About NaliCity
Nali City is the brainchild of a visionary, QAPete. Unreal and progenies such as Unreal Tournament and now UT2003 have existed in a symbiotic relationship with Nali City, a huge repository for user-made maps and the mother of map reviews. While other sites have fallen, Nali City has stood the test of time and is dedicated to making your gaming experience richer.
Over the years, improvements have been made on the site in many areas. This is due in part to you, and the fact that we listen to you, because Nali City is a community of people. Some of the improvements include increased options for map sorting and searching, tutorials, special files, and improved features with our Forum. Our present venue, NC3, is new and improved; however, we will continuously strive to keep Nali City fresh, entertaining, and exciting. Enjoy your visit with us.