Now, this map is beautiful, if a car park can be that way. The theme is visually overwhelming
but the author forgot to work with the ambient sounds and echo. I really enjoyed this map as it
is very different from the wet-abandoned-factory theme being the fashion today. The map is not without
faults but fortunately none of them affects the gameplay.
The map is definitely worth the 0.9Mb download.
This is a low to medium poly map being playable on low end systems assuming that the player does not
get too disturbed by the occasional hiccups. The maximum poly count seemed to be around 250 with node
count doubling that. Average is around 90. The map is well zoned with small portals which will be very
helpful for the low end gadget owners. All the 13 player starts seemed to be in appropriate locations
not facing walls etc...
The bots do nothing special in this map. The elevators were set up as bump open timed which can
confuse the bots at times. There are jump spots to make the bots leap over the railings but I doubt
they use the longer way whenever possible. No ambushing not to talk about sniping. The coverage is decent
leaving only a few spots out of sight of the bots. The bots have access to most of the objects but the
path setup to shield belt is questionable.
The map has an average flow. The railing is vexatiously on the way at times making z-fragging a suicide
mission too often. I liked the setup as You can access almost all powerups barefoot. Only the shield
belt requires some impact jump practise.
Item placement is not too bad. They are just left on the floors but their locations are well thought out
making the illusion of scarce weapons (which is not true). The ammo is littered across the level while
some of it is located near the corresponding weapon. Maybe this is a good tradeoff. You have the health
and some vials here and there. Just keep on moving a lot and You will stay healthy.... LOL, just like
in the RealLife.... The powerups are there and they are well hidden. Maybe the invisibility is the
most powerful device especially when combined with the sniper rifle.
Architecture is very simple in this map. Although simple it is not bad at all. The stairs for example
look very good and there is quite a lot of interplay between textures and the geometry. The author
has been very liberal with semisolids and I suspect there are one or more unintentional, invisible
collisions around. The ledges and some elevator openings would have had some sort of trim, now they
look a bit plain.
The textures are well aligned and mostly they are not repetitive. However, some of the walls would have
benefited from horizontal splitting to get rid of the repetitive yellow stripes. Other than that, the textures
are exactly what You would expect to find in a carage.
Lighting is well above average being well sourced having only some minor faults. There are some spots
that have a very intense colourful light but there is no such source around. These do not look that bad
though. The light boxes have their glow set too intense (scaleglow == 1.0) and they are immersed into
the ceiling at places. In software rendering this looks bad. Other than these the lighting is perfect.
The place does not sound like a carage. There are some ambient sounds but they are way too scarce
both in diversity and actual count. A place like this will normally echo a lot. This place is well
acoustically dampened. The music track is 'Organic' from the original UT CD and it suits the map quite well.
To the author:
The lift setup was almost there. You only forgot to change the mover mode (Object->InitialState) to
StandOpenTimed which is the correct setting for lifts with no triggering. The door setup is somewhat unorthodox
yet it is operational. I would make it TriggerOpenTimed and set up the retriggering in the trigger. The
light boxes would look better if their glow would be scaled down to 0.3...0.5. Their size should also
be scaled instead of immersing them into the fixture. In the software render more this looks very bad.
The liberal use of semisolids can cause unwanted side effects. The worst being BSP erros and the less
annoying being the invisible collision hulls.
The sound setup is very important. It is the final touch to the environment (theme) and
it will bring the map alive and finally, it is cheap to render.