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Map Info

AuthorAmazing Grace
GametypeUT Capture the Flag
Date Added02-04-2001
File Version1.00
File Size782 kb
Player Count8-12
Map DescriptionNone
Review Rating4
User Rating6
Overall Rating4
NC2 map imported without screenshot.

ReviewerQualthwarOverall Score: 4/10
DateNC2 02-12-2001

This one has some high polys, so low-end systems might have some problems, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I actually had a good time because of the catapults that hurl you to each flag and the hilly terrain. The terrain adds an extra dimension to the map: providing cover and some apprehension since you don't know whose head will appear over the next hill. The map doesn't look great, but it's not bad. There's some trim here and there, some hay bails, and some wood that accents the castle walls a bit. The bots seem to work ok. They will defend or run for the flag. I like the redeemer in the middle of the action; it gives you a chance to plow the road before you reach a base. Health is sparse, and the weapons seem fine. I like the green globber at the flag, since you can ooze bots when they run up the ramps. I didn't see them use the catapults, though. This would have made for a better game. Maybe I needed to adjust my difficulty settings.

~End of Review~

For the author: Try to keep the polys down. They are way too high when you're looking down from the sniper posts, and at other times. This brings down the score on the Fun Factor and the Playability. Anything under 160-170 is good. All the hilly terrain and the notches along the tops of the forts are doing most of that. Your lighting needs some work. You can take an okay map and turn it into a nice map just by proper lighting techniques. It's one reason why Epic maps look so good. For outdoor maps like yours, you could have put a full moon in your skybox, then created lighting relative to where the moon was in the sky. You do this by adding the regular light like you did in the skybox, then adding separate lighting in the main part of your map. Open up the actors and find lighting and then find spotlight. Add one of these up in a corner of the map by the moon and then set its direction. Select the light in a 2-d window and you'll see an arrow that points in the direction the light will focus. Bump up the brightness and increase the radius and you'll get the idea after awhile. The one light on your skybox will give you some ambient light, and the spotlight will give you a brighter, more focused light that will create shadows in the proper places. Duplicate a few more spotlights after you are happy with the first one. Do not change the angle of the arrow, since light shining from that far away would come from the same direction. Spread these other spotlights out on the same side of the map the moon is on.

Make your flames on your torches Unlit. They will be bright then. Also, make an X with two flames instead of using just one flame for each torch. Add some ambient torch sounds and some outdoor sounds. There are tutorials explaining how to do this.

Map Comments

Timothy 'Amazing Grace' Tweedle  
wow high brightness on those pics, thanks for all the tips and the speedy turn around time.

Kain Rating: 4 
Hey you don't actually have to give your own maps a 0 you know :)

Wiz Rating: 4 
not too bad of a map.

Andoremus Rating: 5.5 
I dunno, I thought 4 was a bit harsh. I had fun playing it with my buds, but the lighting was definitely a bit too dark.

03-26-2003 12:31 PM MST
Rating: 9 
ANDO-unED it and brighten the lights! works well then
Good map,(Ilove outdoor maps) catapults dodgy though,didn't like them.

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