CTF-LavaBridge | | Map Info |
| | File Name | ctf-lavabridge.zip | Author | ~{Milna}~Beef | Gametype | UT2k3 Capture The Flag | Date Added | 02-04-2003 | File Version | 1.00 | File Size | 1.99 mb | Player Count | 8-12 | Map Description | None | Review Rating | -- | User Rating | 2 | Overall Rating | -- |
| | | Review |
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| | Map Comments |
| Sicko Teddy 12-16-2003 08:49 PM MST | Rating: 1 | | BLUE LAVA!???!! Mhan whats wrong with you !!!!!!!
| The Purple Bunny 12-17-2003 08:31 PM MST | Rating: 3 | | Someone obviously didn't play the map, otherwise they'd know that it's not really blue, it's just a bug in Nali City's images.
I'm hoping this is a first-time map for this author, because it would make it easier to point out what's wrong here and that the lessons will stick.
First off, effects does NOT equal smooth playing. The lava in this level doesn't look like lava at all, and to make it worse, it has the wavy effect. The effect itself is poor. The lava bubbles in full thin peaks and I believe no liquid in existance does that. Secondly, lava that's flowing like this is intended to wouldn't bubble anyway, just flow quickly. Eliminating the bubbling and just making it pan fast would help a lot. Finally, a pet peeve of mine. If you're going to use lava zones, PUT SOME LIGHT IN THEM!! I really don't like falling into lava and it be as clear as water underneath the surface. Really doesn't go hand in hand with the whole "instantly burning your body to the bone" concept. Lava just doesn't work the way it's set up here.
Playability is limited. Very limited. You can only take one of the sides beside the river, using a bridge to go across. There's no reason to go across the bridge, just a weapon and ammo. Not enough to really be a good reason to expose yourself from behind the rocks and into the open where you're bound to get sniped. Flag bases aren't much either. Being in the corners of the map, your opponents can easily gather as you're getting the flag and trap you in, and pop you as you're leaving the platform up to get out. The rocks can sheild you from fire if you can get to them though. The weapons on rocks in the lava are good, but the lava itself is enough to possibly lag your system up close.
The sky box is bland. Stars and moon. That's it, along with a floor that matches the texture of the rocky surface. I would have suggested making the map as a mountain by having the sides steep down off the map and into death, but with the sides thin as they are, that would hurt the gameplay more.
Even though I've seen first-time maps that are worse, this one has a concept that could have, and should have, been done better. Assuming that this is a first-time map to begin with.