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Map Info

GametypeUT Deathmatch
Date Added11-12-2001
File Version1.00
File Size763 kb
Player Count2-6
Map DescriptionMy first released map...and probably the only one...

The feature in this one (the original idea, is the Solarium, as you all guessed)

It takes place on a platform on the center of the ocean
Review Rating4
User Rating5
Overall Rating5.0


ReviewerMister_ProphetAwe Score: 1.5/3
Date03-26-2003Build Score: 1.5/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 1.0/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 5.0/10

Boo-ga! Here is a map that put my panties in a twist. I liked the theme idea and a lot of the ideas the mapper had, but overall I found myself picking out issue after issue that just cramped my enjoyment.

Solarium is a structure not un-like that of an oilrig. Earth has been screwed up by this giant flood, see. And now the surface has been covered in vast oceans as far as the eye can see. This platform towers several hundred feet over the ocean surface, which is toxic of course for gameplay reasons (Imagine falling from a tower in a UT map, screaming all the way down as you get closer to the murky sea beneath you, and then you splash harmlessly into the water, saved by it’s fluidity only to be left floating in the myriad waves while the game map grows dimmer and dimmer in the horizon. It just wouldn’t work. It would be a twist though). On this platform is an array of ramps and catwalks, a heli-pad, a vat of what appears to be water (upon further inspection of this vat, my scientists at Prophet Affairs diagnosed the fluids found in this vat as harmless water, despite the fact that it would have better served as slime for gameplay purposes), and a large greenhouse facility which takes up the central map. Let me say what I didn’t like and get that out of the way. Lighting needs work. A lot of work, in all cases that I noticed, the lighting was overabundant and I did sense a trace of overused ambience and whiteness. This map suffers from BLANT, as have most of the nighttime maps I have played recently. (BLANT stands for Bright Lighting AT Night Time). The sky box could use some juicing, a good overhead moon would have cast an eerie glow to the place, but the author didn’t do that here. We have a predominately star lit sky with an unconvincing panning cloud streak and ugly UT moon decos. Mapper dudes, listen to The Prophet on this one: Never use the UT deco moons, sheets are ALWAYS a wiser choice. The deco moons rotate, true, but they rotate clumsily and the mesh looks fuggered up 90% of the time. It looks more like a torn weather balloon that is losing air rather then a celestial giant. I merit the author’s use of trees and plants for the greenhouse, but they can be irritating, I’ll say why when I get on to gameplay. Doors are not necessary, I know I know, they are cool and all. But in deathmatch, especially deathmatch in such a small environment, you don’t need them. There are ways to work around doors, like jammed shutters or such. Whatever, moving on. There were a good amount of texture misalignments and the liquid vat I told you about earlier had a really weird water surface. It looked bizarre, and not good bizarre like a chick with three breasts. Last but not least, coronas. Ugh. I applaud the author for actually adding coronas, but the coronas don’t match the lighting at all. Always make sure you use a white corona and NEVER use a colored corona texture. The light’s Hue and Saturation will determine its color.

Ok, Good stuff. The author has an eye for detail, even though his style needs some precision. He has pulled away brick walls with holes that actually fit the texture nicely. Yay. There is a open pipe with running water pouring out (though the pipe mesh is rather black. Set your scale glow on those meshes if need be). Numerous portable lanterns populate unlit areas. Lighting aside, this is still a neat idea. Granted, they are just small box lights, but hey at least he thought of it! There are beleveled light fixtures in other spots, and used good. His facility actually is set up to serve as a functioning facility, although not exactly realized for play, he didn’t go for a generic facility theme where all the panels and pipes run along walls and ceiling while the player fights over ramps and stuff. I admire that, I wish more skilled mappers would do this, to a more flow oriented degree. The greenhouse was a nice touch, though basic. He added a pond in one, with some lily pads. I am reminded of the greenhouse in the visually masterful CTF-Addien for UT2K3, this map has a similar idea with the angled windows allowing light to the numerous plants inside.

Gameplay could have been better, but I did have a good time. Flow leaves a lot to be desired, and playability weakens in the upper sections of the map, although my sexy computer could handle it. Bots play the map ok, with some minor difficulty in places (they seem to have trouble with doors sometimes, as well as a certain crate in one of the greenhouses). All in all, the map played ok, I’m still not sure if it deserves a 1.5 for cast, so I’ll settle for a 1. The flow just needed work, I found myself snagged a little too much.

The Prophet’s Verdict: I really wanted to rate the map higher, so don’t even look at my numerical score. I am telling you to d/l it and give it a try, you may like it a lot. I still think it is fun, with some unfortunate problems.

Map Comments

03-27-2003 11:16 PM MST
Rating: 6 
hey i want to see more from you dont feel down its quite good i liked the theme too keep at it plz for the mappers sakeeeeeeeeeee

03-28-2003 03:55 PM MST
Rating: 6 
Looks Like UT2K3's Map

03-28-2003 05:52 PM MST
...I take that as a compliment... I released that a long time before UT2k3...

Thanks Prophet for the Review!... Liked it... althought I was expecting a score sightly more higher... but I cant complain :)

Book of the Dead
04-06-2003 10:25 AM MDT
Rating: 4 
I really liked the theme alot. Could use more goodies and eye candy though. Bots have lots of trouble navigating around the crates and consequently, they're easy to kill there. I agree with Prophet.
Keep it up! I'm waiting for a newer version! :)

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