VoodariuS 03-22-2006 11:23 PM MST | |
Overoaded z axis (: May be it will be nice with warpzones
EDIT: But this map plays really good with instaginb.
CursedSoul1 03-19-2006 06:08 AM MST | |
hey sjoerdje,
We talked about this map in the train huh. Imho a map like this does have potential, but for my feeling it might need a few more ways to get around, maybe becouse it feels weird to look down a lot :p
But yea.. i wonder why there arent a lot of maps that focus more on "z" like this.
Wesley "Boreas" van Dijk 03-19-2006 06:20 AM MST | |
I see what you're trying to achieve here.... interesting concept. But I thought NC was not a place for beta's and other unfinished works ;)
I guess you could make something cool with this, but you would have to make sure players start with a pair of jump boots, or you could completely remove all fall damage in the map.
I don't feel this has a lot of potential for good gameplay, but it might, if you combine this idea with more horizontal mapping. Like said above, Z-axis overload right now.
nELs0n 03-19-2006 08:10 AM MST | |
this kinda reminds me of the rift part in jedi academy for all of the jumping down and platforms. like was said before - with a few ways to walk down (or up again) this might be fun. or trying something like ut99's fractal reactor with warp zones, so it's one 'infinite' pipe you're going done... the lighting is nice :)
cUnNiNg_StUnTs 03-19-2006 11:26 AM MST | |
We love you man, and it's going to be OK, next time listen to us less and your own great mind more. :o)
with love. ;-)
Kantham 03-19-2006 05:18 PM MST | |
It was fun and very bad at the same time.
I would imagine that online it would be the same, it's a completely different gameplay. You like it or don't.
Turns2Ashes 03-19-2006 06:36 PM MST | |
I dunno, I liked it. A good change from the generic and mostly boring maps I've played as of late. Was fun getting airrox and flying combos on those bots, but I can see it getting retarded with more than about five people in the map at once.
neoduck 03-19-2006 07:07 PM MST | |
FuN w1t|-| l0w Gr4V 1nst4g1B!111 w00t!
at work last year we had a 1 hour mapping contest at lunch for UT (ahh.. good times), and out lead artist's level came out pretty much just like this. it was like watching politics- you'll have a good laugh for 10 minutes, but after that it's deadly boring!
milb 03-23-2006 01:25 PM MST | |
Actually this should get a 0...like neoduck said before, it's fun for some minutes and then it's crap! But I won't rate it, coz: "It's a test!"