Dm-AlexIsland | | Map Info |
| | File Name | dm-alexisland.zip | Author | Meatman | Gametype | UT2k4 Deathmatch | Date Added | 03-18-2006 | File Version | 1.00 | File Size | 12.99 mb | Player Count | 2-10 | Map Description | This is my second map for UT2004. It's rather small, but very heaped up. I tried to make it detailed as it is possible, and to add as much as possible special effects and interesting dynamic objects. Unfortunatily, for play with hi FPS you need the processor not less than 2.4 Ghz, 512 RAM and the most powerful videocard. But there is almost everything, than is nice UT2004: smart illumination, beautiful complex textures, are used shaders, there is warpzones, translator, softlights, lift with opening doors, the underwater world and still is a lot of that. I hope, it is pleasant to you... | Review Rating | -- | User Rating | 8 | Overall Rating | -- |
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| | Map Comments |
| OLDMAN(CO30) 03-18-2006 08:43 AM MST | | First it would be nice if you said it was a 1on1 in your Title before I found out when I downloaded it although it is bigger than expected.
Now the problem I run SLI TWO 6800GTs and my frame rate was 40-95 frames, pity the other guys. I look for maps to place on are server, well I can not place this one one on .
I like your idea of different, but it just did not do anything for me, It did not have the "WOW" factor that wanted me to play more.
| goldfenix 03-18-2006 03:57 PM MST | Rating: 9 | | It seems that every texture pretty much has a specular on it, including the beach sand. Has alot of procmeshes, movers, custom things, but needed more antiportals and zones. Warpzones worked well. I wish I could have read the easter egg, but it was in geramn or danish or something. My friend speaks Dansih, so if it is Danish, he can read it to me. Would of been cool if you can shoot the chandaleers and they swing, like a KActor with KBSJoints. I liked it, didn't get too much framerate problems, because I got 1024 RAM, Pent. 4 2.94 ghz processor, PCI Express x16 speed, etc. Cool map.
| kaiser 03-18-2006 04:33 PM MST | Rating: 7 | | Plays OK on my AMD 2200, 1gb Ram, ATI 64mb video card rig. As for 1 on 1, it launches with 5 bots. Bot pathing OK, [I came in third]. Lot's of decorations, but they don't get in the way of weapons or health.
| buffyslayer 03-18-2006 10:16 PM MST | Rating: 10 | | WOW ! Amazing nice looking map ! where can I find your other maps ? I want all of them .. ;)
| CursedSoul1 03-19-2006 06:00 AM MST | | yes, the map looks nice, and it has a lot of fiddles and diddles. But it doesnt have gameplay.
Personally, i like to make small maps myself, not for gameplay but for a screenshot of two and imho this is more a "check out my grafics/detail abilities" map.
So ill talk about the detail. Ill start with the green room (the one where a nekkid) girl lies under some dome thingy. Imho you should try to work with more color to break things up, make it feel more alive than only a greenish brick texture. The meshes in that room look nice, no really painfull texture seams in that room, but it couldve used some more color to make the room look better. (with color i mean some different textures than the same all around)
The island itself is very simple and doesnt need a lot of comments, its a small hump with meshes here and there, but it does look islandish.
then the blue room with the nekkid chick statue thats turning around. First the chairs, the normal scaled ones are nice looking but the ones that have a 1.2 in their drawscale look a tad overstretched, personally id go into max or maya and make it look better. btw, though the chicks have a weird body, the texturing does make them look nice. Furthermore there is a giant "hall of mirrors" effect in the room with the pool in it. You can see it if you fly trough ued from the room with the rotating chick to the room with the pool. It seems you deleted all the substractive bsp? i cant find them in your map. Also the zoneportal brushes should be non solid for bsp's sake. About color, it also goes for the blue rooms.. you should use some variation becouse everywhere you look (besides the extra detail) most look the same. It kinda feels like im walking around in a room made out of some tiled blue texture.
Also some of your meshes dont light up that well, but thats more the engine than your work.
Your candleholder/lightholder mesh you have in i.e. the room with the picasso painting, when you look up to it, it looks like the texture that should be the light is kinda.. b0rked.
Talking about b0rked, i dont know what you did with the map but in ued it borks like hell lol.
Ok, and what goes for most rooms is mostly mentioned.
The spec maps, the work with the emitters all do look nice, and I still dont know how to do xproc myself (could you like.. pm and learn me lol? cuzz.. i have had a hard time finding a tut for that stuff... hmm maybe i should ask hourences) Also the time you took to make most tree's have shadows is something i really apreciate.
ow.. one more thing.. those weapon bases.. Imho a big no no.
Now most what ive written down is nitpicking, my personal view on things and are about the bad parts mostly.
I could still learn some things from this map technically to make things more enhancing, but gameplay and lighting arent that special, and imho its all a bit to bland, but still a very nice visuals map that ill keep to learn a thing or two from.
I hope you understand my nitpicking is focussed on things imho need work or could be done better, and does not affect the parts that are nice about this map.
why not make a map like this, but with real dm/ctf/br gameplay?
| VoodariuS 03-22-2006 10:11 AM MST | | Ìäå. Ñêà÷àë âîò, âèæó, çðÿ. Õîòÿ... Òîëüêî èç-çà êîëè÷åñòâà ïðîäåëàííîé ðàáîòû íå áóäó ñòàâèòü îöåíêó, õîòÿ òÿíåò ìàêñèìóì íà 4. Âî ïåðâûõ èãðàòü íåâîçìîæíî. Ïîëíîå îòñóòñòâèå "z-axis" è ñëèøêîì ðåçêèå òîðìîçà. Âñå ýòî íå òÿíåò íà çâàíèå "êàðòû"...
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À âîîáùå ÿ áû ïîñîâåòîâàë ñäåëàòü ÷òî-íèáóäü íå â äóõå "great visuals & bad gameplay". Äëÿ íà÷àëà ïîñìîòðè êàðòû ìàïïåðà Soma, è ðàâíÿéñÿ ïî ãåéìïëåþ íà íåãî.
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| cUnNiNg_StUnTs 03-19-2006 11:29 AM MST | | wow this map is almost as abstract as that ^^ font ^^ / language.
Anyway nice eye candy map, obviously you weren't going for game play here. Those meshes have a lot of junk in da trunk if you catch my meaning.
But the art on the walls and the interesting sky box and teleportation to the tranquil island is a nice touch. Pure Eye candy!
| LiquidSteel 03-19-2006 02:51 PM MST | | I agree with what VoodariuS said.
| Meatman 03-26-2006 01:58 PM MST | | I was read through comments, has drawn conclusions and I shall consider all remarks. I'm glad that the map has liked many ppl. My next map I will try to make with the better gameplay and without brakes, but also nice looking :)
| Draco 04-02-2006 09:31 AM MDT | Rating: 8 | | Nice map with great visuals.