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Map Info

AuthorThe CTC Team
GametypeUT Other
Date Added12-23-2004
File Version1.00
File Size89.27 mb
Player CountUnknown
Map DescriptionAS-CTC-Dimension by Fritz-X & Professor
AS-CTC-MidnightProphecy by TexasGtar & Professor
CTF-CTC-2Fast2Furious by KillRoy
CTF-CTC-BT-A1-Breakout by nix_x3k3z3r
CTF-CTC-DeathScape by phant00m
CTF-CTC-Inurbanity by CyberSirius
CTF-CTC-Trigger by CyberSirius
DM-CTC-AlpineCrimbo2004 by Uncle_Bob
DM-CTC-Astral by Sarevok
DM-CTC-Caractacus by HortonsWho
DM-CTC-DeadlyWorship by FraGnBraG
DM-CTC-1on1-EBD-Disconnect by evil_blue_dude
DM-CTC-Fossor by Homeslice & evil_blue_dude
DM-CTC-Phacoid by Flying_Killer
DM-CTC-QuickSilver by Homeslice
DOM-CTC-EBD-LostCity by evil_blue_dude
DOM-CTC-TechFoundry by GroundZero
JB-CTC-Nix by nix_x3k3z3r
Review Rating5
User Rating8
Overall Rating6.0


ReviewerMister_ProphetAwe Score: 1.5/3
Date01-03-2005Build Score: 2.0/3
Review SchemaCast Score: 1.5/3
User Point: +1
Overall Score: 6.0/10

Been awhile since I reviewed a mappack. To those new to the mappack reviewing thing, the score you see is an AVERAGE of all the maps mentioned in this review. Because of the size of the pack, I've compacted each map review into a paragraph highlighting the finer points. So here it is, the CTC Volume 2 mappack. It has a little of everything.


Assault is never an easy gametype to take on. Next to SP, it's probably the hardest. So I was surprised to see two AS entries to this CTC mappack. Most packs don't even bother to include this gametype, so I was happy when I started playing and realized Dimension was a decent AS. The map centers around an enclosed richrig/sg-tech prison/teleportation facility. Why a prison has a giant teleporter or why a research facility specializing in teleportation has a something you'll have to ask the authors. Objective aside, the map can be quite fun, aside from a few design problems. Visually speaking, the map is pretty sound, if a little generic. A few texture misalignment situations exist. Also, abit of the architecture choice in more minor segments of the level seem a little tacked on. You'll have solid structure work in some places and others...well they look plain crappy and cheap. But for the most part it's ok. What I didn't like is the learning curve. One of the most important factors of a team oriented gametype is knowing where to go and some parts of this map require you to stop what your doing and explore. For instance, I didn't die for awhile into the mission and when I respawned (as an attacker), I was in a room with sets of teleporters numbered 1,2,3,ect. along each wall with different color portals. How am I supposed to know if Teleporter 1 with the green portal is the one I want to go to or if Teleporter 1 with the blue portal is my destination? Bots didn't put up much of a defense or offense. One decent player leading a pack of bots can choke off the bot team attacking in the first area of the map, which brings me to another thing. Multiple paths in a AS map is crucial and this map does have plenty...but one area has a pretty brutal spam point. The defending team, with its A.I. path problems, never got past that hall. Human games are a different story, and this map has fine playability.

The Prophet's Verdict: Decent though generic AS slugfest with a few directional learning problems. Bots perform as well as an aborted fetus at the Olympic games. Map will still be fun with two human teams educated with the layout. Nice ending effect. The author(s) made a great effort to preserve a good map from a gametype rarely seen for UT1 anymore.

AWE: 1.5
CAST: 1.5

Rating: 5/9


I've had acid trips that made more sense than this map's layout. It's bad enough I was subjected to an infectiously horrid music track, but then I found myself lost in Dr.Seus's cocaine nightmare. And the author tries! He really ambitiously tries to make a complex AS experience here! It just isn't fun at all. Layout-wise the map stumbles effortlessly into boredom in the first 5 minutes. Even with objective screenshots and hilighted circles saying "Go here" I got sidetracked a number of times. First off the texture choices in this map are probably among the worst I've ever seen. The author uses all the outer-rung BS textures nobody's glanced at since the days of Unreal...and he uses them EVERYWHERE. I saw a low quality rug texture used for an entire ramp and base textures I thought they stopped making. I couldn't tell you the theme even if I wanted to, it doesn't have a time-line setting or genre. The last half of the map involves the use of a bunch of jump-pads to reach towers embedded on the sides of a canyon. This would have been fine, expect the jump-pads (a totally random idea in an already random plot) are clunky. You touch them and the next second your at high altitude falling at an arkward angle at what you can only assume is where you are supposed to land at Mach 50! Holy Balls! And the botom of this area has 10 ammo packs placed in circles for each gun over a wide walking distance. Huh? The map just goes on too long and has too many long walks through long wallways across long rooms with bland visuals and bland gameplay. I really tried to find some positive things in the map and I guess it would have to be that the bots actually know where they are going.

The Prophet's Verdict: Every mappack has its lesser addition. For what it's worth, you'll have it on your game anyway if you download the pack so you may as well play it and decide if you like it or not. I hate to tear it up in such a negative review but I really didn't like this one and it would be unfair to lie to anyone downloading this pack. You probably won't like this one. I hope the author learns from this review and checks up on some tuts on Fun Factor before he tries another AS map.

AWE: 0.5

Rating :2.5/9


I can only imagine why the author, KillRoy, decided to name his map after one of the worst movie sequels ever made. But he's right on the money. This map IS fast and furious. Set indoors in symetrical, facing flag bases placed inside a gothic theme that reminds me of...well DM-Gothic. Using nearly all ShaneChurch textures, this place is very quick to navigate and finish. I can see clan servers eating this one out. Playability is as fluid as as you can ask for and it flows just as well. Only negative points are, well, the map is extremely generic on ALL fronts. This would have made it as a stock map with UT back in '99. Yeah, and bots won't be keeping up with you CTF flag carrier pros so I'd suggest you reserve this one for fast online fragging.

The Prophet's Verdict: What else can I say? Fun map, doesn't try to be anything more than what the author wants it to be, a perfectly average CTF map for the whole family! But for those looking for a fresh environment or layout, look elsewhere. You've seen this incarnation a hundred times before. Though, on a personal note, I'd like to see the author try to make a more impressive map with the skills he's got. You got the talent to make a better map that will really rock people, I suggest you go for it man! Why hold back?

AWE: 1.5

Rating: 5.5/9


First thing that caught my eye about this map was the presence of BSP shadow errors. I counted several light fixtures in several of the hallways early on in this one. And these are cube hallways we're talking about folks, with cube lights. Nevertheless, they don't appear to hinder gameplay, which is set in a facing tech environment using minimal texture and brush use. Like KillRoy's map, this one is small. The outer sections don't see alot of combat, though I saw a few bots wandering the halls once or twice. The layout is pretty uninspiring and it doesn't connect well, unlike the previous map. The author tried to add some visual flare such as large planks laid across the ceiling to give the map the ever famous criss-cross shadow effect. Windows appear too, but they are small and don't have frames. Without a covering of any kind, they look pretty un-convincing. Bots really just stick to the middle area and the map isn't a great deal of fun to play. Dunno, just didn't do it for me.

The Prophet's Verdict: Small CTF with some visual errors and fractured moments of gameplay placement. Bots wander the outer halls aimlessly as if looking for their heroin.

AWE: 1.5
BUILD: 1.5

Rating: 4/9


Trigger is set on a facing space map similar to CTF-Face. Each map has a sniper tower and a team color beacon. What it doesn't have is interesting visuals. Gameplay is pretty fun despite its crude construction. Bots navigate and give it a good run and item placement is added nicely...although some patches of ammo may be a bit too generous. Playability is great and I had a Luke Skywalker moment as Logue ripper alted me into the spiraling darkness of space as I screamed "NOOOOOOOOO!" all the way into oblivion. People will have some fun playing the other CTF maps, it just isn't terribly original or strategically heart throbbing in anyway. Visually this map is kinda bland. You have simple structures with full on ambient light. That includes the skybox.

The Prophet's Verdict: Map has decent gameplay without any glaring errors, unless you call standard an error. Visually uninteresting. Stock UT maps look better but play the same. I admit, I like the music. It was catchy. I hope the author keeps mapping.

AWE: 1
CAST: 1.5

Rating: 4.5/9


This is the first really above average map I played in the whole pack. After going through some hit and misses along the broad line of standard mappage with the CTF and AS maps, the CTC team's real talent seems to await those looking for some DM action. Finding fault with Disconnect's layout or flow is like trying to find the exit to the Construct during a blizzard (for those of you too young..or too old, that was a Matrix reference). This is a pretty solid 1on1 map. Set in a tight tech environment, the author uses a wide array of fast map attributes. The flooded lower level. The central lift. The up and down ramps. The ambush and escape points. Smart item placement. He even has a door in the level and it doesn't hinder gameplay. Visually, the map could be better, but it's a notch above the stock standard and on par with the current tech standard. Lighting is weak in some places and the water has a funky texture (did you modulate that dude?) and there are turret bases for all the guns, but nothing to sneer at. The bases actually enhance the game I guess, as you can see where the guns are easier. I especially like the little slanted bars the author added to certain walkways. Usually an author will leave those open for universal access but here they seem to work since the map is so small and they prevent overspamming. They also force constant movement to draw a bead on your target, adding to the already frantic flow. Rare for a map to be so anti-camper without a mutator. If there is a negative, it's the music. It sounds like a lame 80s teen soundtrack song instead of hardcore action music. I felt like I should have been asking Sandy to the prom, but not before I practiced my flash dancing.

The Prophet's Verdict: Daddy likes. You're promised a fun 1on1 action mash, especially online. It ain't cutting edge, but its got teeth.

AWE: 2
BUILD: 2.5

Rating: 6.5/9


Well this one is certainly festive. Some nice things are going on in here; nice use of custom trees and particle effects for snow, as well as new textures for the gifts (which replace the standard tech crate for quick architectural-gameplay interactivity). The music from Unreal skytown is equally effective here. The small set of one room houses are locted in a tree-filled, rock-enclosed space with a pond and snowy ground. The surrounding rock walls are pretty flat compared to the terrain UT1 is capable of doing more recently, and the texture could have been made larger. Also, the ground is almost completely flat. Other than that, the visuals work. Gameplay is very oldskool in the sense that you have a bunch of players lobbed into a one floor area with obstructions blocking shots and items. The closest you'll come to Z-Axis is using the jump boots to nab the AMP or to reach the rooftops for snipe-outs. But let's cut the 3rd degree shall we, it's a holiday map and is intended for gimmick effect. Still, it does work as brief entertainment.

The Prophet's Verdict: Not enough diversity in layout to work as a real effective deathmatch level, but the theme is nice.

AWE: 1.5
BUILD: 1.5
CAST: 1.5

Rating: 4.5/9


Rockage. Sarevok has created a map that sums up the atomosphere of the Nali experience in Unreal. Even using a dated texture pack that I loathe he manages pull it off. I will say that the lighting is a bit bland, far too much blue/orange going on. And there is a slight stutter the first minute, but after I saw the whole map it seemed to stop. The layout is really cool and is almost hidden by the old textures. There's alot of Z-Axis ambush/Hit and Run going on and the two big powerups are placed in smart locations. Instead of putting them somewhere in the center of the map or among the higher floor risk points, two exterior areas of the map branch off from the main combat zone. One by a town, one near a waterfall, this is where you find the shield belt and super kegger. This is a risky approach Sarevok used and he does it pretty well. He provides your risky dead end power-up spots but at the same time gives the map some real thematic depth and atmosphere. Much like how Unreal had towns, canyons, and temples next-door to each other, this map has the feeling of a real location on an alien world with much more going on outside than what goes on in the arena. But what's that? You don't wanna see the pretty towns? Well don't worry frag man, visuals aside, this is one balls-to-walls layout going on. Fun indeed.

The Prophet's verdict: Sexually seductive if combat makes you horny. Performance problems on lower end computers might be an issue. Easily one of the best maps in this pack. Personally I'd like to have seen a better texture pack in use. I love the original Unreal as much as the next guy, Sarevok, but not every map you make has to be on Na Pali:) Give this map a better set, better lighting, some shadow effects, and make it perform a little better for lower end systems and you'll have a true winner on your hands.

AWE: 2
BUILD: 2.5
CAST: 2.5

Rating: 7/9


Quake anyone? If random brown structures that float in an open void with 1 or more jumpads is for you, then you'll like this map. Design is simple enough for a fast paced game and the textures almost make you forget you're not playing Quake. The author did a good job keeping the elements of the theme going, the set is used superbly. The problems with this map are small but devastating. Firstly, the bot play is extremely marred by two locations (that I noticed) where bots get caught on invisible path blockers and wind up running in place (probably thinking they are Quake 3 bots. Heh. Hehehe). Also the skybox looks pretty fuggered on my PC. I'm running OpenGl (Latest) and you can clearly see the line dividers in the skybox. I know all about it because before I started using this driver I made the same kinda boxes using the same textures and I couldn't see the seams then either. but you can also see where the clouds edge off and that is no fun. Shame, cus other wise the visual looks is spot on Quake...except for random blue UT lens flares on some places. What's up with that? Also, the playerload says 2 players but you could fit 4 here.

The Prophet's Verdict: Shame about those bugs. Still should run fine online.

AWE: 1.5

Rating: 5.5/9


Like Astral, DeadlyWorship is a map set in the style of that old Unreal theme, this one being the menacing Nali Castle. This place is off the chart in theme, the author has put together a true sense of location for this one. The layout moves like a serpent, slithering all around the monitor. The interconnectivity here has to be seen, this map crisscrosses and feeds off and into itself so many times you'll never feel like you're in a new place. The upper portion of the map hides most of the stronger items and they are usually accessable via teleporter. Most maps...this would be a little wierd...but for some reason it seems to work. The map really reminds me of 2k4 in that huge-scaled environment feel that looms down at you. I wouldn't be surprised if the author made a port, I see elements here of several popular 2k4 town maps. Bots will rape you in this map. You probably are thinking, "lol Proph said rape but he really means they are good lol". Well no, I mean they will rape you. Really. My only real gripe with the place is a very slight performance stutter at spots. Nothing that hindered my gameplay obviously but lower end machines are gonna chug. I notice that the lava in the map is...well it's freakin' exploding. I dunno why but this could be a factor in performance problems, especially online. Also, some areas seem like you can access them, but get stopped by an invisible wall. And for crap's sake don't put blocking UT decorations near items, that's a deathtrap.

The Prophet's Verdict: Probably my personal favorite in the whole pack. Killer layout and killer looks make for a fun game. Beware peformance issues if your comp sucks. You know who you are.

AWE: 3
Cast: 2.5

Rating: 7.5/9


Fosser would have been a much better map if the author(s) had better experience with terrain and general layout. The problem here is that there isn't a whole lot to help navigate the place and a ton of places to snag yourself on. The main open exterior area only has too methods of access; a lift from a crypt on one end and a insanely small staircase wound around an even tighter lift in the center. The terrain caves are just too repetitive to really work. They are all angular with the same spheric crystal lights making them impossible to tell apart. I found myself getting stuck on certain up-hill cave areas. The texture use for these rocks is also pretty gnarly but far better than some of the other attempts in this pack to make terrain. Bots didn't really put up much of a fight and alot of the items felt as if they were placed like path-nodes, leading bots and players around the map in a straight line. Thematically, the map lacked any real concept of location, just terrain bits taped on each other. I played the map about 9 times to really decide how I felt about it, but in the end I found myself running into the same snag problems and easily dispatching lost bots.

The Prophet's Verdict: It is an attempt to make something, but I don't think the authors really finished what they planned to do. Sorry guys.

BUILD: 1.5

Rating: 3.5/9


Flying Killer made DM-CTC-Scios for the original CTC pack, and it was the second best map from that set (Croon being the best of the first CTC release, no competition). One thing I liked about Scios was the author's use of monsters as a decorative bonus. Phacoid is set in a very open interior location with lots of pillars, crates, and a jail, where some Nali sit behind bars. Visually, Phacoid looks good in that neatly trimmed, wide-open kinda way (Oh man I hope the NC censors stopped reading this far into the review to catch that phrasing of words). Frankly the bot play was too easy, bots are dead meat in such an open map, especially in UT1. The place has the ever famous Room-Corridor-Room theme going on and some parts feel like you're taking too long of a stroll. The halls on the outer rim, for instance, are kinda boring. The z-axis is minimal. I found Scios a better map from this author but Phacoid does have its moments.

The Prophet's Verdict: Gameplay really is on par here. The use of pillars and the way they are shaped can cause snags, especially if you're prone to running backwards while attack/dodging. They may turn off people, personally I thought they added to what would have been empty areas. Performance is clutch.

AWE: 2
CAST: 1.5

Rating: 5.5/9


I happen to know for a fact that Homeslice knows his stuff as a gamer (yeah I read your Insite Reviews and you generally know the components to a good map). I can't fathom how he ended up releasing this map as a DM. First off it is set up as a team match, or like a team match. With two cube rooms with a ton of items, ammo, powerups, and spawnpoints inside them that lead to a central cube room with a platform over harmful white liquid (sperm!?) and more guns and ammo. What the heck? You spawn in one of these two rooms with a barrage of bot enforcer bullets slamming into your face and there is a mad dash for the nearest items in sight. Those lucky enough to survive collect the spoils and run out before new players spawn (or wait on the edge of the room to spawn kill every new person who reappears HO HO HO) and make a mad dash to kill more people on the main platform before they themselves are killed or shot into the pool of killer sperm by other spawn survivors or newly spawned players. Woot? Did I miss something...was this not supposed to be a deathmatch level? I tried Team Deathmatch too but I still spawned next to opposite players.

The Prophet's Verdict: WTF? Homeslice you gotta explain this one to me dude:-) An attempted Team DM gone wrong?

AWE: .05
BUILD: 0.5
CAST: 0.5

Rating: 1.5/9


I don't see how this is a city, but it's set in a stone environment with three control points. A lower level one, a mid-level one, and an upper area one. Pretty small and good for small teams. Bots really navigate, whether they are defending or attacking other points, and will give the offline player a fast paced game. Online I imagine it will be more frantic given how close-knit the map is set. The control points are about 5 seconds away from each other so constant grab and rescue tactics will be in motion. Visually standard along with everything else I'll give this map an average rating. Good Job!

The Prophet's Verdict: Quick DOM map good for small teams. Playability and flow perfect for online romps.

AWE: 1.5
CAST: 1.5.5

Rating: 5/9


TechFoundary is more of the mainstream DOM map with control points tucked away at different ends of a medium sized map. The environment here is pretty blocky, but the theme and location is complimented with some nice touches by the author. But the place still looks a bit basic. Also I'm not a big fan of the lighting scheme, or that purple lava stuff. The map played abit more standard paced than Lost City and I enjoy DOM more when it's like this. Kudos to the good bot placement and smart item plan, really thought that was swell. There are some floor arrows placed in certain areas to help direction, very 2k4-ish and also a nice feature, though some spots could have used more highlighting. One spot had an doorway I didn't even know was there until the second round.

The Prophet's Verdict: Pretty normal DOM game here, though the architecture is a bit boxy at times.

AWE: 1.5

Rating: 5.5/9


The CTC Volume 2 pack is a pretty diverse grouping of maps. Maps like Deadly Worship, Astral, and Disconnect stand out as the real winners here, though nothing in the pack really reaches the greatness standards of, say, the best map in the 1on1 packs I've reviewed. There were some pretty bad stinkers in here too, and they really are going to kill the overall score you'll see at the review top so that's why I gave an individual rating under each review. I gotta say, if this team plans to do a 3rd, you really need to balance your maps. Having maps like Deadly Worship next to maps like Quicksilver or MidnightProphecy is really an odd grouping. A mappack should at least try to keep a general quality level and not let everyone who wants in walk in the door. Community packs like the 1on1 packs for UT1 and UT2K4 and the ORM pack are good examples. Don't be afraid to shave the shortcomings. Compiling a mappack shouldn't be a popularity contest, it should be about making good maps.

There were some maps included that I didn't review because 1) they require a seperate JailBreak Mod not included with the pack or 2) missing a file not included in the pack.

CTF-CTC-Deathscape is missing a file not included in the pack but rather than give it a zero and critically wound the score, I didn't include it. I may add it later if the team can explain the absence of the file and I can review the map.

CTF-BT-A1Breakout can be played in CTF but the map won't function properly without the needed mod/mutator.

I didn't attempt to play the JB map because I don't have jailbreak. My apologies to the author and to NC viewers who won't get a heads-up on that one.

Map Comments

01-03-2005 09:56 PM MST
It was really cool to be a part of a community project, too. Hope y'all enjoy this mappack, courtesy of the boys of Unreal Playground.

[Admin: I associated your account with the CTC account. If all is right you should now be able to edit the screenshots/descrip/etc if you or your teammates desire so]

EDIT: Hey guys, there was a bit of a problem with Fossor in the end, as I found out - there was a playerstart that was obstructed and wouldn't spawn, so I had to fix the problem myself and re-ZIP it. I'm trying to upload it to the BeyondUnreal database but it will not seem to update the file. Basically, I'm asking anyone and everyone to get the fixed version and replace the one that came with the pack (I'm leaving the name the same because, why would anyone want a map that won't start?). When I can get a legitimate download link for the updated version I will provide it to you guys.

EDIT: Get version 1.1 of DM-CTC-Fossor here:

Please replace the old version of the map with this one. Thanks.

Oh, and Kantham, I'm sorry you don't like my map. And really, to me, that's the best I felt I could do in ages - if anything else, compare it to some of my earlier works and you'll see how far I've come. I've just been so frustrated with being so bad recently that I blew my top at Unreal Playground not long ago. Oh, and the reason you 'fall' through a hole in QuickSilver is because it's a hidden trap that I created, simply by texturing a mover going down. It's supposed to be that way.

EDIT: Read the review. My maps....:-( This is the kinda stuff that hurts my mapping reputation. This is the kinda thing that made me snap at Unreal Playground not long ago. I never meant for QuickSilver to be a team DM map - I never thought of it. I'm a bit surprised at the score for Fossor - not for myself, but for Evil Blue Dude; I think his stuff rules.

Man, do I EVEN DESERVE to be with the community? This to me was the best I could do in my 4 or so years of mapping, because I now know the 2D editor....but it looks like my skill level will never mean to be....ever. Damnit.

11-23-2005 08:35 PM MST
Trigger: Trigger was supposed to be a gameplay map but the lightning sucks and destroyed part of the gameplay.

First map over 400 BSP polys.

Inurbanity: I made a shell,Homeslice took it (with my permission)and he chose the name,I made most of the architecture,I made the screenshot,he made the read me.

Ok,there's some bugs and the bots sucks but the rest was mostly good enough.

01-06-2005 03:39 PM MST
this airport look nice ,

/me dl

Edit: haha air port , *sigh*

ok , i tryed it out , from the entire pack , i can't rate it

somme map where good at visual , and somme give me the freak

like this silver map , or sommething like this ,

i hate this map , you fall from a little nowhere platform in the middle , the map is ugly imho

anyway , this pack was not good as i thought , but nice work out there¸

Edit: , wow , awesome review mr.prophet

hommeslice , don't worry about it , just get a better map , next time , and dig your brain , sould do the trick , after 4 years of mapping , i know you can

12-24-2004 04:02 AM MST
Rating: 8.5 
only played one map so far, alpine chrimbo, brilliant map, and if its anything like the last CTC mappack, the rest will be great as well!

12-25-2004 01:14 PM MST
Sarevok's map is amazing, Fosser and Quicksilver were really nice surprises and AS Dimension blew me away! Actualy I like all the maps, alot of them have grown on me! I am glad you liked my map RJGexplode!

Edit: Running my map in Open GL makes the snow texture go a flat white colour for some reason. Open GL doesnt seem to like the texture?

Hortons Who
12-24-2004 09:56 AM MST
Fun to be a part of this one. Hope you guys enjoy Caractacus. I especially recommend Killjoy's CTF.

12-24-2004 11:00 AM MST
Rating: 10 
is a 10 out 10 map!

Very good job!

12-24-2004 01:52 PM MST
Rating: 8 
Every map is cool but not the AS maps they are worthless
Srry i had 2 say that

12-24-2004 02:47 PM MST
Rating: 5.5 
A few good maps, some aren't running good, but this isn't your problem... The AS Maps suck in every point, one of the DOM Maps uses a known Layout (Cinder), some DM maps are looking like a noob has build his / her first map... but the pack is better than the last one.

12-25-2004 06:27 AM MST
There are some decent maps in this pack. My favourite goes to fragNbrag's sweet looking map, nice job! Astral looks good too but there are a few problems. The textures on the back of the arch outside are not sized/aligned properly. Aslo noticed a few bsp errors (outside by the waterfall). Keep up the good work.

Edit- change those screenies they look horrible!

Edit2- Fritz your map is not bad. I don't really like As maps but after your comment i decided to give yours a play. The map looks pretty good and it play ok as well. Prehaps you would consider making the map smaller and the objectives easier to defend (harder to achieve). Keep up the good work.

I liked Caractacus Horton, it had good game play and reminded me of my Q3A days. Keep up the good work.

11-23-2005 12:09 AM MST
First ,,let me say that I have nothing but the highest regard for MP. He is a great Unreal talent and a decent stand up guy....but lol..

I totally disagree with the dimension comments. This is IMO one of the greatest assault maps ever built.

It's funny that when someone spends months putting down a map like this that the review of it is like this but when a mapper makes a map in ONE DAY it is regarded higher.

My 2 cents worth. hats off to you. I feel like this was a mighty fine map! I hope your work with Blender is coming along. Can't wait to see some of your efforts in that area.

Some of the maps..(mine included) may not have been worthy of any kind of super praise but they were not as bad as this review makes it sound. I feel like this merely keeps mappers from continuing their craft when their efforts are downgraded. Not necessarily this review because MP explains in detail why he wrote what he did and i must admit i agree with the majority of his comments about my map.{I find it a lot of fun to play but i suppose the psychedelics got in the way of his enjoyment of it as a whole.} I am just spouting off about reviews in general. Still, i try not to let them bother me personally and i would like to offer this advice to up and coming try to keep mapping if you find it fun and try to learn from comments to become better and not give up. After all, a review is only one persons opinion and no matter might find that some people really enjoy your maps even if they get a few bad things said about them.

Okay..enough babbling on....I liked the mappack. Tons of maps. I think there is some worth noting in this pack and some not as good. But i hope the folks who downloaded it have enjoyed my efforts as well as the rest of the efforts by the CTC team. The 3rd and final map pack is out by the CTC in case anyone isn't aware. Can't wait to hear the review on that one. :)


12-25-2004 05:33 AM MST
i'm totally fine with people calling those AS maps crap and worthless. it's even good, because, as an author this makes you think : how can i do it better the next time. but just calling them crap and worthless without saying why is just easy criticism. you must have in mind that those two maps are build in more than 2 months (each) and they required more than 4 beta stages before they where considered as finished. so if you really hate a map, plz write also down why. i don't ask to write down a list with all the things that are wrong (if you'd do so i would be very happy), but one sentence with the main problem of the map is already enough. this way the author can learn from his mistakes.


12-25-2004 05:51 PM MST
Rating: 8.5 
Wow, finally. I commend the mappers at sticking it out and finished a great group of maps. Props to Fritz and Flying for taking the reins and keeping this in the "game" and uploading it.

AS maps - I bow to those who can take one and see it through to completion as well as make interesting objectives. They are few and far between and both are enjoyable. If you feel the maps "suck", I agree that you should give a sentence or two why as to help the mappers out for future projects. Just saying a map sucks doesn't do anyone any good but then again maybe you don't care.......

CTF-maps ... this pack contains both good looking and great gameflow maps

DM maps always offer some hardcore fragging and these do not disappoint.

DOM maps --- hehe okay one is mine so I am biased....and yes this map has a known layout from the original game and that was intentional....the map was however made from scratch and you should be able to easily tell was also made to have a quick learning curve and maybe make its way onto some of the UT DOM ladders still existing and offer something for the hardcore DOMmers.....EDB gives us something totally new in DOM play and I appreciate that since I am a diehard DOMmer at heart.

Haven't tried the JB make cuz I gotta reload the MOD and I ain't never played BT but I will....

Once again great job to everyone involved!!!!!

Sergeant Todd
12-25-2004 08:25 PM MST
Rating: 9.5 
The wait since CTC1 has been worth it. This pack is even better. Have played most, seen all (except the JB map) and am very impressed with the quality of this pack. WIll UT99 live forever? With this level of mapping I believe so.

Caractacus is better than anything in Q3A, and my jaw just literally dropped when I fired up Deadly Worship. What an awesome atmosphere! FraGnBraG - you're my new hero!

Homeslice - I tried to spectate Fossor with some bots but was unable to. Any ideas?

Thanks to all mappers for a great UT Christmas present.

Todd out

12-26-2004 01:48 PM MST
Rating: 5 
Sorry to sound negetive but, i didnt really like this MP. a lot of average maps, nothing all that great for me.

01-04-2005 02:21 PM MST
... *sigh*... only played throught CTF maps yet, only 2fast2furious stands (and not even because of layout, but it's better overall). Can't believe you people allowed ctf-trigger and the other by CyberCirius. Sorry man, i know it's harsh to hear people busting our hard work, but i definitely can't say these 2 i mentioned are /even/ at the average level and stay ok with myself. Those maps lack *everything* a CTF map (and a map in general, for Trigger) should be...

No JailBreak installed? Shame on you Mr_Prophet ;p ...

12-27-2004 01:45 PM MST
Spinner was a great map, can't believe you deleted it. I was great fun!

Pontius Caffienate
01-07-2005 07:26 AM MST
Some are really good but some need lots of work and have some really n00bish stuff in them like that trigger one where it's completely grey and boring.. The best was huge castle DM one, that was the best of the lot. Like DM-Gothic but bigger and more places to go.

If you do another just get better quality control

02-27-2005 02:53 AM MST
Firstly, thanks for the mappack; it is appreciated.

That being said I have to agree with anyone above who has the opinion that the quality of maps in this pack is a bit of a mixed bag. Some are above average but others aren't. On a personal note there seem to be a lot of maps in this pack which are a bit too dark; just my opinion.

Thanks anyway.....

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