DM-TempleRuins][ is a redo of TempleRuins. TempleRuins had no bot support, but this map still has some pathing issues.
The map is medium-sized to large, depending on your point of view. I played with 15 bots and always had something to shoot at. The place is lanky, which means poor connectivity. The layout is actually better suited to single player than anything else. There's a little bit of z-axis opportunities, and underwater shootouts crop up from time to time.
The textures work was terrible. Textures were stretched out so much that they were unrecognizable, and misalignments were everywhere, not to mention the poor choices. Same thing goes for the geometry, but the texture work stands out as the big flaw in the map.
The bots did well for most of the map, and the low polys helped me to get a bead on them. A broken path isolates bots in one area, and I witnessed a suicidal bot jump into the lava pit to escape the textures from hell.
The lighting came from nowhere for most of the map, and wasn't appropriate even if there was a nearby light source. The author, Chris Airey, added some music and a couple of ambient sounds, so that was appreciated.