Rating2
Overall Rating2


ReviewerTwrecksAwe Score: 0.0/3
Date11-28-2002Build Score: 1.0/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 1.0/3
User Point: 0
Overall Score: 2/10

Stuck in a box...

BR-Captured won't be hosted on any "Ownage" site, but does have some redeeming features (no, no Redemmer!). Aside from the lack-luster layout, hideous skybox, and gut wrenching lighting, BR-Captured enjoys a menu preview, distance-view fog (even if the color is off) and some terrain.

The Bases comprise of some boxy rooms and some unusual item placement and the odd mesh usage. I for one would not bother wasting my time for ammo on top of pillars but use my T/L for snagging the outa-way armor and snatching the U-Damage that the bots otherwise tend to ignore because of distances and, in the case of the U-Damage, inadaquate pathing.

Gameplay is fairly straight forward seeing the maps simple layout. Luckily there are two ways to the goal and the roof tops outside provide a home for sniper support. The distances between goals and the vicinity of spawn points makes scoring on higher AI settings difficult. Eiter A. lure the enemy into your base and make a mad dash for their goal. or B. the time proven: Muscle your way to victory!

Map Comments

11-11-2002 09:25 PM MST
Rating: 3 
Looks Anceant...Old tech...This aint the 60's...=(

11-12-2002 12:09 PM MST
Rating: 1 
Sorry, this map S.U.C.K.S.

11-12-2002 07:17 PM MST
Rating: 2 
Were you even alive in the sixties?

11-12-2002 10:09 PM MST
Rating: 3 
Pretty basic for looks and layout. Needs graphical and layout tweaking.More routes to take, as you only have 2 routes. So RL whores with plenty of ammo can block them easily.

The Juggler
11-13-2002 12:35 AM MST
Rating: 3 
Nice try, but not pretty enough, way too plain. Routes are too few and too close together so they are easy to block.At the end of the day though, it's a Bombing Run map and Bombing Run sucks ass. No amount of prettying up will change that!

11-13-2002 10:34 AM MST
Rating: 3 
Needs work.

11-13-2002 03:40 PM MST
Rating: 3 
Well mate... couln't helpt to rate it more then a 3. it's pretty plain an doesn't look like an ut2003 map should look. I like the overall idea thoug. maybe you should redo it, add some fancy, speed killing polygone stuff and call it version 2.0 :-)thanks for starting up nali city with (as far as I know) the first ut2k3 map submitted yet *thumbs-up*

11-14-2002 11:57 AM MST
Rating: 2 
yeah the map is kinda boring

11-14-2002 12:04 PM MST
Rating: 0 
I haven't tried it yet, so I can't give it a rating. It looks rather barren though and this is never good. Apparently, you can't not give a rating, so ignore my rating.

11-16-2002 04:16 AM MST
Rating: 1 
bahh!!if you wanna build a map like this you don't need the new unreal engine (Q2 is enough for something like that)

11-18-2002 11:44 AM MST
Rating: 4 
Lol !! this map looks empty......Now my new map uses the engine to the max. My AMD XP2100 with 1024 mb ram and a geforce 4 ti4200 Doesnt like the map well. It uses a lot of speed...Try it some time. BR-The_Pit.ut2 Its not a big map but sucks the engine empty.

11-24-2002 06:21 PM MST
Rating: 5 
Oh come on - it wasn't that bad.Yeah, sure it was a little empty - but if the map was scaled a bit it could turn out to be an okay level.

11-25-2002 02:24 PM MST
Rating: 2 
Hmmm. Ported CTF-andACTION to Bombing Run ?

11-29-2002 12:10 PM MST
Rating: 2 
WIIIIIII, cubemap :P

11-29-2002 04:32 PM MST
Rating: 2 
:tdown: ;)

11-30-2002 03:20 AM MST
Rating: 1 
It's not a bad map. It's an awful map. I could make a better map like this, so it must be a 1.

12-01-2002 11:20 PM MST
Rating: 3 
Not just bland, actively bad. Cubes, cubes, cubes. Everything is right angles and boxy, the sky is too low, the lighting is ridiculous, everything is waaaaay too open -- the map is just physically too big for its path design. At least there's no Redeemer or Ion Painter; I'll give any map a +1 for that. And the map does actually work, which is more than you can say about some maps that wind up on Nali City.

Hint to map designers: turn off all ambient lighting, and use point or spot sources to light your whole map, darkly, and see how it looks. See how much more interesting the effect is? Now add in ambient lighting judiciously, to fill in where things are too dark. Especially in indoor areas, keep the ambient lighting low unless you really want to make your map look like the inside of a fluorescent-lit supermarket.

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