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Map Info

GametypeUT Domination
Date Added10-10-2001
File Version1.00
File Size191 kb
Player Count4-8
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating3
User Rating4
Overall Rating4.0
NC2 map imported without screenshot.

ReviewerQualthwarAwe Score: 1.0/3
Date05-10-2003Build Score: 1.0/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 1.0/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 4.0/10

As the name implies, this map is simple. It’s basically an arena DOM map. There are three control points: Two on the outer edges and one in the middle surrounded by a pool of slime. The ramps that lead to the centralized platform with the central control point are pathed improperly. Bots do manage one of the two ramps, though. They also don’t know to get the shieldbelt, which rests atop a crate, because of bad pathing.

As far as how well it plays as a DOM map, well…I’d say it gets the job done nicely. The games were pretty close, and I had to keep busy to make sure my team came out on top. The lighting was lacking, but I’ve seen worse, and there wasn’t much around to add sound to the map and create more atmosphere. Cover is provided by the myriad of crates, and you do have some elevated places while you fight with maybe a half dozen or so.

Map Comments

05-12-2003 04:42 PM MDT
Rating: 3 
Sounds like an excellent map for simpletons indeed !

05-16-2003 10:06 PM MDT
Rating: 9 
Great map!

05-17-2003 03:23 AM MDT
Rating: 3 
Great map!!!???

05-17-2003 05:06 AM MDT
Rating: 4 
Succeed? This map could.
Could and in fact, should!
But alas, the mapper
Flushed his ideas down the crapper,
And the result is not any good.

05-17-2003 03:54 PM MDT
Rating: 3 
well....simple round room... ( nasty, horrible idea .
all the controll points can be controlled from one if played with instagib. the boxex are just randomly scattered around the top section making the map feel crowded even with 5 bots ( 6 players inc. me )
also the boxes wall thikness is different one the side of the box that touches the floor.. making it look as though you are going to have to jump into the box to pickup the goodies inside. weapons placement also seems random, hidden behind boxes in inappropriate places such as a sniper rifle in a map where there are no sniper points..
Texture usage is a bit plain.. maybe a more varied use of the texture package used or a totally didferent texture package alltogether may have 'upped' the textural ( if thats a word ) eyecandy.
The lights... a mixture of torch flames and lanterns.. the combination of the two really doesnt work. if you use torches.. try to stick with the theme of darkness.. maybe cyrpts and so on. Lanterns fit more into the 'civilisation' theme such as medieval, ( or nali village etc.). the lighting imo was too bright.
Also, a skybox would look nice maybe with the effect of stormy sky.. with dul lights inside nd ambient sounds .. maybe even rain would be great for this map.
Overall i give this map a 3.
Yes i know i may be a bit harsh but im the kind of player who likes tonnes of eyecandy.. and inventive and original map theme, and realistic weapon and item placement. last thing.. if people could check out my maps ( DM-TheUnderground & DM-1on1-Destiny ) and maybe give them a good comment/review it would be greatly apreciated as i am only a new mapper but still can produce some quite nice maps. Thnx guys !
Deceased over and out :)

Cyrss's Female Dog
05-26-2003 11:08 AM MDT
Rating: 2 

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